Tonometry - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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... the eye to permit measurement of pressure without the need to cannulate the eye. The physical properties of the normal cornea determine the limits of accuracy of ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Tonometry

  • Dr. Sudhir Tambile.

  • It is noninvasive measurement of intraocular
  • Tonometer is an instrument that exploits the
    physical properties of the eye to permit
    measurement of pressure without the need to
    cannulate the eye
  • The physical properties of the normal cornea
    determine the limits of accuracy of tonometry.

  • The intraocular pressure immediately prior to the
    application of a tonometer is symbolically
    represented as Po.
  • The intraocular pressure during tonometry is
    symbolically represented as Pt.
  • Po and Pt are never exactly equal for any
  • Spontaneous intraocular pressure without
    reference to tonometry is symbolically
    represented as Pi.

Kinds properties of tonometer
  • Tonometers in which the intraocular pressure is
    negligibly raised during intraocular pressure
    measurements, for example less than 5, are
    termed low-displacement tonometers.
  • Tonometers that displace a large volume of fluid
    and consequently raise intraocular pressure
    significantly are termed high-displacement

Classification of Tonometers
  • I. Invasive instruments
  • A. Needles and cannulas (manometry)
  • B. Transensors
  • II. Noninvasive instruments (tonometers)
  • A. Instruments that touch the eye
  • 1. Static instruments
  • a. Applanation tonometers
  • (1) Constant area (Goldmann, Mackay-Marg)
  • (2) Constant force (Maklakoff)

  • b. Indentation tonometers
  • (1) Constant indentation
  • (2) Constant force (Schiøtz)
  • 2. Dynamic instruments
  • a. Ballistic tonometers
  • (1) Impact acceleration
  • (2) Impact duration
  • (3) Rebound velocity
  • b. Vibration tonometers (Krakau)
  • B. Instruments that do not touch the eye
    (noncontact tonometers) (Grolman). 

Indentation tonometers
  • With the Schiotz tonometer a series of known,
    standard weights are applied to the cornea via a
    plunger .
  • The plunger indents the cornea, and a scale
    records the deformation of the globe.
  • These two values are then used to determine the
  • The plunger moves in a vertical fashion in the
    center of the instrument and passes through a
    curved footplate that sits on top of the cornea
    with the patient in the supine position.
  • A holder fixes the footplate on the cornea but
    allows free movement of the plunger and the
    attached weights in the vertical direction

  • A movement of the plunger from its 0 position
    into the cornea can be correlated with the
    deformation of the cornea.
  • Since the excursion of the plunger is relatively
    small and would be difficult to read, a lever
    magnifies the excursion along a more readable
    calibrated scale.
  • The greater the scale reading with a given
    weight, the greater will be the excursion of the
    plunger and the deformation of the globe. The IOP
    will therefore be lower.

Theoretical Basis
  • When the tonometer is placed on the eye, the
    indentation of the cornea results in distention
    of the globe.
  • Thus the scale reading, along with indicating the
    indentation of the cornea, also reflects this
    same distention.
  • Friedenwald's formula relates this distention to
    the IOP. The formula required a constant K or
    the coefficient of ocular rigidity, which is a
    measure of the resistance of the eye to the
    distending forces of the tonometer.

Theoretical Basis
  • Friedenwald determined that the value of K for an
    individual eye could be calculated from two
    tonometric scale readings using different
  • Friedenwald's nomogram allows one to
    graphically determine K from these two values.
  • Presently, simplified tables exist that obviate
    the need for calculation and provide both the Po
    and K values from the paired scale readings on
    the involved eye

Clinical Technique
  • The patient is supine with the cornea
  • The fingers of the examiner spread the lids
    carefully to avoid putting pressure on the globe.
  • The patient is asked to fixate while the
    tonometer footplate is applied to the cornea, and
    the handle is positioned to keep the tonometer
    vertical and to allow free movement of the
    plunger to indent the cornea.
  • The needle will oscillate with the ocular pulse,
    and the midpoint of the excursion is used as the
    scale reading.
  • If the value is not greater than 4 units, an
    additional weight is added.
  • Then IOP read from appropriate table.

  • If the true K of the eye is higher than the
    average K, the table will overestimate the true
  • Similarly, a false-low IOP will result if the
    true K is less than the average K.
  • High ocular rigidity has been reported in
  • high hyperopia, 
  • extreme myopia,
  • chronic glaucoma,  and
  • vasoconstrictor therapy.

  • Low ocular rigidity may occur with
  • high myopia,  
  • miotic therapy (especially cholinesterase
  • after retinal detachment surgery,
  • intravitreal injection of gas,  and
  • vasodilator therapy
  • False-high IOP readings may be obtained with
  • thick corneas or very steep corneas. 
  • With significant corneal pathology, and on an
    irregular surface.

  • Applanation tonometry

Theoretical Basis
  • Applanation tonometry is based on the Inbert-Fick
  • Which states that for an ideal sphere the
    pressure (P) inside the sphere is equal to the
    force (F) required to applanate (flatten) its
    surface, divided by the area (A) of flattening
  • P F/A or F PA.
  • The ideal sphere is dry, thin-walled, and readily
  • The cornea, which is not even a true sphere, is
    none of these three. Because of this, there are
    two other significant forces at work.

  • The force of capillary attraction (T) between the
    tonometer head and the tear film is additive to
    the external force.
  • In addition, a force (C), independent of IOP, is
    required to flatten the relatively inflexible
    cornea. Thus,
  • F PA , becomes
  • F T PA C , or
  • P ( F T - C) / A

  • The A, is actually on the interior surface of the
  • The Goldmann applanator is designed so that A is
    equal to 7.35 mm 2.
  • To achieve this, the diameter of flattening of
    the cornea is 3.06 mm.
  • With this value for A, the opposing forces of
    capillary attraction and corneal inflexibility
    cancel out.
  • P F / 7.35 mm 2

  • In addition, with this value for A the IOP in
    millimeters of mercury (mmHg) is equal to ten
    times the force applied to the cornea in grams,
    which is a convenient conversion.
  • Since only 0.5 mmu is displaced from the eye
    and the additional increase in pressure induced
    in the eye from its steady state by the tonometer
    tip is negligible, applanation tonometery is not
    significantly affected by ocular rigidity.

Goldmann Applanator
  • The tonometer tip, a tapered plastic cylinder
    containing a biprism, is the contact point with
    the cornea.
  • The tip is connected via a rod to the body of the
    tonometer which contains an adjustable spring
    that provides the appropriate applanating force.
  • The force is adjusted manually via a knob that
    contains a scale indicating the force applied in

  • When the end-point is reached, the reading in
    grams is multiplied by 10 to convert to
    millimeters of mercury.
  • The biprism splits the image of the circle of
    contact into two semicircles.
  • When the inner margin of these semicircles just
    touch, a 3.06-mm diameter circle of cornea is
  • The instrument is attached to the slit lamp,
    aligning the axis of the tip with the ocular and
    allowing visualization of the semicircles or

Clinical measurement
  • The patient is positioned at the slit lamp in the
    usual fashion after instilling topical anesthetic
    and sodium fluorescein into the tear film.
  • The patient is instructed to fixate in the
    distance, to relax, and to breathe normally.
  • If necessary, the lids are separated (without
  • As the tip is advanced toward the cornea, gross
    horizontal and vertical adjustments are made by
    the examiner without using the oculars as the
    instrument approximates the cornea.

  • The cobalt-blue filter is inserted into the
    slit-lamp illuminator, and maximal illumination
    is used.
  • When contact is imminent, the examiner uses the
    ocular to observe the mires, which will appear
    green against a blue background.
  • If the mires are of unequal size, vertical
    adjustment is made.
  • The tonometer knob is rotated until the end-point
    is achieved.
  • Ocular pulsations are noted, and the mid-point of
    the excursion of the internal margin of each
    semicircle is aligned

  • Valsalva maneuvers, or breath holding by the
    patient, must be avoided.
  • The semicircles should be clear with distinct
  • Wider, blurred semicircles result in false-high
    readings as does vertical misalignment. 
  • Measurements without the use of fluorescein
    underestimate the true IOP
  • Corneal astigmatism may result in false pressure
    readings. The error has been calculated at 1 mm
    for every 4 diopters (underestimated for
    with-the-rule overestimates for against-the-rule

  • Corneal curvature appears to influence
    applanation tonometry readings.
  • In 200 patients examined for routine eye
    examination, whose vital statistics and mean IOP
    demonstrated the group to be a representative
    sample of the general population, there was a
    positive correlation between corneal curvature
    and tonometer readings.
  • For each 3-diopter increase in corneal power in
    this sample, the average intraocular pressure
    increased 1 mmHg

  • Thin corneas produce false-low readings, as does
    a thick cornea secondary to edema.
  • A thick cornea secondary to increased collagen
    results in a false-high reading. 
  • Prolonged contact of the applanator to the cornea
    should be avoided.
  • Damage to the cornea may occur with fluorescein
    staining and distortion of the mires.

  • Contaminated tonometers are well-established
    vectors of infection.
  • Along with the more common bacteria and viruses
    that cause ocular infection, hepatitis-B surface
    antigen can be isolated from the tonometer tip
    after applanation of infected patients.
  • Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) (AIDS) has
    been isolated from human tears, although no cases
    of transmission from contaminated tonometers has
    been reported.

  • Meticulous sterilization may reduce the risk of
    these pathogens.
  • The Centers for Disease Control suggests a 5- to
    10-min soaking in 3 percent hydrogen peroxide or
    70 percent ethanol or isopropanol.
  • The tip should then be washed under running water
    and dried thoroughly before reuse

Other applanation tonometers
  • Perkins' applanation tonometer
  • MacKay-Marg tonometer
  • Pneumatonometer
  • The Tono-Pen
  • Non contact tonometer

Perkins' applanation tonometer
  • It uses the same biprism as the Goldmann
  • The light source is powered by battery, and a
    counter balance enables the instrument to be used
    in both the vertical and horizontal positions.
  • The readings are consistent and compare quite
    well with the Goldmann applanator.
  • It is especially useful in the operating room for
    examinations under anesthesia and for invalid
    patients, infants, or children who cannot sit at
    the slit lamp. 

MacKay-Marg tonometer
  • It applanates the cornea via a plunger that moves
    within a sleeve, similar in fashion to a Schiøtz
  • The excursion of the plunger is electronically
    coupled to a transducer and graphically records
    the movement of the plunger on a moving strip of
  • The plunger first indents the cornea recording on
    the graph paper, the sum of the force required to
    flatten the cornea and the IOP.

  • As the tonometer advances, the sleeve abutts the
    cornea, transferring the force required to
    flatten the cornea to the sleeve.
  • The pressure tracing then decreases to a level
    that represents the IOP.
  • Because the tonometer records instantaneously,
    multiple readings should be averaged in order to
    adjust for fluctuation in pressure due to the
    ocular pulsation.  
  • It is especially useful in edematous or irregular

  • The principle of the Pneumatonometer is similar
    to that of the MacKay-Marg tonometer.
  • Corneal contact of the pencil-like tip records
    both the IOP and the force required to bend the
  • Further advancement of the tip transfers the
    latter force to the surrounding collar.
  • In this case, the plunger is replaced by a
    column of air and the contact surface is a
    Silastic membrane.

  • The air column is continually vented via a port.
  • Changes in pressure in the column resulting from
    the applanation via a transducer records the
    measurement on a moving strip of paper.
  • Similar to the MacKay-Marg unit, this instrument
    is especially useful with edematous and irregular

The Tono-Pen
  • The Tono-Pen, which is a miniature, hand-held
    tonometer, works on a similar principle as the
    MacKay-Marg tonometer.
  • The instrument is 18 cm in length and weighs only
    60 g.
  • The MacKay-Marg wave form is internally analyzed
    by a microprocessor.
  • Three to six estimations of the pressure are then
    averaged, and a digital readout displays the IOP
    with the range of the coefficient of variance.

The Tono-Pen
  • For pressures from 6 to 24 mmHg, the Tono-Pen
    measured an average of 1.7 mm higher than the
    Goldmann tonometer.
  • Above 24 mmHg, the readings were similar.
  • Large discrepancies (greater than 6 mmHg) were
    found in only 18 of 270 eyes tested.
  • In all except 5, obvious causes such as
    astigmatism or corneal disease could explain the

Non contact tonometer
  • It applanates the cornea by means of a jet of
  • Once the instrument is properly aligned with the
    patient's eye, a fixed distance separates the
    cornea from the instrument.
  • An optical system measures the time that it takes
    for the air puff to flatten the cornea.
  • This can be correlated with the IOP.

Non contact tonometer
  • Mean IOP readings compare favorably with Goldmann
    tonometry, although relatively large
    discrepancies could be found in some patients.
  • The instrument is beneficial in mass glaucoma
    screenings because it does not require topical
    anesthetic and, with proper use, there is no risk
    of injuring the cornea.


  • In 1950, Grant described tonography, a technique
    to measure the decrease in IOP that occurs when
    an external weight is applied to the eye.
  • Schiotz noted that repeated tonography within a
    relatively short period resulted in a lowered IOP
  • The rate at which IOP decreased seemed to be
    slower in eyes with glaucoma than in normal eyes.

  • Grant used a paper strip recorder connected to an
    electronic tonometer to record a continuous
    tracing of the changes in scale units that
    occurred once the tonometer was resting on the
  • In the normal eye there is a gradual decrease in
    the IOP, resulting in a tracing with a gentle
    downward slope.
  • In the glaucomatous eye, which has an increased
    resistance to expression of fluid through the
    outflow channels, there is less of a change in
    the IOP (indicated by a smaller change in the
    Schiotz scale units) with the resultant tracing
    having a flatter slope

Test performance
  • After applanation tonometry has been performed,
    the patient lies supine in a quiet setting.
  • Both eyes are anesthetized and the electronic
    Schiotz tonometer, which is previously
    calibrated, is applied to the eye while the
    patient fixates on a ceiling target with the
    uninvolved eye.
  • The proper Schiøtz weight used during tonography
    is determined by the initial applanation, and the
    standard tracing of 4 min is obtained.

  • An acceptable tracing has a smooth gradual slope,
    with small oscillations indicating the ocular
    pulse and somewhat less apparent cycles of longer
    duration due to respirations.
  • Any Valsalva maneuver, such as coughing or
    sneezing, will invalidate the tracing.
  • When an appropriate tracing is obtained, the
    technician draws a line through the tracing,
    approximating the slope that allows one to read
    the scale units at time 0 and at 4 min.
  • These are then used to determine C from the
    tonography tables or the Friedenwald nomogram.

Clinical implications
  • Grant's initial paper, involving repeated
    examinations on normal eyes, determined C values
    with a range of 0.15 to 0.34 mmul/min/mmHg,
    with a mean of 0.243.
  • Lower C values, some of which were 0.0, occurred
    during attacks of angle-closure glaucoma.
  • In chronic angle-closure, C values would decrease
    proportional to the degree of closure of the

  • In the glaucomatous eyes, C values did not exceed
    0.11 mmul/min/mmHg.
  • It was anticipated that in the glaucoma suspect
    (i.e., patients with normal optic nerves and
    visual fields), patients with C values in the
    glaucomatous range would be especially likely to
    develop optic nerve damage and thus be candidates
    for early intervention.

  • Genetics in Glaucoma

  • Glaucoma is an important and prevalent ophthalmic
  • A large number of inheritable ophthalmic diseases
    are associated with glaucoma, such as
  • aniridia (autosomal-dominant),
  • Axenfeld Rieger syndrome (autosomal-dominant),
  • neurofibromatosis (autosomal-dominant),
  • Lowe's syndrome (X-linked recessive)

Primary open-angle glaucoma (POAG)
  • Primary open-angle glaucoma (POAG) has a strong
    hereditary tendency.
  • Anyone who has taken care of POAG patients
    understands the importance in soliciting a
    relevant family history of glaucoma.
  • Numerous studies have shown that the prevalence
    of POAG in first-degree relatives of patients
    (2.8 to 13.5) is significantly higher than that
    in the general population (about 1)

  • Attempts have been made to identify genetic
    markers associated with POAG.
  • These markers include
  • blood group antigens,
  • HLA antigen association,
  • ability to taste phenylthiourea, and
  • association with diabetes mellitus and myopia.
  • These studies, however, have not revealed any
    specific association of these genetic markers
    with POAG.

  • At present, POAG is believed to have a polygenic
    or multifactorial inheritance
  • In 1993, Sheffield and associates reported
    genetic linkage of one form of familial
    open-angle glaucoma to chromosome 1q21-q31.
  • The responsible genes are thought to show
    incomplete penetrance and variable expressivity
  • IOP, facility of aqueous outflow and optic disc
    size are also genetically determined.

Steroid responsiveness
  • A mutation of the MYOC gene is strongly
    associated with a subset of juvenile open angle
    glaucoma and is present in 4 of adult of POAG.
  • The gene was previously named TIGR (trabecular
    induced glucocorticoid response).
  • It resides in the GLCIA region of the long arm of
    chromosome 1 and codes for a protein called
  • The administration of steroids in steroid
    responders induces gene expression and production
    of excessive quantities of myocilin.

  • All gene loci associated with POAG have prefix
    GLC1, with the suffix letter in which the gene is
  • Genes that have so far been identified in certain
    families with POAG lie on
  • chromosome 2 (GLC1B),
  • chromosome 3 (GLC1C),
  • chromosome 8 (GLC1D),
  • chromosome 10 (GLC1E) and
  • chromosome 7 (GLC1F).

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