Title: A1256656645DLQtF
1Batching deteriorating items
Mikhail Y. Kovalyov
Belarusian State University, Minsk
Joint work with F. Al-Anzi and A. Allahverdi
- Introduction.
- Parallel machine problem.
- Fractional relaxation and Arithmetic-Geometric
Mean (Cauchy) inequality. - Optimal solution almost equal batch sizes.
- Single machine work-rework problem.
- Optimality of Last Come First Served rule.
- Fractional relaxation and AG Mean inequality.
- Optimal solution almost equal batch sizes.
- Conclusion.
21. Introduction.
Batching identical items (first part of decision
N items
Batch sequencing on a single machine (second part
of decision making)
Setup time, setup cost
Setup time, setup cost
Setup time, setup cost
Sequential item processing, item availability.
Parallel batch processing with machine activation
costs (second part of decision making)
Each batch is assigned its own machine, so 4
batches -gt 4 machines.
Setup time, setup cost
Setup time, setup cost
Setup time, setup cost
Setup time, setup cost
Sequential item processing, item availability.
- Surveys on batch scheduling
- A. Allahverdi, J.N.D. Gupta, T. Aldowaisan, A
review of scheduling research involving setup
considerations, OMEGA 27 (1999) 219-239. - 2. C.N. Potts, M.Y. Kovalyov, Scheduling with
batching a review, - European Journal of Operational Research 120
(2000) 228-249. - Surveys on scheduling with start time dependent
processing times - B. Alidaee, N.K. Womer, Scheduling with time
dependent processing times Review
and extensions, Journal of the Operational
Research Society 50 (1999) 711-720. - 2. T.C.E. Cheng, Q. Ding, B.M.T. Lin, A concise
survey of scheduling with time-depen- dent
processing times, European Journal of Operational
Research 152 (2004) 1-13.
62. Parallel machine problem.
Item positions
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Machine (batch) 1
Machine (batch) 2
Machine (batch) 3
Start time dependent processing times p(t)atb
and costs c(t)ctd.
p1as0b, p2a(s0p1)b(1a)p1, ,
pj(1a)j-1p1 c1cs0d, c2c(s0p1)dc1cp1,
, cjc1cp1((1a)j-1-1)/a
Objective CTCaCmaxßTC
TC total machine activation and job processing
7Parallel machine problem.
- Literature on scheduling with machine activation
costs - D. Cao, M.Y. Chen, G.H. Wan, Parallel machine
selection and job scheduling to minimize machine
cost and job tardiness, Computers and Operations
Research - 32 (2005) 1995-2012.
- 2. G. Dosa, Y. He, Better online algorithms for
scheduling with machine cost, - SIAM Journal on Computing 33 (2004)
1035-1051. - 3. Y. He, S.Y. Cai, Semi-online scheduling with
machine cost, - Journal of Computer Science and Technology 17
(2002) 781-787. - 4. Y.W. Jiang, Y. He, Preemptive online
algorithms for scheduling with machine cost, - Acta Informatica 41 (2005) 315-340.
- 5. S.S. Panwalkar, S.D. Liman, Single operation
earliness-tardiness scheduling with machine
activation costs, IIE Transactions 34 (2002)
8Parallel machine problem.
3. Fractional relaxation and Arithmetic-Geometric
Mean (Cauchy) inequality
k number of batches, x1,,xk batch sizes,
?i1k xiN.
A10, A20 A3 0
A10, A20 A3 0
A1max1ik(1a)x_iA2?i1k(1a)x_i A3kA4 .
AG Mean inequality (Auguste Cauchy (1789-1857),
see G. Hardy, H. Littlewood, G. Polya,
Inequalities, Cambridge University Press, 1934)
(y1yk)/k (y1yk)1/k, for any non-negative
k (1a) (? x_i)/k k(1a)N/k and
max1ik(1a)x_i (?i1k(1a)x_i)/k (1a)N/k
9Parallel machine problem.
? CTC(x1,,xk) A1(1a)N/kA2k(1a)N/k-A3kA4.
? If batch sizes are allowed to be fractional
(rational) numbers ?
k min A1(1a)N/kA2k(1a)N/k-A3k, subject to
? O(N)
or O(log N) by a three-section search if almost
Optimal fractional solution each of the k
batches contains N/k items.
10Parallel machine problem.
4. Optimal solution almost equal batch sizes.
Given k and a feasible solution (x1,,xk) let
xiN/kzi, i1,,k.
A3kA4 .
Denote rN-kN/k. We have r 0,1,,k-1.
Problem P1 Minimize max1ik(1a)z_i, s.t.
?i1kzir, zi Z.
Problem P2 Minimize ?i1k (1a)z_i, s.t.
?i1kzir, zi Z.
Theorem 1 There exists an optimal solution for
both problems P1 and P2 such that zi 0,1,
Corollary If N/k is not integer then xi N/k,
i1,,r, and xiN/k, ir1,,k.
11Parallel machine problem.
Optimal number of batches
k min F(k) C1(1a)N/kC2((N-kN/k)(1a)N/k
k, subject to k1,,N
C10, C20 C3 0
? O(N)
or O(log N) by a three-section search if almost
125. Single machine work-rework problem.
Work operations
Rework operations
1 2 v
i1 i2
? 1st def.
? xth def.
waiting time t for rework
A batch with x defective items reworked in the
order i1,,ix.
N total number of items, Nvn, n number of
defective items (x batch size).
Waiting time dependent rework times p(t)atb
and costs c(t)ctd.
Objective CRCaCmaxßRC
RC total setup and rework cost.
13Single machine work-rework problem.
- Literature on scheduling work and rework
processes - M. de Brito, R. Dekker, Reverse logistics a
framework. In R. Dekker, M. Fleischmann, K.
Inderfurth and L. N. van Wassenhove (eds.),
Reverse Logistics - Quantitative Models for
Closed-Loop Supply Chains, Springer, 2004, 3-27. - S.D.P. Flapper, J.C. Fransoo, R.A.C.M.
Broekmeulen, K. Inderfurth, Planning and control
of rework in the process industries a review,
Production Planning Control 1 (2002) 26-34. - K. Inderfurth, A. Janiak, M.Y. Kovalyov, F.
Werner, Batching work and rework pro-cesses with
limited deterioration of reworkables, Computers
and Operations Research 33 (2006) 1595-1605. - K. Inderfurth, M.Y. Kovalyov, C.T. Ng, F. Werner,
Cost minimizing scheduling of work and rework
processes on a single facility under
deterioration of reworkables, Interna-tional
Journal of Production Economics 2006, to appear. - K. Inderfurth, G. Lindner, N.P. Rahaniotis,
Lotsizing in a production system with rework and
product deterioration, Preprint 1/2003, Faculty
of Economics and Manage-ment, Otto-von-Guericke-Un
iversity Magdeburg, Germany, 2003. - K. Inderfurth, R.H. Teunter, Production planning
and control of closed-loop supply chains. In
V.D.R. Guide Jr. and L.N. van Wassenhove (eds.),
Business perspectives on closed-loop supply
chains, Carnegie Mellon University Press, 2003,
14Single machine work-rework problem
6. Optimality of Last Come First Served rule.
Work operations
Rework operations
1 2 v
i1 i2
? 1st def.
? xth def.
Will be reworked first
waiting time for rework
Solution the number of batches k, batch sizes
x1,,xk and the processing order of defective
items in each rework sub-batch.
Lemma 1 It is optimal to rework defective items
in the reversed order of their processing at the
work stage. Proof By the interchange technique.
15Single machine work-rework problem
7. Fractional relaxation and AG Mean inequality
k number of batches, x1,,xk batch sizes,
?i1k xin.
AG Mean inequality
D1 R, D2 0
CRC(x1,,xk) D1kD2k(1a)n/kD3.
? If batch sizes are allowed to be fractional
(rational) numbers ?
k min D1kD2k(1a)n/k, subject to k1,,n
or O(log n) by a three-section search if almost
Optimal fractional solution each of the k
batches contains n/k defective items reworked
according to the rule Last Come First Served.
16Single machine work-rework problem.
8. Optimal solution almost equal batch sizes.
Given k, denote qn-kn/k. We have q
Statement If n/k is not integer, then xi n/k,
i1,,q, and xin/k, ir1,,k.
E1 R, E2 0
Optimal number of batches
k min G(k) E1kE2((n-kn/k)(1a)n/k
subject to k1,,n
? O(n)
or O(log n) by a three-section search if almost
179. Conclusions.
- The AG Mean inequality was used to reduce
parallel machine problem and single machine
work-rework problem to minimizing a function of
one variable k being the number of batches. - In an optimal solution of either problem, there
are at most two batch sizes obtained by rounding
down and rounding up the total number of
(defective) items divided by the optimal number
of batches k. - The study of more complex objective functions
that include, for example, inventory holding and
shortage costs, is an interesting topic for
future research, as well as the consideration of
other processing environments. - Open questions
- Are functions F(k) and G(k) almost unimodal?
- Are they almost unimodal in some interesting
special cases?