Title: INM
1INMs contribution toELDAS project
J.A. Parodi, E. Rodriguez and B. Navascués INM
- Three planned experiments REF,ELD,SVA, (TIL?)
- Definition of REF experiment
- Preliminary considerations
- Work on progress
- Evaluation strategy
- Time schedule
3Definition of REF experiment
- Latest reference HIRLAM version (6.2.0)
- some of the latest improvements
- No tiles (acceptable degradation!)
- 3D-VAR assimilation, 6h cycling
- Lateral Boundaries ECMWF analysis
- 0.2ºx0.2ºx31L
- SL Time Step
- Domain
- 48h forecast from 00 (or 12) UTC analysis only
4Three planned experiments
- ELD same as REF but with soil moisture generated
by CNRM - SVA same as REF but with SVA assimilation of
soil moisture (Gianpaolo)
Possibly and depending on our resources, well
run a 4th experiment with tiling structure same
as REF, but including the same land tiles as in
the HIRLAM reference system
5Preliminary considerations
- Both HIRLAM and the soil moisture generator
model - (CNRM) should use the same physiography
- Grid geometry? HIRLAM usually runs on a rotated
grid. - Minimize (or suppress) horizontal
The CNRM has provided vegetation and soil fields
(from ECOCLIMAP) for both models
ARPEGE grid ? HIRLAM grid using closest grid
point for both climate files (ECOCLIMAP) and SWI
6Work on progress
Implementation of the new physiographic
database ECOCLIMAP in the HIRLAM environment
Preliminary tests
Implementation of the SVA assimilation of soil
moisture (Balsamo) on the HIRLAM system
preliminary tests
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10Implementation of the SVA on the HIRLAM
Preliminary tests Tiled sequential
assimilation (2 integrations) REF makes
bigger soil moisture corrections than SVA REF
corrects based also on T2m and RH2m errors
not related to incorrect SM! ... ...however
SVA performs in a more realistic way.
11Evaluation strategy
- Soil moisture evolution (over the whole domain,
- over Europe, over specific regions)
- Study of soil moisture analysis increments.
- Near surface maps (T2m, RH2m) of monthly
averaged bias, - rms error.
- Verification scores against surface stations
(T2m, RH2m) - and radiosoundings.
- Surface heat fluxes
- Single grid point diagnostics
- Compare ELDAS products (precip., radiation and
heating - rates) with the corresponding HIRLAM fields
12Computation requirements
Clock time needed for 6h cycle simulation 1
hour approx. For 1 month cycle simulation
1 week approx.
13Time schedule
- First trial for 3 experiments (REF, ELD and SVA)
(1-6 June 2000) (Dec. 2003) - May ? Oct 2000 with REF exp. started (Jan. 2004)
- May ? Oct 2000 with SVA exp. started (Feb. 2004)
- May ? Oct 2000 with ELD exp. (?)
Thanks to Gianpaolo Balsamo (CNRM) Teresa
Fernández INMs Numerical Weather Dept....
16Tilling versus no tilling
17ECOCLIMAP database(Masson et al. 2003)
- Global and high resolution dataset (1-km).
- Detailed information over Europe coming from
CORINE and PELCOM projects. - Use of full resolution maps of the vegetation
index NDVI to provide the appropiate temporal and
spatial scales. - 215 ecosystems allowing a better assignement of
vegetation parameter sets. (90 over Europe) - Use of aggregation rules to derive surface
parameters at the desired model resolution and
for mixed ecosystem pixels. - It allows the tiling approach, as used by the
HIRLAM surface scheme.
18ECOCLIMAP database II(topics)
- It is highly sophisticated as compared with the
current HIRLAM physiographic description and it
allows many possible choices - Vegetation parameters (veg, lai, Zoh, Zom, alb,
Rsmin, frac, emis, ...) with monthly or decennial
(10 days) frequency. - Compatible with tiling.
- Not yet enough tested in HIRLAM system.
- Straightforward usage for lat/lon coordinates.
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