Title: Brenda
1ECOLOGY Communications III
, Susan Gentry, and Bridgett
School District
2Teacher Page
- Second Grade, Show Me Standard CA 1, 2, and 3
- The elements of Ecology and communication skills
are integrated in the activities. - We suggest that students keep a journal.
- It is critical for students to use writing skills
to explain answers. When you see this symbol
students should use their
journals. - If you would like to assess this activity, refer
to the state scoring guide.
3Writing Activity
4Directions Read the prompt in the box.
Your school is celebrating Earth Day and your
class is in charge of planning an activity for
the whole school. Write a paragraph describing
the activity you have chosen.
You can use the graphic on the next slide to help
organize your thoughts for the rough draft.
5Story Map
What is the activity? Describe
Why is this an important activity?
Name of your Earth Day Activity
Where will the activity occur?
Who is going to be involved?
When will the activity occur?
How will everyone be included?
6Final Copy
statements is true about your draft.
Writers Checklist
you write your final copy.
End of Activity