Title: Education and Training Center of Statistics Indonesia
1Education and Training CenterofStatistics
2Organizational Structure
- More than 15,000 employees
- Challenges of capacity employee enhancement
3Training Cores
Information Technology
- Basic Statistics
- Demographic Statistics
- Economic Statistics
- GDP, IO Table, National Accounting Matrix
- Labor Statistics
- Social Welfare Statistics
- Agriculture Statistics
- Price and Distributive Statistics
- Office Automation
- Computer Technician
- Network Developer
- Database Programming
- Survey Processing
- Internet Programming
- Network Administration
- Database Administration
- Leadership Training for
- Head of
- Section
- Head of
- Division
4Place of Training Execution
- Regional Statistical Offices
- Basic Statistics Training via Long Distance
Learning - Executed annually
- Education and Training Center
- Basic Statistics Training requested by subject
matters or other Ministries - Instructors from ETC and subject matters
- Executed on demand
- Other Places
- Special subjects by subject matters
5Coverage of Training Activities
Strategic Planning, Current Statistical
Activities, Questionnaires of Training Demand
Training Needs Assessment
Syllaby, Modules, Presentation under Examined by
Senior Statisticians, Use UN-Standard
Training Materials Development
Organize training registration, participants
attendance, training facilities, accommodation,
Training Execution
Evaluate participants, instructors, organizer,
curriculum, materials
Training Evaluation
6Training Participants
- General Requirements
- Officially nominated by their superior at Level
II such as directors, head of provincial
statistical offices - Meet minimum educational background
- Work in a organizational unit which is directly
related to training subjects - Be willing to transfer knowledge for others
- Participants Organization
- Statistics Indonesia from Headquarter and
Regional Offices - Ministry of Education, Ministry of
Transportation, Ministry of Trade and Industry,
Ministry of Religious Affairs, Department of
Defense and Security - Insurance Co., Telecommunication Co.
7Training Instructors
- Instructors within Statistics Indonesia
- Experts in their respective expertise from
Subject Matters and ETC - Outsource Instructors
- For specific statistical courses such as SNA and
NHDR - From other ministries, universities, other
countries - Educational background ranging from Bachelors,
Masters, and PhDs.
8Training Evaluation
- To measure achievement of training objectives
Evaluation Stakeholders
Organization Units
Curriculum Developers
Training Organizer
9Network of Training Organizations
- The Importance
- To strengthen the capacity of training
organization in providing best services for
knowledge transfers - Expected benefits
- Exchange information about the success of
statistical development - Study current learning technology such as
e-learning - Exchange instructors and experts
- Learn from others about the best practices of
implementing such statistical activities
10Current Issues at ETC
Regional Autonomy demands more statistical
activities at Regency/Municipality Level
Need more allocated employees
Impacts On Organization
Need enhancement of employee capacity
Counter Measures
E-Learning via Digital Network
Computer Based Training
Budget Constraints
11ETC In Pictures
13Class Room
14Computer Class-Net Room
17Thank You