Title: Self Assessment
1Self Assessment
2PSLN Focus The Network focus was to develop
childrens knowledge, skill and understanding of
self assessment in order to raise standards in
English and Maths. Each school worked on an
identified strand of self assessment with the
expectation that we would use each others schools
as learning places.
PSLN Network Ranvilles Infant School Ranvilles
Junior School Heathfied Special School Wallisdean
Infant School Redlands Primary School
Ranvilles Infants 2005 2006 Cohort (UAA)
12 Reading 7/9 children from
predicted end YR2 level Writing 4/9
children Maths 5/9 children
3SPEAKING and LISTENING Language is an integral
part of most learning and oral language in
particular has a key role in teaching and
learning. A recurring message from the research
into spoken language is that talk is fundamental
to childrens development and learning and has a
central role to play in developing their
knowledge and understanding. Speaking and
listening play an important role in childrens
social, emotional and cognitive
development. Primary Framework for Literacy
(PNS) 2006
4Ranvilles PROJECT work
(Fingerprints Research)
5Ranvilles PROJECT work
6PROJECT planning
8Success Criteria
In the early years classes, review enables the
children to consolidate the process and the
product of their learning .. It also
provides the opportunity for children to
celebrate their learning with their class and
teacher, and inspire others.
Ali (Early Years) We get children to
reflect upon their self initiated learning .
We also use it as a tool to get children
thinking about what they could do better or their
next steps in learning. It is also a powerful
speaking and listening tool and promotes good
questions and comments from other children. Self
evaluation really gets children to focus and
think about their own learning
Stacey (Early Years)
12 Assessment
Children are involved in self-assessment when
they look at their own work in a reflective way
and identify aspects that are good and others
which need to be improved. This as an
important part of learning.
One way of doing this is by traffic lighting,
where pupils are asked to assign red, amber and
green colours to their work to indicate their
level of confidence or understanding or
achievement or enjoyment . Self-assessment
benefits if teachers explain and demonstrate it
and ensure pupils have a clear understanding of
learning objectives and criteria of success.
John (Year 1)
Self assessment has encouraged the children
to think carefully about how they can improve
their work. It has also developed their thought
processes when considering their future
targets. They are more reflective, which means
they take an ownership of their learning. We use
thumbs when self assessing and review our work
with planning partners. This helps to organise
their thoughts.
(Year 2)
After a child finishes a piece of work, a
writing piece for example, they discuss with me
the strengths successes of that writing, and
then identify for themselves how they will make
their next piece of work even better (as opposed
to just better as I want them to see it as an
on-going process that applies to everyone).
When they've identified a target I find an
appropriate target sticker or write the target at
the top of their next clean page ready for their
next piece of work. The children then begin
their next piece of work by reading their target.
If a child meets their target for the whole of
the next piece of work then they are rewarded
with a stamp on their stamper card.
Fiona (Year 2)
- How can we be sure that self assessment has had
an impact or in fact - affected learning
- Because we viewed it as desirable for the whole
school we had no - research group and so everybody was involved.
- How could we measure the effect or its
contribution to learning ? - So we asked an unbiased third party to give us
their view..
- Personal development is very good with
significant strengths. - Pupils feel secure, are confident, happy and
settle well to their work. - They enjoy learning and feel valued.
- There is obvious respect of pupils views and
the positive relationships - result in the pupils being willing to work
and get involved. - The outstanding curriculum presents pupils with
interesting learning - opportunities which excite them and they react
very positively to the various - opportunities on offer to participate ..
- Self-evaluation is
well established in the school - and the school is
careful in judging the impact
18What next ?
- Self assessment via the VLE
- http//www.hants.gov.uk/school/ranvilles
19- At its heart ASSESSMENT for Learning is a
way of informing and involving the learners
themselves in the process of assessment. - DO YOU ?
- share the learning objectives with the learners
- plan and encourage periods of reflection on what
learning has taken place and how the learning has
taken place - encourage learners to assess their own work
- strive to build a positive climate in the
classroom so that making errors is seen as a way
of improvement, not as a record of an
individuals failure - support learners to recognise their next steps
and share criteria that outline the standards at
which they are aiming - experiment with giving feedback that supports,
motivates and enables the learners to improve - http//www.aaia.org.uk/assessment.htm
20If anything concerns me, it's the
oversimplification of something as complex as
assessment. My fear is that learning is
becoming standardized. Learning is
idiosyncratic. Learning and teaching is messy
stuff. It doesn't fit into bubbles. Michele
Forman, 2001 Teacher of the Year