Title: Municipal Cultural Planning
1Municipal Cultural Planning
Thursday, June 5th, 2008 Halton Hills, Ontario
2Why Municipal Cultural Planning Why Now?
Municipal Cultural Planning Partnership
- Place matters
- Business and investment follow people
- New strategies to drive local economic development
The Creative Economy
3Municipal Cultural Planning Partnership
- The creative class thesis
- there is a new global competition for
talent economic competitiveness revolves
around the ability to mobilize, attract and
retain human creative talent - Richard Florida, The Rise of the Creative
4Why Municipal Cultural Planning Why Now?
Municipal Cultural Planning Partnership
- To increase their capacity for wealth generation,
cities must build culturally rich urban
environments by creating plans that integrate
concern for place, culture and economy - MCP is a powerful tool for this integration
5What is Municipal Cultural Planning?
Municipal Cultural Planning Partnership
- The strategic and integrated planning and use of
cultural resources in economic and community
development.Colin Mercer (1995)Cultural
Planning Handbook. Australia - Vision Sustainable place-based wealth creation
6What is Municipal Cultural Planning?
Municipal Cultural Planning Partnership
- Place-Based
- Whole System
- Fourth Pillar of Sustainability
7Municipal Cultural Planning Partnership
- Place-making/
authenticity - When every places looks the same, there is no
such thing as place anymore. Municipal cultural
planning can help combat the geography of
nowhere. - Glen Murray, Principal, The Glen Murray Group
8Municipal Cultural Planning Partnership
- Whole-System
- Evidence of what makes a successful place
emphasizes the importance of the synergies among
the economic, social, environmental and cultural
dimensions of sustainable community strategies. -
- From Restless Communities to Resilient Places,
External Advisory Committee on Cities and
9Municipal Cultural Planning Partnership
- The fourth pillar of sustainability
- Cultural vitality is as essential to a healthy
and sustainable society as social equity,
environmental responsibility and economic
viability. - Jon Hawkes, The Fourth Pillar of Sustainability
- Cultures Essential Role in Public Planning
10MCP Fundamentals
Municipal Cultural Planning Partnership
Phase 1 - Start-Up
Phase 2 - Where Are We Now? Community Assessment
Cultural Mapping
Phase 3 - Where Do We Want To Be? Community
Phase 4 - How Do We Get There? Strategies
Phase 5 - Governance and Implementation
Greg Baeker, Introduction to MCP, 2008
11Municipal Cultural Planning Partnership
- Phase 1 - Start-Up
- Establish project Steering Group
- Clarify project goals and priority outcomes
- Conduct initial SWOT analysis
12Municipal Cultural Planning Partnership
- Phase 2 - Where Are We Now?
- Community Assessment Cultural Mapping
- Locate and review relevant municipal
- plans, policies strategies, research reports
- Launch Cultural Mapping
- Prepare Discussion Paper
13Municipal Cultural Planning Partnership
- Phase 3 - Where Do We Want To Be? Community
Consultations - Conduct interviews focus groups
- Deploy community identity survey
- Convene community forums
14Municipal Cultural Planning Partnership
- Phase 4 - How Do We Get There?
- Strategies Actions
- Synthesize consultation results, draft
- Municipal Cultural Plan
- Present to council and the community
15Municipal Cultural Planning Partnership
- Phase 5 - Governance Implementation
- Establish Cultural Governance System
- Implement and monitor plan
16Possible Funding Source
Municipal Cultural Planning Partnership
- Department of Canadian Heritage has funded some
MCP and mapping initiatives to date - Prince Edward County
- Orillia
- Chatham-Kent
- Hamilton
- Oakville
- Capacity Building (under Canadian Arts and
Heritage Sustainability Program) is still
accepting applications for funding for cultural
mapping initiatives in Ontario only. Must have a
strong heritage component.
17Department of Canadian Heritage Contact
Municipal Cultural Planning Partnership
Municipal Cultural Planning Partnership
- John Bell
- Heritage Consultant, Cultural Department
- Arts Heritage
- Ontario Region
- 416.952.2657
- John_W_Bell_at_pch.gc.ca
18Whos doing MCP?
Municipal Cultural Planning Partnership
- At least 35 MCP processes underway in
municipalities across Ontario - 6 municipal cultural plans completed
- Ajax
- Barrie
- Ingersoll
- London
- Orillia
- Prince Edward County
19Municipal Cultural Planning Partnership
Municipal Cultural Planning Partnership
- To support municipalities in integrating culture
into all facets of community planning and
decision-making as a means of building healthy,
prosperous and sustainable communities. - MCPP will do this by harnessing the expertise and
resources of its member partners.
20MCPP Partners
Municipal Cultural Planning Partnership
- Ministries of
- Culture
- Municipal Affairs and Housing
- Economic Development and Trade
- Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs
- Tourism
- Citizenship
- Northern Development and Mines
- Association of Municipalities of Ontario (AMO)
- Individual municipalities
- Ontario Arts Council
- Canada Council for the Arts
- Department of Canadian Heritage
- CCI-Ontario Presenting Network
- Other cultural service organizations
- Centre for Cultural Management, University of
21Target Audience
Municipal Cultural Planning Partnership
- Elected Officials
- Mayors
- Councillors
- Municipal Staff
- City Managers/ CAOs
- Senior Planners
- Cultural Managers
- Local Cultural Leaders
- Arts
- Heritage
- Libraries
- Business Leaders
- Chamber of Commerce
22MCPPs Priorities
Municipal Cultural Planning Partnership
- Increase awareness readiness
- Strengthen municipal knowledge practice
- Advise on strengthening the policy environment
23Engagement Strategywww.ontariomcp.ca
Municipal Cultural Planning Partnership
- Network/ Community of Practice
- Events
- Resources
- Discussion Forums
- Newsletter
- Tools
- Case Studies
24Municipal Cultural Planning Partnership
Municipal Cultural Planning Partnership
- Emily Robson
- Coordinator
- Municipal Cultural Planning Partnership
- Centre for Cultural Management
- University of Waterloo
- 519-888-4567 ext. 38422
- emily.robson_at_ontariomcp.ca