Title: After completing this Lesson you have learned to answer:
1Lesson 3 How drought affects livestock
- After completing this Lesson you have learned to
answer - Why most of the farmers maintain livestock?
- Explain how fodder availability during drought
affects livestock? - Explain how water scarcity impacts livestock
maintained by a farmer? - Apart from fodder and water, how drought affects
2Lesson 3 How drought affects livestock
Most of the farmers keep livestock to carry out
the farm operations and also to supplement their
food needs, in terms of milk and meat, of their
families. Any excess livestock products earn
extra money for them. So any impact of drought
on their farming activities will reflect on the
management and upkeep of the livestock with them.
3Lesson 3 How drought affects livestock
- Less or no fodder for the livestock as the crops
are adversely affected by drought. - High cost of fodder with the reduced availability
of fodder in the farms. - Increased expenses for transporting the fodder
from neighboring areas. - Unavailability or high cost of water for
4Lesson 3 How drought affects livestock
- Reduced milk and livestock products
- Forced selling of the livestock
- Cost of new or supplemental water resource
development (wells, pipelines) - Decreased health of livestock
- Higher mortality rates of livestock.
5Impacts of Drought
Virtual Academy for the Semi Arid Tropics
With this, the Lesson 3 on impact of drought on
livestock management concludes. If you would
like to check your understanding of the impact of
drought on livestock management, click Exercise
button. Next, Lesson 4 is about the economic
effects of drought. Click Lessons button to
select Lesson 4
Course on Coping with Drought