Title: Tribal Youth Program
1Tribal Youth Program
Program Sustainability
2Program History
- First TYP Grant 2002(community prevention)
- Second TYP Grant 2005 (meth focus)
- Meet the need of your community
4 2006-2008
- Funding
- -Other Grants
- State Funding
- State AD Prevention
- JCP Funding
- -Tribal Funding
- Gaming Revenue
6Collaboration Partnerships
- Law Enforcement
- Housing
- Education
- Social Services
- Community Coalitions
7Data Collection
- Oregon SB 267
- Why is this important to Tribal Prevention
Programs (Document Social Policies, Community
Norms) - How to fund external evaluators
- Surveys
- Protect your Data
- Leverage additional funding
8Grand Ronde Prevention Activity Survey 6th
_____Female _____ Tribal Affiliation
Non-tribal ____ This cultural activity is a
valuable way for the tribe to promote drug-free
lifestyles. YES MAYBE NO If I have had
problems with alcohol or drug abuse, this
cultural activity will make me less likely to use
alcohol or other drugs in the future. YES MAYBE
NO I havent had any difficulties with alcohol
or drugs. ______ This cultural activity
helped me see that there are many people in my
tribal community that want to live a drug-free
lifestyle. YES MAYBE NO I would like to see
more cultural drug-free activities like this in
the future. YES MAYBE NO I would like to see
other tribal community activities. (Please
describe your ideas here) Suggestions for places
or people who would benefit from this activity or
another activity like this. (Please describe
your ideas here) THANK YOU FOR HELPING
916 total Clients
10Promote Your Program
- Local Media
- Tribal Newspapers
- Use Video to Record Your Activities
11Long Term Results
- Results of Prevention Efforts
- Education
- What is next?