Title: Initiating Change
1- Initiating Change
- Building Strong Local Government
- Implementation the key issues
Peter McNaney Chief Executive 28 November 2008
2- Machiavellian quote on change
- It must be considered that there is nothing more
difficult to carry out, nor more doubtful of
success, nor more dangerous to handle, than to
initiate a new order of things. For the reformer
has enemies in all those who profit by the old
order, and only lukewarm defenders in all those
who would profit by the new order, this
lukewarmness arising partly from fear of their
adversaries, who have the laws in their favour
and partly from the incredulity of mankind, who
do not truly believe in anything new until they
have had actual experience of it. Thus it arises
that on every opportunity for attacking the
reformer, his opponents do so with the zeal of
partisans, the others only defend him
half-heartedly, so that between them he runs
great danger."
- Theory of Evolution Who survives?
- Change will be the only constant
- People resist change
- Change The Process of Transition
Change The New Frontier. A challenge and an
5Some Hard Learned Truths About Change
- Nothing happens without Leadership Political
Leadership is key to success - Nothing happens without resources
- Nothing happens without structure and clarity of
who does what process - Conflict will be a distraction and make it harder
to succeed - Sustainable Change is fair
6What is required? Elements of Successful Change
7 Local Government Reform
Leadership and Implementation Structures
Political Management
Operational Management
Strategic Leadership Board (SLB) Policy
Development Panels (PDPs)
Regional Transition Coordinating Group (RTCG)
DOE/NILGA Joint Secretariat
Council Transition Committees (TCs)
Transition Management Teams (TMTs)
8Local Government ReformImplementation Issues
- Agreed Programme of work for all elements tied
into legislative programme - Slow, Slow, Quick, Quick, Final Dash for line
- Starter for Ten
- Audit what we have
- Financial Systems
- ICT Information Systems
- Facilities and Asset Register
- Staff Transfer Scheme
- Clarify precisely what will transfer in terms of
functions, people and assets -
9Local Government ReformImplementation Issues
- What will transfer
- Planning
- Regeneration - urban - rural
- Public Realm Roads Issues
- Local Economic Development/Tourism
- Devil will be in the detail. Precisely what
functions, how many staff, what vehicles, plant,
equipment, assets, what resource will support - Context of Transfer should be placeshaping
10Local Government ReformImplementation Issues
- Key Questions
- How will transferring functions be delivered?
consultancy assignment - How much will it cost? Who will pick up the tab?
- Key principle no extra burden to ratepayer at
point of transfer - Key Task Business case to DFP
- VFM and Benefits Realisation
- Resources will dictate success or failure
11Local Government ReformImplementation Issues
- Capacity, Skills, Development
- Process for deciding what we cant agree
- Resilience and all shoulders to the wheel