Title: Intertanko
1Intertanko Preparing for the Unpredictable Ro
bert P. Curt ExxonMobil Marine Transportation
2Points to be Covered
- What makes the tanker market move?
- What causes oil spill legislation?
- ExxonMobils efforts to reduce these causes
- ExxonMobils oil spill record
- ExxonMobils demurrage claims initiative
- Positioning for the next event
3Tanker market responds to critical events
generally short-term rates go up
4Pre-Gulf War escalating peaks are a sign of
improved balance between supply demand
5Dealing of Wild Cards becoming more frequent
6- The late 2002/early 2003 rate jump
- Weather
- Prestige sinking
- Venezuelan strike
- War
- New/increased long haul VLCC cargoes
- Carib crude to Far East
- European/American fuel to Singapore
- Black Sea crude to Far East USWC
7Certain oil spills result in changes in
legislation, even if they are not the largest
Source ITOPF
8ExxonMobil Focus on Flawless Operations
- Rigorous vetting reduces unpredictable events
- Focus on improvements that can benefit both
charterer and owner - Flexible chartering coverage strategy based on
mix of term and spot that provides ability to
cope with unpredictable events
9 ExxonMobil Vetting Requests Have Significantly
More owners meet criteria today with far less
failing vetting
10ExxonMobil Has Significantly Improved Oil
Spill Performance of Owned and Chartered Vessels
- Our vetting affiliate works closely with owners
to assist them in - meeting improved standards
- Development of Marine Environmental Safety
Criteria - Term Business with High Quality Owners
- Oil to Water incidence rate has dropped from 1
per 100 - port calls in 1984 to .02 per 100 port calls in
11Recent ExxonMobil Oil Spill History
Continuous improvement in operated fleet
performance In 2002, operated and time chartered
fleets spilled a total of 2 barrels - Or
2.3 teaspoons spilled / 1 million gallons
12ExxonMobil Claims Processing Improvement
Problem No standard was in place for
submitting demurrage claims
- No administrative guidance
- Extensive recycling of documents
- Required great personnel effort
- Excessive delay before settlement
13ExxonMobil Claims Processing Improvement
- Shipowners and charterers working together to
improve efficiency - New clause implemented to improve claims
processing - Initial reluctance from industry
- Why change?
- This cant be good for owners!
14ExxonMobil Initiative For Efficient Demurrage
Claim Processing
- Supporting Documentation Needed
- Completed ExxonMobil Port Log
- Notice of Readiness Messages at all
ports/berths - Bills of lading for co-loads and parcels
tankers - Notes of protest given or received by vessel
- Pumping logs
- Crude Oil Washing logs (if applicable)
- Statement of facts/Port logs/ Terminal time
sheets - Agents time sheets
15Claims Processing Improvement Initiative
- Following the administrative procedure will
speed - up claims processing
- Average claims processing time has been reduced
- in half after implementation of the clause
- Although initial industry reluctance to accept
- change, results have been favorable to owners
- Charterers administrative efforts reduced
- Owner gets paid sooner
- Broker gets commission sooner
- Win - Win - Win
16Continuous Improvement
- Electronic submissions of ExxonMobil Port Log
- Electronic submission of all time logs to
further reduce complications - These initiatives will allow the analysts to
spend their time reviewing claims instead of
reentering data - Goal Get demurrage to be as standard as freight
17Where do we go from here?
- Maintain rigorous vetting programs that reward
quality vessels, owners and operators - Operate flawlessly
- Generate contingency plans for possible economic,
market, and operational risks - Maintain operational/chartering flexibility to
meet unforeseeable contingencies - The next unpredictable event will the industry
be ready?