Title: Introduction of CDIO
1Introduction of CDIO To First Year Students
- In a nutshell, CDIO is a worldwide partnership
for bettering engineering education through
multidisciplinary hands on curriculum, real world
applications, and communication skills.
3What does CDIO stand for?
- CONCEIVE To identify and define real world
problems with creative thinking - DESIGN To be able to approach a problem and
outline possible solutions - IMPLEMENT To apply and verify the possible
solutions - OPERATE To optimize and improve the final
product and determine its life cycle
4But CDIO cannot be executed without
- Engineering reasoning
- Problem solving
- Teamwork
- Good communication skills
- Oral
- Written
- Graphical
- CDIO makes sure that you get all of this.
5CDIO Internationally
- Is an international collaboration to improve the
engineering education in universities worldwide - Other Participating Schools include
- US Naval Academy
- Chalmers University of Technologies (Sweden)
- Linkoping (Sweden)
- Royal Institute of Technology (Sweden)
- Queens University (Ireland)
- Ecole Polytechnique de Montreal
- Hogeschool Gent (Belgium)
- Singapore Polytechnic
- Technical University of Danemark
- University of Aukland (New Zealand)
- University of Liverpool (England)
- University of Pretoria (South Africa)
- Helps to implement the skills and knowledge that
are requirements for a graduating engineer
according the industry - Is more than learning the design process in
engineering, it also implements the softer skills
of the curriculum such as personal and
interpersonal skills threw teamwork and
communication exercises. - The skills mentioned below are developed through
workshops, active and integrated learning, and
group projects
How can CDIO benefit me as a student?
8CDIO Benefits
- It allows you to have an active role in your
education - It will make you more valuable for the companies
when you graduate
9CDIO Benefits
- It allows you to develop skills such as
- Engineering Reasoning and Problem Solving
- Experimentation and Knowledge Discovery
- Personal Skills and Attributes such as creative
and critical thinking - Professional Skills and Attitudes such as ethics
and preparation for the work environment - Teamwork
- Communication Skills
- Societal context such as regulations and
environmental issues - Design Process recognized worldwide
10CDIO Benefits
In conclusion, with the help of CDIO, you will
get the proper tools and skills to become a
prominent, effective engineer!
11CDIO Student Representatives
- There are 2 students representatives for the
Mechanical and Materials Engineering Department
elected by the students. - One in fourth year Nathalie Kubrick
- Third Year Richard Norman
- The CDIO Representatives election take place at
the same time as the MECH CLUB elections.
12CDIO Student Representatives
- Responsibilities
- Serve as a student voice between faculty and
students - Attend CDIO International Collaborators meeting
to participate on the CDIO Student Theme Group
to further inform students about the CDIO
implementation in each participating schools - Report the CDIO implementation to MECH CLUB
- Survey 2nd and 4th year students, as I am doing
right now.
13CDIO Second Year Survey
This survey is an introduction to the skills and
knowledge you will acquire through your
Mechanical and Materials Engineering degree due
to the implementation of CDIO in your curriculum.
As a student in your first year in mechanical
or materials engineering, to what level do you
believe you should be trained?
14CDIO Second Year Student Survey
- Circle one of the level of importance that you
believe you should have at the end of your
engineering degree? -
- 1. Considerably less important than the others
- 2. Less important than the others
- 3. Of average importance
- 4. More important than the others
- 5. Considerably more important than the
15CDIO at Queens
- Questions?