Honors Chemistry, Chapter 5 - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Honors Chemistry, Chapter 5


An ion is an atom or group of bonded atoms that has a positive or negative charge. Ionization is any process which results in the formation of an ion. ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Honors Chemistry, Chapter 5

Chapter 5 Periodic Law
Mendeleevs Periodic Table
  • In 1869, a Russian chemist, Dmitri Mendeleev
    published the first periodic table
  • Mendeleev arranged the elements by properties
    rather than by atomic mass
  • His procedure left several empty spaces where
    elements were predicted to fill in when they were

Mendeleevs Periodic Table
Moseley and the Periodic Law
  • Henry Moseley, working with Ernest Rutherford,
    examined the x-ray spectra of 38 elements and
    discovered that Mendeleevs order was by charge
    in the nucleus rather than atomic mass.
  • This confirmed Mendeleevs principle of chemical

Periodic Law
  • The physical and chemical properties of the
    elements are periodic functions of their atomic
  • This lead to the formation of our periodic table.

Periodic Table
  • The periodic table is arranged with elements
    appearing in order of their atomic number so that
    elements with similar properties fall in the same
    column or group.

Families of Elements
  • The noble gases, group 18.
  • The halogens (F, Cl, Br, I, At), group 17.
  • The lanthanides (Ce through Lu)
  • The actinindes (Th through Lr)

  • Atomic Difference
  • He 2
    3 Li
  • Ne 10
    11 Na
  • Ar 18
    19 K
  • Kr 36
    37 Rb
  • Xe 54
    55 Cs
  • Rn 86
    87 Fr

8 8 18 18 32
Chapter 5, Section 1 Review
  • How were Mendeleev and Moseley involved in the
    development of the periodic table?
  • Describe the modern periodic table.
  • Explain how the periodic law can be used to
    explain the physical and chemical properties of
  • Explain how the elements belonging to a group are
    interrelated in terms of atomic number.

s-Block Elements
  • The group 1 and group 2 elements are the s-block.
  • The group 1 elements are called the alkali metals
    (H, Li, Na, K, Rb, Cs, Fr).
  • The group 2 elements are called the alkaline
    earth metals (Be, Mg, Ca, Sr, Ba, Ra) (note that
    He is NOT in group 2)
  • Note that H is a special case and really doesnt
    fit in either group 1 or 17.

Sample Problem 5-1
  • What is the element with the electron
    configuration Xe6s2 ?
  • The highest level with electrons is n6. The
    second element is Ba.
  • What is the electron configuration of the group 1
    element in the 3rd period?
  • Ne3s1 is sodium.

d-Block Elements
  • d-Block elements are located in group 3 to group
  • These have properties of metals are called the
    transition elements.
  • Although the s level is not always filled, the
    sum of the s and d electrons equals the group
  • Exceptions Pd is Kr 4d10 5s0
  • Pt is Xe 4f14 5d9 6s1

Sample Problem 5-2
  • An element has the electron configuration Kr
    4d5 5s1. What is the period? Block? Group?
    What is the element?
  • period 5
  • block d
  • group 6
  • element Mo

p-Block Elements
  • The p-block elements are in groups 13 through 18
    where the p orbitals are filled.
  • The p-block and the s-block are called the
    main-group elements.
  • The p-block contains all non-metals, all
    metalloids (B, Si, Ge, As, Sb, and Te) and a few
  • Group 17 is called the halogens
  • Group 18 is called the Noble gases.

Group Number, Blocks, Electron Configurations
Sample Problem 5-3
  • What is the outer electron configuration of the
    period 2 element in group 14?
  • He2s2 2p2
  • Carbon

Sample Problem 5-4
  • For the electron configurations given
  • Name the block and group
  • Identify the element as metal, non-metal or
  • Describe it as likely to be high or low
  • Xe 4f14 5d9 6s1 c. Ne3s2 3p6
  • Ne 3s2 3p5 d. Xe 4f6 6s2

Chapter 5, Section 2 Review
  • Describe the relationship between electrons in
    the sub-levels and the length of each period of
    the periodic table.
  • Locate and name the four blocks of the periodic
    table. Explain the reasons for these names.
  • Discuss the relationship between group
    configurations and group numbers.

Review continued
  • Describe the locations in the periodic table and
    the general properties of the alkali metals, the
    alkaline-earth metals, the halogens, and the
    noble gases.

Atomic Radii
  • The atomic radius is defined as one-half the
    distance between the nuclei of identical atoms
    that are bonded together.
  • The trend to smaller atoms across a period is
    caused by the increasing positive charge.
  • In general, the atomic radii of main group
    elements increase down a group.

Sample Problem 5-5
  • Of the elements Mg, Cl, Na, and P which has the
    largest atomic radius? Why?
  • Na Sodium
  • Of the elements Ca, Be, Ba, and Sr which has the
    largest atomic radius? Why?
  • Ba Barium

Ionization Energy
  • An ion is an atom or group of bonded atoms that
    has a positive or negative charge.
  • Ionization is any process which results in the
    formation of an ion.
  • Ionization energy is the energy required to
    remove one electron from a neutral atom of an
  • A energy ? A e-

Trends in Ionization Energy
  • In general, in main-group elements, ionization
    energy increases across a period due to the
    increase in nuclear charge.
  • Among main-group elements, ionization generally
    decreases down the group. Moving down a group
    the electrons are in higher orbitals are
    partially shielded from the nucleus making them
    easier to remove.

Removing Electrons from Positive Ions
  • The energy to remove the first electron from a
    neutral atom is the first ionization potential,
  • The energy to remove the second electron is the
    second ionization potential, IE2
  • The energy to remove the third electron is the
    third ionization potential, IE3
  • Etc.

Trends In Ionization Energy
  • In general, it is harder to remove the second
    electron than the first because of the stronger
    effective nuclear charge (the nuclear charge
    minus the electron shielding)
  • Once an ion reaches a noble gas configuration,
    removal of the next electron requires a much
    higher input of energy.

Ionization Energies for Period 3
Sample Problem 5-6
  • Element A has an ionization energy of 419 KJ/mol.
    Element B has an ionization energy of 1000
    KJ/mol. For each element, is it likely to be in
    the s-block or the p-block? Which element is
    more likely to form a positive ion?
  • Element A s-block, likely to form a ion
  • Element B p-block

Electron Affinity
  • Electron affinity is energy change that occurs
    when an electron is acquired by a neutral atom.
  • A e- ? A- energy
  • In general, electron affinities increase (become
    more negative) from left to right across the
    periodic table.
  • With less regularity, electron affinity generally
    decreases down the periodic table.

Ionic Radii
  • A positive ion is called a cation.
  • A negative ion is called an anion.
  • Cationic and anionic radii decrease from left to
    right across the periodic table due to the
    increase in nuclear charge.
  • In general ionic radii increase down a group
    since the outer electrons are further from the

Valence Electrons
  • The electrons in an atom which are available to
    be lost, gained, or shared are called valence
  • Valence electrons are often located in
    incompletely filled main-energy levels (s and p

  • Electronegativity is an arbitrary scale invented
    by Linus Pauling
  • Electronegativity is the measure of how strongly
    an atom attracts the electrons in a molecule.
  • Electronegativity increases from left to right on
    the periodic table
  • Electronegativity decreases from top to bottom on
    the periodic table

Sample Problem 5-7
  • Among Ga, Br, and Ca, which has the highest
    elecronegativity? Explain in terms of periodic
  • All are in the 4th period.
  • Br because Br is farthest right.
    Electronegativity increases from left to right.

Properties of d-Block Elements
  • The properties of d-block elements (all metals)
    vary less and with less regularity than those of
    the main-group elements.
  • Atomic radii generally decrease from left to
    right across the periods of the d-block because
    of the increase in nuclear charge.
  • d-Block Ionization energies and
    electronegativities generally increase from left
    to right across the periods.

Chapter 5, Section 3 Review
  • Define atomic and ionic radii, ionization energy,
    electron affinity, and electronegativity.
  • Compare the periodic trends of atomic radii,
    ionization energy, and electronegativity, and
    state the reasons for these variations.

Review Continued
  • Define valence electrons, and state how many are
    present in atoms of each main group element.
  • Compare the atomic radii, ionization energies and
    electronegativities of the d-block elements
    with those of the main group elements.
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