AOD Tutorial - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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AOD Tutorial


How the analysis package is organized. What are the data objects inside an AOD ... Otherwise, kneel down and beg for mercy, and follow the instructions here: http: ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: AOD Tutorial

AOD Tutorial
  • Marcello Barisonzi

  • Welcome to the NIKHEF AOD tutorial.Hopefully
    today you will learn
  • How the analysis package is organized
  • What are the data objects inside an AOD and how
    to retrieve them
  • How to write a simple analysis and compile your
  • How to read in a collection of AOD files
  • How to steer your code in ATHENA
  • (Optional) How to generate your own MC data

  • If you followed Wouters tutorial, you should
    already have your Athena properly installed.
  • Otherwise, kneel down and beg for mercy, and
    follow the instructions here http//
  • Move to the directory PhysicsAnalysis/AnalysisComm
    on/ and get the tutorial package cvs
    -d/project/atlas/cvs co NikhefTutorial

Getting to know your workspace
  • Inside the directory NikhefTutorial, you will
    find 6 directories
  • cmt you will need to visit this directory each
    time you want to set up your environment
    variables and compile your code
  • NikhefTutorial contains the header files for your
    analysis code (silly name, its a cmt convention)
  • src contains your code
  • run contains the files you need to configure your
    analysis. Athena is usually executed from this
  • i686-rh73-gcc32-opt contains the object and
    library files obtained by compiling your code
  • CVS dont go there, kid

The analysis code
  • The code describes a class called NikhefTutorial
  • Books histograms/ntuples
  • Gets the analysis parameters and options from
  • Loops over the event data
  • Processes the event data
  • Fills the histograms/ntuples
  • In our first exercise, we will run a simple
    analysis on Z-gtee- data

Step 1 Modify the header file
  • Open in a text editor the file NikhefTutorial.h
    (located in the NikhefTutorial directory)
  • Take a look at the code structure to familiarize
    with it.
  • Class description is almost empty. In the private
    area lets create a value that will be used to
    cut on the E of the electrons /// electron
    specific cuts double m_etElecCut
  • And lets create pointers to a few histograms
    IHistogram1D m_h_elecn IHistogram1D

Step 2 Inspect source code
  • Editor the file NikhefTutorial.cxx (located in
    the src directory)
  • Every analysis should have four methods
    (functions) in it
  • The constructor NikhefTutorial()which is used to
    initialize the analysis parameters
  • The function initialize()which is used to book
    the histograms and to retrieve the data files
  • The function execute()which is used to loop over
    the histograms and to retrieve the data files
  • The function finalize()which is used to cleanup,
    post-process the data, etc.
  • On top of that, we can add as many functions as
    we want, provided we declare them in the header
  • All functions (except the constructor) must
    return a StatusCode

Step 3 Modify the constructor
  • In NikhefTutorial() lets add the following
    lines of code
  • declareProperty("ElectronContainer",
  • declareProperty("ElectronEtCut", m_etElecCut
  • The declareProperty() function is used to inform
    Athena that our analysis object has parameters
    that can be initialized at run-time
  • Here we assign some default values to the
    variables m_electronContainerName and m_etElecCut
    (defined in the header file), which will be known
    in Athena with the names"ElectronContainer" and
    "ElectronEtCut ".
  • Please note the use of the conversion factor GeV.

Step 4.1 Basic Services
  • In the initalize() function we see how our
    analysis can connect to basic services in Athena
    the message service (useful for debugging) and
    the StoreGate (which contains the data)
  • MsgStream mLog( messageService(), name() )
  • mLog ltlt MSGINFO
  • ltlt "Initializing NikhefTutorial"
  • ltlt endreq
  • StatusCode sc service("StoreGateSvc",
  • if (sc.isFailure())
  • mLog ltlt MSGERROR
  • ltlt "Unable to retrieve pointer to
  • ltlt endreq
  • return sc

Step 4.2 Booking histograms
  • Lets tell the analysis to book the histograms
    (no dangling pointers or our code will crash)
  • m_h_elecn histoSvc()-gtbook("/stat","elec_n",
    "Number of electrons",10,0,10)
  • m_h_elecpt histoSvc()-gtbook("/stat","elec_pt",
  • Please note the use of the conversion factor here
  • Finally, lets close our routine with the return
    codereturn StatusCodeSUCCESS

Step 5.1 Data containers
  • In execute() lets first get the handle to the
    message service, then lets add the following
  • const ElectronContainer elecTES
  • scm_storeGate-gtretrieve( elecTES,
  • if( sc.isFailure() !elecTES )
  • mLog ltlt MSGWARNING
  • ltlt "No AOD electron container found in
  • ltlt endreq
  • return StatusCodeSUCCESS
  • mLog ltlt MSGDEBUG ltlt "ElectronContainer
    successfully retrieved" ltlt endreq
  • We have just told the analysis object to get the
    electron collection from StoreGate and make it
    available through the pointer ElectronContainer
  • Since we previously declared m_electronContainerNa
    me in declareProperty(), it is user-definable.

Step 5.2 - Iterate over the data
  • Get the iterators over the container
  • ElectronContainerconst_iterator elecItr
  • ElectronContainerconst_iterator elecItrE
  • And loop
  • for ( elecItr ! elecItrE elecItr)
  • You can access Electron methods in two ways.
  • The first way is to create a const pointer to an
    electron and dereference the iterator
  • const Electron thisEle elecItr
  • The second way is to dereference the iterator and
    then access the electron methods. But you need
    some ()'s
  • (elecItr)-gtpt()
  • Lets fill now some histograms
  • m_h_elecpt-gtfill( (elecItr)-gtpt(), 1.)
  • If you want, you can use a selection cut
    if((elecItr)-gtpt()gt m_etElecCut))

Whats inside a container? Basic stuff
  • double px()
  • double py()
  • double pz()
  • double m()
  • double p()
  • double eta()
  • double phi()
  • double e()
  • double et()
  • double pt()
  • double iPt() // Inverse Pt
  • double cosTh()
  • double sinTh()
  • double cotTh()
  • HepLorentzVector hlv()

but theres more!!!
  • EoverP 0,
  • etcone 1,//lt! ET in a cone of R0.45 in em
  • etcone20 2,//lt! ET in a cone of R0.20 in em
  • etcone30 3,//lt! ET in a cone of R0.30 in em
  • etcone40 4,//lt! ET in a cone of R0.40 in em
  • emWeight 5, //lt! PDF weight for electron
  • pionWeight 6, //lt! PDF weight for pion
  • // Enum's for egamma
  • etaBE2 7,
  • et37 8,
  • e237 9,
  • e277 10,
  • ethad1 11,
  • weta1 12,
  • weta2 13,
  • f1 14,
  • e2tsts1 15,
  • emins1 16,
  • wtots1 17,//lt! total width in em sampling 1
    in 20 strips
  • // Kinematic Related Accessor functions
  • int isEM() const return m_isEM
  • bool hasTrack() const return m_hasTrack
  • const RecTrackParticle track() const
  • return ((m_hasTrack) ? (m_track) 0)
  • double z0wrtPrimVtx() const
  • double d0wrtPrimVtx() const
  • int numberOfBLayerHits() const
  • int numberOfPixelHits() const
  • int numberOfSCTHits() const
  • int numberOfTRTHits() const
  • int numberOfTRTHighThresholdHits() const
  • I found them browsing through the source code,
    hopefully documentation is available somewhere?

Step 6 - Setting up and compiling
  • In the cmt directory you can perform three tasks
  • cmt config type this only when you install a new
    package (once in a lifetime)
  • source setup.csh type this every time you log in
    on a new shell (once per day)
  • gmake type this when you modify your analysis
    code (once every five minutes)if you have
    several packages to compile, you can use cmt
    broadcast gmake
  • Now enter your cmt directory and perform these
    tasks in the given order.

Step 7 The jobOptions file
  • In the run directory the file NikhefTutorial_jobOp contains the necessary parameters to run
    the analysis
  • These lines below tell Athena to load our
    analysis. From this moment on we can set the
    analysis parameters by modifying MyAlgorithm
  • theApp.Dlls "NikhefTutorial"
  • theApp.TopAlg "NikhefTutorial"
  • MyAlgorithm Algorithm( "NikhefTutorial" )
  • For example we can modfiy the selection cuts or
    the container name (NOT!)
  • MyAlgorithm.ElectronContainer
  • MyAlgorithm.ElectronEtCut 10.0GeV
  • The list of sample files is included in the file which is included by
  • Read in the AOD from POOL files
  • include( "" )

Step 8 Run
  • In the run directory,
  • Your analysis should be running without any
    problems (I hope) and output your histograms in
    the file myHisto.root (name can be modified in
    the jobOptions file too)
  • And heres one I prepared earlier

Exercise Two
  • In this second exercise, we will analyze ttbar
  • You will learn how to
  • Loop over jets
  • Reconstruct neutrino from missing Et
  • Work with permutations and combined particles
  • This exercise is quite hard. Dont feel
    frustrated if you cannot finish in time
  • You can check how Wouter solved this problem on
    his Wiki page

The ttbar channel
  • The ttbar channel contains a leptonic and a
    hadronic branch, which have to be reconstructed
  • In the leptonic branch, you reconstruct a W from
    a lepton and a neutrino (missing energy)
  • In the hadronic branch, you reconstruct a W from
    a jet pair
  • Hint to select between several jet permutations,
    choose solution that minimizes M_Wlepton -
  • Once the Ws are reconstructed, match them with
    b-jets to reconstruct top mass
  • This means you need 4 jets (2 b-tagged), one
    lepton and missing Et
  • You choose your cuts and your histograms

The containers
  • You have to get the following containers (see
    step 5.1 previous exercise) to do your analysis
  • ElectronCollection
  • MuonCollection
  • ParticleJetContainer ()
  • BCandidates ()
  • MET_Calib
  • Use the declareProperty() fucntion to make them
    available in Athena
  • () Are going to change from version 10.0.0

Leptonic W pt. I
  • We are going to write a method NikhefTutorialwln
    () that will be called inside execute()
  • Get the missing Et and store it in private
  • const MissingET _pMissing
  • sc m_storeGate-gtretrieve(_pMissing,_missingEtObj
  • if (sc.isFailure())
  • mLog ltlt MSGERROR ltlt "Could not retrieve
    MissingET Object" ltlt endreq
  • return sc
  • _pxMiss _pMissing-gtetx()
  • _pyMiss _pMissing-gtety()
  • _ptMiss _pMissing-gtsumet()
  • Loop over Electrons and/or Muons (see step 5.2
    from previous example) (call me when you arrive
    at this point)

Leptonic W pt. II
  • For each lepton and for the given missing Et, you
    can use the function NeutrinoUtilscandidatesFro
    mWMass() to calculate the Pt of the neutrino, and
    store the two solutions in a container
  • ParticleBaseContainer _neutrinoContainer
  • new ParticleBaseContainer()
  • for ( leptonItr ! leptonItrE leptonItr)
  • bool findNeutrino NeutrinoUtilscandidatesF
    romWMass((leptonItr), _pxMiss,
  • _pyMiss, (_neutrinoContainer))
  • if (findNeutrino)
  • ParticleBaseContainerconst_iterator
    neutrinoItr _neutrinoContainer-gtbegin()
  • ParticleBaseContainerconst_iterator
    neutrinoItrE _neutrinoContainer-gtend()

Leptonic W pt. III
  • Now, we need to loop over all the leptons and the
    neutrinos (hint nested loops) and sum them in
  • Each pair will be stored in an object called
    CompositeParticle which represents our W
  • CompositeParticleltParticleBaseContainergt Wln
  • new CompositeParticleltParticleBaseContainer
  • Wln-gtadd(leptonTDS,(leptonItr))
  • Wln-gtadd(_neutrinoContainer,(neutrinoItr))

Leptonic W pt. IV
  • If you want to fill an histogram with the W mass,
    you need to retrieve the event weight first
  • const McEventCollection mcCollPtr
  • if ( m_storeGate-gtretrieve(mcCollPtr,
    "GEN_AOD").isFailure() )
  • mLog ltlt MSGERROR ltlt "Could not retrieve
    McEventCollection" ltlt endreq
  • return StatusCodeFAILURE
  • McEventCollectionconst_iterator evt
  • const HepMCGenEvent ge (evt)
  • const HepMCWeightContainer wc
  • _nt_weight wc.front()
  • Best place to put this code at the beginning of

Leptonic W pt. V
  • With those recipes you should be able at least to
    reconstruct the leptonic W. Try running it!
  • Add some cuts or quality tests if you wish
  • Before you run, modify the NikhefTutorial_jobOptio
  • In particular, to read the correct data files,
    change this line
  • include( "" )
  • With this one
  • include(" )
  • Do a soft link to the data directory
  • ln s /project/atlas/users/ivov/Rome_project/MCatN

Hadronic W pt. VI
  • We are going to write a method NikhefTutorialwjj
    () that will be called inside execute()
  • For this, you need to retrieve the jet container
  • const ParticleBaseContainer jetTDS
  • scm_storeGate-gtretrieve( jetTDS,
  • if( sc.isFailure() !jetTDS )
  • mLog ltlt MSGWARNING
  • ltlt "No AOD qg jet container found in
  • ltlt endreq
  • return StatusCodeSUCCESS
  • Hint it would be a good idea to check how many
    jets are present in the container by using

Hadronic W pt. VII
  • There are several jet combinations available.
    Luckily, the built-in analysis tool Combination
    builds them for us
  • AnalysisUtilsCombinationltconst
    ParticleBaseContainergt comb(jetTDS,2)
  • We can then get a list of jet pairs
  • stdvectorltconst ParticleBaseContainerbase
    _value_typegt jj
  • while (comb.get(jj))
  • double mjj (jj0-gthlv()jj1-gthlv()).m()
  • And if the mass is close to mW, reconstruct the
  • if ( fabs(mjj-mW) lt _deltaMjj )
  • CompositeParticleltParticleBaseContainergt Wjj
    new CompositeParticleltParticleBaseContainergt()
  • Wjj-gtadd(jetTDS,jj0,jj1)

Matching b-jets pt. VIII
  • Create two ParticleBaseContainer in the base
  • Edit wjj() and wln() to store the W candidates
  • m_WjjContainer-gtpush_back(Wjj)
  • Write in a new function bJetMatching()
  • Retrieve the b-jet container
  • Reject the events if there are less than 2 b-jets
    or there are no W candidates
  • Check all the possible b-jet permutations
  • Choose the one with the best ?2
  • Fill histograms
  • Tutorials over biertje?

Permutations pt. IX
  • Luckily, the built-in tool Permutation returns us
    all possible permutations of our b-jets
  • AnalysisUtilsPermutationltconst
    ParticleBaseContainergt permute(bjetTDS,2)
  • Then we can store the permutations in a vector
  • stdvectorltconst ParticleBaseContainerbase_v
    alue_typegt bb
  • And loop over all permutations
  • while (permute.get(bb))

Chi-square test pt. X
  • For every permutation, iterate over the W
    candidates, and select the two candidates that
    give the best ?2 result, or design your own
    selection strategy.
  • Then make two CompositeParticles out of the best
  • CompositeParticleltParticleBaseContainergt jjb
    new CompositeParticleltParticleBaseContainergt()
  • CompositeParticleltParticleBaseContainergt lnb
    new CompositeParticleltParticleBaseContainergt()
  • jjb-gtadd(_WjjContainer,(wjjItr))
  • jjb-gtadd(bjetTDS,bb0)
  • lnb-gtadd(_WlnContainer,(wlnItr))
  • lnb-gtadd(bjetTDS,bb1)
  • You can now fill the histograms with the two
    reconstructed top masses

Final result
thats all, folks!
  • Now, for the more adventurous of you, try
    checking Wouters ttbar package
  • http//
  • Or try Ivos tutorial on MC generation of AOD
  • http//
  • Or search through the jungle of Athena
  • https//
  • There are millions of events waiting for you on
    the GRID
  • We will move to Athena 10.x soon, information on
    this tutorial might become outdated
  • Get your analysis ready for Rome!
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