Title: The polarized target for GEn
1The polarized target for GEn
Gordon D. Cates, Jr. University of
Virginia Professor of Physics and Radiology
GEn, - October 24, 2003
2Target issues
- Snuggling up close to Bigbites fringe fields.
- Magnetic shielding
- No room for the laser hut.
- More compact laser system.
- Maintaining performance with high beam current.
- Improving polarimetry
3The solutions
- Field clamp around Bigbite
- Magnet based around an iron box
- Laser system based around a 5-to-1 combiner.
- Cell design with larger pumping chamber.
- Perhaps utilize K/Rb hybrid pumping
- Electromagnetic shielding (from the iron box) and
vibration insulation.
4Top view of magnet concept
5Bigbite and target/magnet on beamline
6Bigbite and target/magnet
7Cutaway view showing some elements of the target
8Close-up on some elements of the target
9The laser system
- Existing system
- Provides both longitudinal and transverse
pumping. - Four fiber array packages (FAPS) for longitudinal
pumping. - Three FAPS for transverse pumping.
- Total of (43)x214 beam lines.
- Optics in laser hut.
- New system
- Only one pumping direction required.
- System based on 5-to-1 combiner.
- Only two beam lines, with all optics housed on
the target itself.
10Similar laser system on noble-gas polarirzer used
for medical imaging
11Laser system
12View showing laser system together with oven and
13Laser system
14Overview of medical polarizer
15Performance summary
- Maximum input power without excessive heating
around 3x40120 Watts. - Power on oven 93 Watts.
- Homogeneity ok, but not great.
- Diffuser made by Newport Corp. may be good
alternative to Coherents new homogenizer. - 200 Watt input power not yet achieved.
16Polarimetry issues
- Field in iron-box magnet will not be easy to
scan. - AFP scans will need to be done scanning the rf
frequency and not the field. - This means, among other things, that the lock-in
will need to track a changing frequency. - Kentucky system seems to work well, but
line-shape is somewhat asymmetric. - Need to convince ourselves we understand the
signal if we want to trust it at the 2-3 level.
17Kentucky NMR apparatus
18Average of 50 water sweeps at Kentucky
19Average of 500 water sweeps at Kentucky
20Single helium sweep at Kentucky
21Rb spin destruction is a major issue when
polarizing 3He
- Slow spin exchange necessitates very high Rb
number densities 2-10 x 1014 cm-3. - Spin destruction rates mean high laser power.
- Laser power itself is less of an issue.
- High laser power brings its own problems
- Significant heating.
- Chemical effects?
- Other problems?
- New direction take advantage of slower
spin-destruction rates for K, which hence has
higher spin-exchange efficiency.
22Hybrid (K and Rb) spin-exchange optical pumping
- Potassium (K) is about ten times more efficient
than rubidium (Rb) at transferring angular
momentum from photons to 3He nuclei. - Cells containing a mixture of mostly K and a
little Rb greatly improve the efficiency with
which the light is used.
Data showing dramatically higher spin-exchange
efficiency for K (Baranga et al., PRL 80, Pg.
2801 (1998))
23What does it all mean?
- The spin-exchange rate of K with 3He is about the
same as Rb with 3He, but.. - For a given amount of laser power, you can
polarize many more alkali-metal atoms using
hybrid pumping. - It is unclear how much better performance will be
when other effects are taken into account. - But it looks promising!
24Where hybrid pumping stands
- 1998 Romalis clearly showed indirectly that K
efficiency is much better than Rb efficieny. - 2003 Walker and co-workers showed directly K
efficiency is much better than Rb efficiency. - A practical target has yet to be demonstrated.
25Status and responsibilities
- Magnet components will arrive soon.
- Assembly and testing everyone?
- Most design work remains on targets internal
components, ladder, movement mechanism, etc. - Al Gavalya working with Gordon and Bogdan
- Laser system, some questions remain, ready to
order some components. - Gordon, Jian-Ping, Bogdan
- Polarimetry many tests remain.
- Todd, Wolfgang
- Cells work just beginning.
- Jaideep, Gordon