Title: Institutional Considerations in ICM
1Institutional Considerations in ICM
- Chapter 6
- Daniel Suman
- MAF 518
2Horizontal Integration
- What are the laws, external constituencies,
philosophies, goals and objectives, jurisdiction,
and economic interests of the various sectors of
coastal users and non-users? - What institutions regulate these economic
interests? - What institutional arrangements can best
facilitate increased institutional coordination?
3Vertical Integration
- What are the different perspectives of national
and local governments? - What mechanisms can draw on the expertise of the
various levels of governments?
4National Government Perspectives
- Linked to international funding sources and
expertise - Concerned with national security and
international relations - Negotiates international agreements
- Concerned with national economic development
- Possesses authority over inter-state commerce
- Possesses technical expertise
- May be a funding source itself
- Has capability to harmonize institutional sectors
5Local Government Perspectives
- People-oriented
- Maintains local infrastructure (roads, sewers,
schools) - Concerned with local quality of life (including
the environment) - Concerned with employment opportunities
- Has local legitimacy
- Possesses local knowledge and information
6Local Government Perspectives
- Encourages new development projects that may
contribute to the tax base - Opposes unfunded mandates
- Opposes reduction of authority
- Opposes loss of discretion
7Continuum of Policy Integration from a lesser
to a greater degree of integration
- FRAGMENTATION presence of independent units
with minimal communication between them - COMMUNICATION existence of a forum or mechanism
for communication between the independent units
8Continuum of Policy Integration from a lesser
to a greater degree of integration
- COORDINATION independent units adopt some steps
toward joint organization of their actions - HARMONIZATION independent units take steps
toward synchronization of their actions guided by
explicit policy objectives, generally established
at a higher level of authority
9Continuum of Policy Integration from a lesser
to a greater degree of integration
- INTEGRATION formal mechanism for the
coordination of efforts of units that cede part
of their institutional authority. This might
imply an institutional reorganization or
10Incentives for Encouraging Inter-Agency
- Financial incentives
- Perception of a shared problem
- Shared professional values
- Perception of a political advantage
- Fora for cooperation
11Incentives for Encouraging Inter-Agency
- Reduce uncertainly
- Existence of other institutional mechanisms for
cooperation - Joint appointments
- Legislative mandates
- Demands from resource users
- International donors demand this
12Possible Institutional Arrangements
- Creation of an Inter-ministerial or Inter-agency
coastal coordination commission (council or
working group) - Assignment to an existing planning or
coordination office - Existing office/agency with an Advisory Council
- Expanded role for an existing agency, i.e.
fisheries or marine resources
13Possible Institutional Arrangements
- Expanded agency with an Advisory Council
- Creation of a new agency below the ministerial
level, possibly with an Advisory Council - Designation of an existing Ministry to serve as
the Lead Ministry for ICM - Creation of a new Ministry as the Lead Ministry
14Top-Down vs. Bottom-Up Approaches
- TOP-DOWN - Initiative begins at the highest level
of government and spreads down to users. - BOTTOM-UP Initiative begins at the user level
and stimulates the involvement of officials. - A successful ICM Program merges both Top-Down and
Bottom-Up approaches.