Title: Howard Gardner
1Howard Gardner
- Multiple Intelligence Theorist
- Steve Errera
- Dan Mosier
2Who is Howard Gardner?
- Born in 1943 in Scranton, Pennsylvania
- Graduated from Harvard in 1965
- Received his Ph.D. in Psychology from Harvard in
3What does he do?
- Hobbs Professor of Cognition and Education at the
Harvard Graduate School of Education - Adjunct Professor of Psychology
- Senior Director of Project Zero
- Known for his Theory of Multiple Intelligence
6 "The human being is also more than his or her
intellectual powers. Perhaps more crucial than
intelligence in the human firmament are
motivation, personality, emotions, and will. If
we are ever to obtain a comprehensive and fully
integrated picture of human beings, we need to
meld our insights about cognition with comparable
insights in respect to these other aspects of the
human being. Perhaps, indeed, a different view of
human nature will result from this activity of
synthesis." - Howard Gardner