Sub National Review of Economic Development - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Sub National Review of Economic Development


Co-operating on economic growth projects supported by business rate supplements ... Co-ordinating physical development projects across cities or city-regions ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Sub National Review of Economic Development

Sub National Review of Economic Development
  • Suffolk LAA Block 4 Board
  • June 2008

  • July 2007 Govt. published the Sub-National Review
    of Economic Development and Regeneration (SNR)
  • Key proposals include
  • Abolition of RAs
  • Streamlining regional govt. by requiring RDAs to
    produce an integrated ED spatial strategy
  • Strengthening LA role in ED including new
    statutory duty to assess local economic
  • Support for LA collaboration across admin

Key Changes
  • RDAs
  • Increased strategic role
  • Single Regional Strategy
  • Programme-based approach to delivery
  • Delegation of funding to LAs (upper tier)
  • Key role in supporting LAAs
  • Streamlined RDA tasking framework

Single Regional Strategy (SRS)
  • RDA
  • Develop draft SRS working closely with LAs and
    other stakeholders
  • Agreement needed with LAs
  • Subject to formal scrutiny by LA
  • Subject to parliamentary scrutiny
  • LAs
  • Work together as sub-regions to prepare evidence
    based proposals for draft SRS
  • SRS signed off by regional forum of LA leaders
  • Work with RDA to develop agree draft SRS
  • Scrutinise RDA and hold it to account for its
    exec functions
  • Implement SRS alongside other stakeholders/

  • Each SRS should cover
  • Overview of key regional challenges
  • How economic growth can be best delivered
  • Distribution of housing supply figures, including
    targets for affordable homes
  • How risks and opportunities of climate change
    will be managed
  • how development will be reconciled with reducing
    Carbon emissions
  • Priority geographical areas for regeneration
  • Strategic requirements provision for transport,
    waste, water, energy etc
  • Regional economic growth objective raise
    sustainable trend rate of growth in comparison
    with previous economic cycle

RDA Delegation
  • Funding will be delegated on a programme basis
    where appropriate to LAs (upper tier)
  • RDAs need to ensure capacity exists at LA/
    sub-regional partnership level
  • Govt exploring MoU between RDAs and LAs to
    underpin delegation accountability arrangements
    providing vfm assurances to Parliament

RDA Tasking Framework
  • Streamlined tasking framework proposed
  • Simplified objectives based on growth defined by
    single overarching objective
  • Indicators supporting the REP PSA include
  • Regional GVA per head growth rates
  • Regional GDP as a share of EU15 average
  • Regional productivity as measured by GVA per hour
  • Regional employment rates
  • Replace 12 PSAs RDAs were tasked against
  • Each RDA will have a regional growth objective
  • Objective will be negotiated between RDA and BERR

Other Key Changes
  • Regional Assemblies
  • Cease to exist by 2010/11
  • Consultation on detailed proposals and will
    require primary legislation for transfer of
    powers to RDAs, managed transition over next 2-3
  • Over next 2 years RAs will continue to have key
    role in taking forward spatial strategies
  • Under new arrangements LAs will continue to
    develop and agree the SRS alongside the RDA

Other Key Changes
  • LAs
  • Creation of a focused statutory ED duty (upper
  • Undertake an assessment of the economic
    circumstances and challenges of their local
  • Sectoral composition of the local economy,
    including future challenges
  • Local labour market
  • Skill levels
  • Condition and planned investment in local
  • Data on local productivity, enterprise and
    enterprise education
  • Produced in consultation with local partners
    including the RDAs

LA Economic Assessment Duty
  • Duty would
  • Require upper tier LAs in consultation with key
    partners (incl. districts and RDAs) to carry out
    an assessment of the economic conditions of their
    local area
  • Result in an assessment that would contribute to
    the analytical underpinning of strategies and
    targets at local, sub-regional and regional
  • Assessment may be produced jointly by 2 or more
    LAs in a single functional economic area or
    sub-region e.g. by all LAs participating in a MAA

LA Economic Assessment Duty
  • Duty would add value through
  • Improved evidence base to inform SCS, LDF and LAA
  • Improved understanding of how ED can support
    regeneration priorities
  • Analysis of how local areas fit into wider
    sub-regional and regional functional markets
  • Better understanding of how LAs and partners
    through their wider policies influence
    sustainable ED
  • Development of shared evidence base that supports
    sub-regional ED activity (MAA or other
    sub-regional structure) and supports LAs dialogue
    with RDAs on development of the SRS

Collaboration Across Sub-Regions
  • Functional economic areas unlikely to follow LA
    boundaries therefore collaboration between LAs
    could lead to better economic outcomes
  • SNR sets out advantages of ED decision making at
    the sub-regional level
  • MAAs
  • Govt has set out the case for MAAs to complement
    LAAs and enable LAs to move towards improved
    economic prosperity by working across admin.
  • Govt. is currently negotiating with over a dozen
    sub-regions looking to agree the first MAAs by
    June 08
  • TGSE probably April 09 and HG may follow once
    outcome of LGR known/ implemented

  • Work with interested sub-regions to explore the
    potential for allowing groups of LAs to establish
    sub-regional authorities to pool responsibilities
    on a permanent basis for economic policy areas
  • Voluntary at point of creation
  • Focus on activities where sub-regional working
    can potentially add value
  • Should have an economic core relate principally
    to ED (other activities not ruled out)
  • LA partners and public sector bodies will share
    collective responsibility for outcomes

  • Should reflect functional economic areas
  • Consistent with SRS and local SCSs and complement
    LAAs of participating authorities
  • Build on existing SRPs and arrangements
  • First MAAs in place by June

Sub-Regional Collaboration
  • SNR recognises that some sub-regions may wish to
    go beyond MAAS and other existing mechanisms for
    sub-regional collaboration
  • Govt. proposes to work with interested LAs
    towards establishing statutory sub-regional
    arrangements for ED
  • Enhance ability of LAs to drive forward
    improvements to support sustainable sub-regional
    growth and enable funding responsibility to be
    devolved/ delegated directly to the sub-region
  • Would bind in LAs to long-term decision making

Sub-Regional Collaboration
  • Possible activities
  • Delivering relevant parts of the RES / SRS
  • Preparing joint LDF/ taking planning decisions of
    a strategic nature
  • Co-operating on economic growth projects
    supported by business rate supplements (subject
    to legislation)
  • Implementing any business rate supplement
  • Making decisions in relation to HE and skills
    funding (subject to legislation)
  • Investment for housing growth and renewal

Economic Development Companies
  • EDCs key role deliver more co-ordinated
    approach to ED, engaging closely with pvt sector
  • Structures/ functions will vary and LAs will
    decide on specific activities working closely
    with RDAs and other partners
  • Roles may include
  • Co-ordinating physical development projects
    across cities or city-regions
  • Developing economic strategies across multiple LA
  • Co-ordinating housing market renewal/ targeted
    housing growth alongside broader economic role
  • Marketing/ branding cities/ city-regions
  • Assisting LAs build up high quality private
    investment proposals

  • Funding for 14-19 year olds will transfer from
    LSC to LAs
  • Consideration on a single brokerage service as
    simplest way for business to access govt. support
    in light of BSSP
  • SNR will take forward Leitch recommendation for
    creation of Local Employment Skills Boards
  • ESBs should build on what already exists and one
    of key goals should be simplifying range of
    existing bodies

  • CLG and BERR currently consulting on SNR
  • Consultation period end 20th June
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