Title: M3: ProDiver 525
1Kavita Arora (M3-1) Lisa Gentry (M3-2) Steven
Wasik (M3-3) Karolina Werner (M3-4)
Stage 2 Feb 04 Size Estimates/ Floor Plan
Design Manager Steven Beigelmacher
Overall Project Objective To design a chip for a
SCUBA diver that does real-time calculations to
warn the diver of safety concerns including
decompressions sickness and lung overexpansion.
- Specification definition (done)
- Architecture
- Matlab Simulation (done)
- Verilog Simulation (done)
- Hardware diagrams (done)
- Verification of Verilog - Gate Level (done)
- Floorplanning (done)
- Gate level design schematic (next week)
- ROMs (next week)
- Critical Path Estimation (next week)
- Still have a long way to go
3Design Decisions
- We will use a nor based pre-charged rom
- We fixed the time to flight module to be more
4Overall Architecture (final)
5Pressure Calculator Module
6Time Left Module
7ROM (nor based pre-charged)
This is our ROM for The time to flight module
8Verilog Verification (gate level)
SCENERIO diver goes 80 feet for 35 min, 40 feet
for 20 min, 0 feet for 40 min
MATLAB depthvector 80ones(1,6035)
40ones(1,6020) 0ones(1,6040) bodyvector,out
pressurecalculator(depthvector) bodyvector(603
5) ans 25.5304 bodyvector(6055) ans
28.3850 bodyvector(6095) ans 18.2900
VERILOG time 2,safetywatch
0 Test where the user will go down to 80 feet for
35 minutes, then 40 feet for 20 minutes, then 0
feet 40 minutes time
6090,safetywatch 1 time
6305,pres25,depth 80 time
9054,safetywatch 2 time
9908,pres28,depth 40 time
10272,safetywatch 1 time
12165,safetywatch 0 time
17110, pres18,depth 0
9Transistor Estimates (last week)
- Get K 80
- Pressure Calculator 5000
- Ascension Watcher 200
- Time to Flight 1500
- 1 Get Max 800
- Time Left 2500
- Bottom Time 1000
- Overhead Control Logic 1500
- TOTAL 12580
10Actual Transistors
MODULE transistors SUBMODULES ( transistors) SUBMODULES ( transistors)
Get K 926 Control logic (68) 3 7-bit comparators (858)
Pressure Calculator 3648 2C to SM conv, 9 ,26 (1162) Multiplier, 8 by 4 (912) Register, 25 bit (400) Subtractor, 9 bit (324) Adder, 25 bit (850)
Safety Watch 656 3 5-bit comparators (642) Control logic (14)
Ascension Watch 1564 6 registers, 8 bit (768) Subtractor, 9 bit (324) Comparator 8 bit (322) 2C -gt SM conversion, 9 bit (144) Control logic (6)
Bottom Time 1852 Registers, 8 bit and 17 bit (400) 3 8 bit subtractors (864) Addone 4 bit, 17 bit (294) Comparator 5 bit (214) Control logic (80)
Time to Flight 1836 ROM (64), demux (308) Register, 17 bit (272) Minus1, 17 bit (272) GetMax, 17 bit (920)
Max Depth 596 Register, 8 bit (128) GetMax, 8 bit (468)
Time Left 2026 Register, 8 bit x 2(256) subtractor, 8 bit x 2 (576) ROM (160), demux (724) Control logic- muxes (310)
TOTAL 13104
11Realistic Area Estimates
Module Dimensions Total Area (?m2)
Get K 64 x 80 5120
Pressure Calculator 188 x 120 22560
Safety Watch 80 x 48 3840
Ascension Watch 144 x 80 11520
Bottom Time 156 x 76 11856
Time to Flight 134 x 67.5 9045
Max Depth 48 x 64 2560
Time Left 108 x 96 10368
76869 ?m2 total for modules
12Floorplans Size Estimates
13Floorplans Individual Modules
14Floorplans Individual Modules
15Floorplans Individual Modules
16Floorplans Individual Modules
17Floorplans Individual Modules
18Floorplan Whole Thing
Total Size 92,160 microns square
.092 mm2 Overall density
(w/o routing) 76869/
92160 83 Aspect Ratio
320/288 1.111111
19Wiring Conventions
- Metal 1 to be used to wire small components
horizontally - Metal 2 to be used to wire small components
vertically - Metal 3 Interconnect for bigger modules
- Metal 4 Overall Interconnect (when M3 cant be