Title: Absenteeism
1Or, Dumping On Your CoWorkers
2(No Transcript)
3Absenteeism is absence from work without adequate
reason and/or without reasonable advance notice.
4When you are absent without adequate reason or
- Your coworker, who already has a full-time job to
do, must do your work --- and he probably won't
like it! - Patient care may be compromised.
- You probably won't get payed.
- A "nasty-gram" from the Program Director may be
put in your permanent file.
5When you need sick leave, take it!
6When you don't need sick leave, don't take it!
7When you have major abdominal surgery, don't take
sick leave appropriate for an inflamed hemorrhoid.
8When you have an inflamed hemorrhoid, don't take
sick leave appropriate for major abdominal
9You have a right to a designated amount of annual
leave. The Program and Medical Center can only
tell you when you may take it.
10You have a right to sick leave ONLY when you are
sick. The Program and Medical Center do not
tell you when you may take it but they may
specify a maximum amount and require a
physician's certification of illness to prevent
its misuse.
11Anticipated absences or anticipated instances of
starting late or leaving early must be
reported to the Chief Resident, to your senior
resident, and to the service's
secretary/timekeeper as soon in advance as