Title: Canyon Crest Academy 9TH Grade Student Presentation
1Canyon Crest Academy 9TH Grade Student
Presented by the CCA Counseling Staff ?
2Agenda Items
- How to Stay Informed and Contact Your Counselor
- Tips for Ninth Grade Students
- Review High School Graduation Requirements
- Grading on the 4 x 4 schedule
- Choosing Your High School Path
- Overview of the Naviance program
- Explore the College Admissions Process (A-G list)
- Community College Option
32009-2010 Counseling Department
- Ashley Bahner Students with last
names beginning A - G - Melissa Sage Students with last names beginning
H - O - Kristen Piña Students with last names beginning
P - Z - Allyson Dexter CCA/TP Counselor
4How to Contact Counselors
- For any issues related to GRADUATION, such as
schedule changes, credit inquiries, and 504s or
IEPs, students need to contact their
alpha-assigned counselor. - For any SOCIAL OR EMOTIONAL ISSUES, students may
talk to any counselor although it is encouraged
to work with the alpha-counselor. - You may come in before school, during lunch or
after school. - You may fill out a counselor call-slip.
- You may email your counselor directly.
- Urgent concerns requiring immediate attention,
you can come in to Counseling anytime. Please
check in with the Counseling Secretary to see if
a counselor is available to help you.
5Advice for 9th Grade Students
- Listen to Daily Bulletin announcements
- Check the CCA Counseling Website frequently
- Get involved in your school (sports, clubs,
Envision Conservatory, etc) - Get to know your teachers
- Meet with your counselor and ask questions
- Use the Aeries portal
- Start to use NAVIANCE
6Pathway to High School Graduation
7High School Graduation Requirements
- 1. Complete a minimum of 230 credits
- English 4 terms 40
- Science 2 terms (Life, Physical)
20 - Mathematics 3 terms 30
- History 3 terms (World, U.S., Govt./Econ)
30 - PE 2 terms 20
- Visual/Performing Art 1 term 10
- Practical Art/CTE 1 term
10 - Electives 7 terms 70
- 230 credits
- 2. Meet Health and Algebra 1 requirement.
- 3. Pass the CAHSEE (California High School Exit
Exam) - Language Arts
- Mathematics
8Grades and Transcripts
- On the 4 x 4 schedule, you will receive two
permanent grades each term which will be posted
to your CCA transcript. - A D grade is passing for high school diploma
requirements but not for college admission. - You can review your transcript and graduation
status throughout high school by using the Aeries
9What is available in the College Career Center?
- Ms. Burton, College/Career Center Coordinator, is
available to answer college and career questions
and assist you with Naviance, a program with
career and college information, scholarship
searches, course planning and more. You can
e-mail Ms. Burton or visit her 1130 am - 330
pm, Monday Friday. - 17 computers for research and school work
- Catalogs, CDs, and various other material from
colleges - SAT/ACT/PSAT/AP flyers, guides, and prep books
10Where do I start? Naviance Résumé My
personality type - Do what you are My
Academic Plan - Four-Year PlanTo create a
Naviance account, register by entering your
6-digit school ID in the New User? box.Naviance
assistance is available in the College Career
- Choosing Your High School Path
11- Consider the following
- Interests - What do you enjoy doing
- Achievement - Grades and scores you have received
- Ability - Grades you are capable of earning
- Motivation - Course schedule you are able and
willing to take - Identifying the path you are currently on, and
comparing it to the path - you want to be on, will help guide you in choices
about Course selections for the
remainder of high school
Extracurricular activities, work experience and
internships -
- Plans for after high school
12Creating a 4-year Plan
- The most important factors to remember when
you customize your schedule are1. Include
courses required to graduate. 2. Challenge
yourself, but do not overwhelm yourself. 3.
There is no generic 4-year plan. You need to
study various - colleges using Naviance and the college
websites to find out - exactly what they require.
13Pathway to a Four-Year College
14UC/CSU College Entrance Requirements
- A. History/Social Science 2 terms (including
US/Govt) - B. English 4 terms
- C. Math 3 terms required (min.Alg.2)
4 terms recommended - D. Lab Science 2 terms required
- 3 terms recommended
- E. World Language 2 terms required
- 3 terms recommended
- F. Visual/Performing Arts 1 term required
- G. College-Prep Electives 1 term required
- Univ of Calif and Cal State Univ use the 10-11
GPA in a-g courses for admission and have test
requirements -
15Private Out-of-State College Entrance
- Admission requirements vary by institution, but
most follow guidelines similar to UC/CSU. - Use Naviance and the university websites to
determine the required coursework, tests and
admission criteria.
16Pathway to a Two-Year College(Community College)
17Community College
- No SAT or ACT test required
- Students can earn an Associate Degree (A.A or
A.S) - OR
- Students can transfer to a four-year university
to earn a Bachelor of Arts or Bachelor of Science
(B.A or B.S) degree - A few local Community Colleges
- Mira Costa (Oceanside Cardiff)
- Palomar
- Grossmont
- San Diego City College
18Off-Campus Classes
- If you decide to take an off-campus course, and
if you want the course to appear on your CCA
transcript, you must follow all of the steps
below - Speak with your counselor.
- When you are finished with the course, it is your
responsibility to have an official transcript
sent directly to the registrar at CCA. - Students can apply a maximum of 30 credits
off-campus coursework to their high school
19Counseling Website
- Lots of information can be found on our
department website, - http//teachers.sduhsd.net/cccounseling/