Title: Teaching for Transfer
1Teaching for Transfer
- Tomasita Ortiz,
- Director
- Multilingual Student Education Services Orlando,
- Introduction
- Issues in Teaching for Transfer
- Principles of Skill Transfer
- Nature of General and Specific Skill Transfer
- Variables that Influence Positive Transfer
- Avoidance of Negative Transfer
- Efficient and Effective Transfer
- Optimum Curriculum for Transfer
- Factors that Influence Positive Transfer
3Doctrines of Transfer
- Identical Transfer
- Generalization Transfer
- Gestalt Transfer
- Attitude Transfer
- Sensory Motor Transfer
4Types of Transfer
- Positive Transfer
- Negative Transfer
- Zero Transfer
5The Nature of Skill Transfer for Success
Second language
First Language
6Transfer is best when there is
- Similarity in learning conditions
- Similarity in the learning task
- Similarity in the expected student response
7Transfer is best when...
- There is opportunity for practice in the first
language in the classroom - There are comprehensible connections between the
first and second language learning concepts - There is clear understanding of the rules that
can be applied to second language learning
8How to Avoid Negative Transfer
- Offer silent reading practice in English
- Check comprehension at reasonable intervals
during the lesson - Introduce idiomatic expressions ahead of time
9How to Avoid Negative Transfer
- Discuss with students syntactical patterns that
can obscure meaning - Alert students of false cognates
- Avoid the overemphasis on sound symbol
ESOL Class
10How to Avoid Negative Transfer
Remember. Negative transfer occurs when the
performance on the first language inhibits or
detracts from performance on the second
language. Thonis 1996
11How to Avoid Negative Transfer
- Help students avoid comprehension errors that may
be caused by the use of similar words in the
native language - Deal immediately with negative transfer
- Collect examples of negative transfer and discuss
with the students
12Conditions for Best Transfer of Literacy Skills
- Strength of the original learning
- Role of meaning
- Importance of transfer principals
- Nature of emotional responses
- Sense of self-confidence
13How can Teachers Maximize Students Transfer of
Literacy Skills?
La Célula
14Teaching for Transfer
Concepts are the tools of thought. Students
with abundant and clear concepts in their native
language can add the English vocabulary quite
Thonis, 1996
15Spend Adequate Time in the Initial Stages of
Reading in the Native Language (L1)
- Develop clarity of concepts mediated by L1
- Promote strong listening comprehension skills in
L1 - Expand the vocabulary and the control of
structure in L1 - Implement multiple intelligence strategies in the
16Teach the Basic Decoding Skills of the Native
- Associate speech and print relationships
- Acquire the names of the letters of the alphabet
- Learn the regular and irregular sound symbol
connections - Know the system of diphthongs
- Recognize consonant clusters
- Perceive the limited ways in which words end
17Avoid Language Confusion at the Early Levels by
- Offering only informal oral English Opportunities
- Keeping the acquisition of English natural and
consistent with students developmental level - Using the languages in separate contexts
- Making careful provision for second language (L2)
comprehension in English during all activities
18How to Provide Positive Transfer From L1 to L2
What should I do?
19Give Thorough Practice in Using Strategies for
New Words in L1 by
- Acquiring the phonics clues to be found in speech
print connections - Learning the structural signals of words and word
patterns - Interpreting the information provided in pictures
20Give Thorough Practice in Using Strategies for
New Words in L1 by
- Using the system of syllabication
Cartilla Fonética
- Watching for the placement of diacritical marks
21Positive Transfer Curriculum Stresses
- Non-Cognitive Transfer
- Emotional Transfer
- Cognitive Transfer
Effective Habits
Positive Transfer
Rich Meanings
22Positive Transfer Curriculum Stresses
- Principle Transfer
- Attitude Transfer
Inductive Discoveries
Optimistic Attitudes
23Teach the Techniques and Guide the Practice so
Students can make Sense of Reading by
- Developing skills in literal comprehension
- Reading for interpretative comprehension
- Reading creatively for expansion of ideas
- Using reading for improving thinking skills
24Prevent Premature Introduction to L2 Word
Recognition, Comprehension, and Study Skills by
- Avoiding simultaneous reading programs in L1 and
L2 - Developing sound criteria for timing transfer
opportunities into L2 - Reassuring students and parents that literacy in
L1 builds a strong foundation and background
for L2
We made it!
25Prevent Premature Introduction to L2 Word
Recognition, Comprehension , and Study Skills by
- Using native language reading skills for content
areas - Encouraging encounters with the English reading
and writing systems - Based on what students hear and understand
- Maintaining the two writing systems in separate
26When should transfer be promoted and how can
teachers be sure that students are ready to
transfer skills?
What should I do now?
First Language
Second Language
27Factors for Successful Transfer from L1 to L2
- Proficiency in the native language
- Proficiency in the second language
- Oral fluency in L1
- Literacy skills in L1
- Achievement level in subject matter
- Age and/or grade placement of the students
28Factors for Successful Transfer from L1 to L2
- Ability to use logical thought
- Production of the sounds of English
- Receptive and expressive vocabulary of English
- Control of basic English structure
- Specific readiness and preparation for English
print - Interest and motivation to make the transfer
29Teaching for Transfer
Transfer of skills demands the ability of
abstract thinking. Teachers must develop the
students thinking skills by using cognitive and
metacognitive strategies. Thonis 1997
30Only Strong Skills Transfer
Teachers must remember that weak learning skills
in L1 do not transfer to L2.
31Teaching for Transfer
Teachers must make transfer happen in the
classroom by assisting students to recognize
transfer possibilities in every lesson taught.
Students must understand that the skills they
have in their native language will allow them to
excel in English.