Title: A1256655568jpwbX
1Urban Governance Toolkit TOOLS TO SUPPORT
Urban Governance Campaign
2Role of the toolkit in the campaign
Lessons of Experience
3Toolkit to Support Participatory Urban Decision
- Purpose
- To support the capacity building efforts of
cities and their partners to improve the quality
of urban governance - Activities
- Develop a harmonised approach to participatory
urban planning - Identify and map existing tools available to
support participatory planning - Link the tools to specific norms of good urban
governance - Support the implementation of national and local
campaign action plans
4The Framework
IPreparatory and Stakeholder Mobilization
- Mobilising Stakeholders
- Issue and City Profiling
- Identifying Key Issues
- Elaborating Issues
- Building Collaboration
- and Forging Consensus
- Formalising commitments
IIIssue prioritisation and Stakeholder
- Formulating Priority Strategies
- Negotiating and Agreeing
- Action Plans
- Designing and Implementing
- DemonstrationProjects
IIIStrategy Formulation and Implementation
- Implementing Action Plans
- Monitoring and Evaluation
- Up-Scaling and Replication
- Institutionalisation
IVFollow-up and Consolidation
5The Participatory Process and Tools which Support
- I Preparatory and
- Stakeholder
- Mobilsation
- Municipal Checklist
- Stakeholder Analysis
- Profiling
- Vulnerability Assessment
- Gender Responsive Tools
- IV Follow Up and
- Consolidation
- Monitoring Tools
- Programme Evaluation
- Institutionalisation
Participatory Urban Decision Making
- II Issue Prioritisation
- and Stakeholder
- Commitment
- Proposition Paper
- Facilitation
- City Consultation
- Urban Pact
- Stakeholder Working Group
- III Strategy Formulation
- and Implementation
- Action Planning
- Programme Formulation
- Demonstration Project
- Conflict Resolution
6Tool Presentation
How it works
Linkage with UG Norms
City Examples
7Phase 1 - Preparatory and Stakeholder Mobilisation
8Generic Samples of Profiles
9Phase II - Issue Prioritisation and Stakeholder
10Typical Outline of an Urban Pact
- To allow formalisation of negotiated agreements
between partners and concretisation of their
commitments - Preamble (background, preceding events)
- Mandates (international, national, local)
- Fundamental Principles (potentials, constraints,
ongoing initiatives, future vision) - Commitment Package (specific measures,
communication mechanisms, institutional set-up) - Resources (human, technical, information,
financial) - Monitoring and Evaluation (timing, modalities)
- Approval (date, signature of key partners)
11City Examples
- Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
- Blantyre, Malawi
- Chennai, India
- Cochabamba, Bolivia
- Colombo, Sri Lanka - 4
- Dar es Salaam, Tanzania-2
- Essaouira, Morroco
- Ibadan, Nigeria
- IRAQ - 2
- Ijebu Ode , Nigeria
- Ismailia, Egypt
- Kasserine, Tunisia
- Lalitpur, Nepal
- Lusaka, Zambia -4
- Nakuru, Kenya -2
- Petra, Jordan
- Porto Allegre, Brazil
- Quetzaltenango, Guatemala
- Siwa, Egypt
12Flexible Use of Toolkit
- Design custom-made package of relevant tools to
respond to needs of specific city, country,
organization - Differentiate between tools according to response
time - Rapid Response tools (e.g., Stakeholder analysis
Demo project) - Capacity Building tools (e.g., Profile,
Stakeholder working group) - Example of package of 5 tools Profile,
Consultation, Urban pact, Conflict resolution,
Institutionalization - Use at different levels neighbourhood small
town metropolitan area region
13Disseminating the Toolkit
- Internal HQ staff, Global Programmes, Regional
Offices, RTC project staff - External CPR and Steering Group Members
- Promotion and Testing (Sept. - Nov. 2001)
- UMP-LAC Caribbean regional seminar on
Participatory Governance for Poverty Alleviation
Dominican Republic (19-21 Sept 2001) - TUGI Regional Workshop on Participatory
Governance Malaysia (24-26 Sept 2001) - IFUP Roundtable on Participatory Planning Tools,
Marrakech (18 Oct 2001) - Citynet meeting on People Centred Cities in a
Globalizing World, Bangkok (29 Oct. - 2 Nov 2001)
14Different Formats
- Formats to suit different needs
- 1700 copies printed and being distributed
- PDF format on new UGC website (by Nov. 2001)
- Language Versions (Spanish by Feb. 2001)
- CD-Rom with PDF and interactive format (Dec.
2001) - Interactive website application being developed
(e.g., to help designing a selection of tools
from menu) - Inventory of tools in database format to be
regularly updated with inputs from partners
15The Directory /Yellow Pages
16The Database
17Inventory at IFUP4 - Marrakech
- 1. Name of the Tool
- 2. Agency which has designed the tool
- 3. Objectives of the Tool
- 4. Target group addressed
- 5. Geographical Scope
- 6. Level of application (neighbourhood/city/regio
n) - 7. Format of the tool (book/video/CD Rom/web
site) - 8. Where and when has the Tool been used ? By
whom ? - 9. Agency and partners involved in the
18United Nations Centre for Human Settlements
(Habitat)Urban Governance Campaign