Title: Bez tytulu slajdu
1 Electrical separation
2Main parameter - electrical charge
3Electrical charge depends on
A. Time of life Qt Q0 exp (t/?) Q0
exp(? t/??0)
Q0 electrical charge at the moment of birth (t
0) Qt electrical charge at time t t time
? relaxation time ? conductivity(?1m1)
? dielectric constant (dimensionless) ?0
electrical permeability of vacuum (8,8541012
4B. Relative air moisture
log ? a b c a, b constant c
relative air moisture
5N - population of particles, E -intensity of
electrical field, V/m, q/m -electrical charge
per unit mass
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71-V.S.Fomienko, NTIS, US Dep. of Commerce Report,
No.JPRS-56579, 1972 lub Gupta et al., Powder
technology, 75 (1993) 79-87, 2 - Lewowski, Coal
Preparation Journal, 1993, 13, 97-105, 3 unknown
source , 4. CRC Handbook, 67th ed., 1986-87
8Force Fel acting on a charged particle in
electrical field
Fel Qt E A q E
A - surface area, cm2 q - surface charge,C/cm2 E
- electrical field, V/m
9Ways of charging (electrification)
- friction (triboelectric) - ionization (ion
bombardment) - induction - contact (dissimilar
particles) - other
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