Title: Maintaining a Friendship
1Maintaining a Friendship
- Keeping a positive relationship going once it has
2Skill Steps
- Recognize the friendships you are in that are
positive and worth keeping - Use positive strategies to maintain those
3What happens when you maintain a friendship
- You have someone to turn to when you have a
problem - You have someone to do things with
- You know that someone cares about you
- You may feel proud you encourage and support your
4Some Friends Arent Worth Keeping
- Unfortunately there are people who may pretend to
be your friend but they are really just using
you. - Using means to take advantage of your kindness.
- For example a girl may be nice to you at lunch
because you loan her money everyday but she wont
talk to you in the hall. She is using you.
5Some Friends Arent Worth Keeping
- There are also others who act like your friend
but try to pressure you into doing things you are
not comfortable doing. - Example a pretend friend says, If youre
really my friend, you will steal this CD for me
610 Ways to keep a friendship going
- Communicate
- Communicating when you go to the same school or
live in the same neighborhood is easy - When a friend moves away setting aside time to
communicate becomes important to maintain the
710 Ways to keep a friendship going
- 2. Be Honest
- Being honest builds trust in relationships. When
friends trust each other the friendship will be
stronger - If your friend finds out youre not being honest
then he/she will lose trust in you.
810 Ways to keep a friendship going
- 3. Be Loyal
- Be the persons friend when you are together and
when you are apart. - If your friend learns that you say bad things
behind his/her back, it may end the friendship
910 Ways to keep a friendship going
- 4. Keep secrets UNLESS someone is in danger
- If your friend asks you to keep a secret then
keep it. - However if the secret is about abuse, drugs or
hurting themselves then you need to tell an adult!
1010 Ways to keep a friendship going
- 5. Be Supportive
- Try to encourage your friend whenever possible.
You can show support with the things you say and
by things that you do. - (give compliments, offer to help, give a birthday
card, be a good listener)
1110 Ways to keep a friendship going
- 6. Be Fun and Optimistic
- Although it is important to be able to talk to
your friend when you are sad, you should try to
be fun and upbeat as much as possible. - Try to avoid being negative all the time.
1210 Ways to keep a friendship going
- 7. Remember that neither one of you is perfect
- Apologize to your friend when you make mistakes
and forgive your friends mistakes. - Nobody is perfect we all mess up at times.
- If you are looking for a friend that will never
upset you, you wont find one.
1310 Ways to keep a friendship going
- 8. Expect that your friend will sometimes
disagree with you. - No two people are exactly alike.
- You can disagree about some things and still be
friends. - When a friend has a different opinion than you
do, you can see a topic from a new perspective.
1410 Ways to keep a friendship going
- 9. Remind your friend every once in a while how
important the friendship is to you. - Now and again, say Im really glad youre my
friend - You can tell him/her in a note if you feel more
comfortable - We all need to be reminded that our friendship is
important, and we are not being taken for granted.
1510 Ways to keep a friendship going
- 10. Share your friend- dont be jealous when
he/she does things with others - Try not to be possessive, expecting your friend
to only be friends with you. - When others are around dont make your friend
feel he/she has to pay attention only to you. - Your friend may do things with other people but
also still be your friend
16Deciding if a Friendship is Worth Keeping
- Think of the friendships that you have now. Are
they supportive of you? - After you have read the 10 ways to maintain a
friendship try these strategies with people you
consider your true friends
17Maintaining a Friendship Review
- Looks Like
- Using appropriate body language
- Doing things together
- Being available when your friend needs support
18Maintaining a Friendship Review
- Sounds Like
- Saying things that are supportive
- Using a sincere tone of voice
- Letting your friend know you appreciate the
19- Friendship is the only cement that will ever
hold the world together. - Woodrow Wilson