Title: Multichannel Seismics: Techniques
1Multi-channel Seismics Techniques
- Andrew M. Goodliffe
- University of Hawaii at Manoa
2Basic Theory Sound Propagation
- P-Waves propagate through water and are reflected
from an interface - How much is reflected depends on the reflection
coefficient (function of velocity and density). - The remaining energy continues into the earth,
being reflected and transmitted - Some energy refracts and travels along horizons,
returning to the surface via head waves.
3Basic Theory The Source
- An ideal pulse convolved with the seafloor
creates a simple seismogram
- The output seismogram is a convolution of the
source signal and the earth (the seafloor) - Sharp seafloor signal becomes ringy
- Deconvolution returns the seismogram to something
we can interpret
6Seismic Sources
- Attenuation High frequencies dont travel as far
as low frequencies (the bad neighbor syndrome) - Higher frequency sources have less penetration
7Vertical Resolution
- Dependant on seismic wavelength
- Wedge tests
- Reflectors clearly resolved when separated by gt
?/4 - vf ?
- If v 2000 m/s, and f 30 Hz
- Resolution (66.67 m)/4 16.67 m
- If v 8000 m/s and f 20 Hz
- Resolution (400 m)/4 100 m
- If v 2000 m/s and f 3500 Hz
- Resolution (0.5714 m)/4 0.1428 m
- Energy returned from reflectors lt ?/10
8Horizontal Resolution
- Partly determined by distance between CDPs
- Also dependant on wavelength
- Energy received within half a wavelength
interferes constructively to make the reflected
signal. - Parts of a reflector separated by less than the
width of the Fresnel zone will not be resolved - Wf ? (2z ?)1/2 z depth
- If depth 2000 m, ? 60 m
- Wf ? 490 m
- If depth 100 m, ? 1 m
- Wf ? 14 m
9Electrical Sources Sparker
- A spark is produced by the discharge of a high
voltage capacitor bank through an underwater
electrode - Produces a rapidly expanding bubble of ionized gas
10Electrical Sources Boomer
- Aluminum plate attached via a spring loaded mount
to a resin block - Heavy duty coil is embedded in the resin block
- A capacitor bank is discharged through the coil,
setting up eddy currents in the aluminum plate - The currents set up a secondary field that
opposes the primary field, and the plate is
repulsed. - Typically a high frequency source, with
resolution of 0.1 m - Depth penetration lt100 m
11High Pressure Air Sources The Air Gun
12Air Guns
- The most common marine seismic source
- Very Repeatable signal
Bolt Air gun
13Air Guns
- Airguns suspended from stowed booms
- Single Air gun note air ports
14Tuning An Air Gun Array
- A single airgun creates a ringy signal
15Tuning An Air Gun Array
- Summing the signal of multiple guns creates a
more desirable signal - Note the relative scales of the left and right
16Air Gun Deployment
Guns towed individually from two booms
Guns towed in strings
17Bubble from Air Gun Explosion
- Airguns are suspended from buoys to maintain depth
18GI Gun
- Two air guns in the same body
- The generator is fired and the bubble starts to
expand - When the bubble approaches its maximum size, the
injector is fired into the bubble - Reduces bubble oscillation
19Other Sound Sources
- Water guns
- Explosives
- Earthquakes
- Echo sounders
- Commonly 3.5 kHz
- Depth penetration of 100 m
20Basic Theory Listening
- Hydrophone
- Piezoelectric material
- Pressure changes in the water generate small
currents which are amplified - Geophone
- Mechanical
- Motion of coil relative to magnet generates a
small current which is then amplified
21The Streamer
- Heavy duty plastic sleeve containing cables,
hydrophones, and strength member. - Oil Filled for neutral buoyancy.
- Birds keep the streamer at a constant depth
- Compasses record streamer azimuth
22Deploying The Streamer
Streamer and bird
23Ocean Bottom Instrumentation
- Hydrophone or geophone
- Records to an internal hard drive
- Used for primarily for refraction
- Fishing gear
- Other ships
- Too close to land
- Regattas
- Floating Debris
- Reefs and shallow water
25Planning a survey
- Ship speed
- Shot Interval
- Source type and size
- Group Interval (receiver spacing)
- CDP Interval (resolution of sections)
26Meanwhile, in the lab
- Navigation
- Data logging
- Quality control
- Data
- Source signal
- Gun depth
- Streamer depth
- Data recording
- 50 GB/day
27Initial Shipboard Processing
- Read tapes
- Initial quality control
- Geometry
- Trace statistics
- Kill bad traces
- Velocity analysis
- Trace mutes (inside and outside)
- Stack
- Migrate
- Ensure that CDPs are properly populated
29Shot Record
30Velocity Analysis
CDP Gather
Semblance Plot
31Top and Bottom Mutes
32 Stacking
- Use stacking velocities to correct for
Normal-Moveout - Sum traces within a CDP
- Noise cancels out
- Real signal sums
- Stacking n traces leads to a n1/2 reduction in
random noise
- Dipping reflector A-B appears in position C-D in
a seismic section - Migration corrects this
35The Realities
- Seafloor and underlying strata are often not flat
- Creates side echoes
- Defies Normal-Moveout rules
37The Incoming Pacific Plate
Line 53-54
12.5 km
Subducted Slab
Normal Faults
- Top of downgoing slab is in extension
38The Incoming Pacific Slab
6.25 km
Normal Fault
- Break-up of seamount as it enters the trench
39Big Blue Seamount
Throat Reflector
6.25 km
Original Forearc Surface
40Turquoise Seamount
6.25 km
The Seamount is growing laterally and
overthrusting the original forearc sediments
41Forearc Faulting
6.25 km
Fault blocks back-tilted to the west
42Forearc Faulting
6.25 km
- Numerous high-angle faults due to N-S Extension
as arc balloons
Martinez et al., 2000
43Mass Wasting
18.75 km
44Back-arc/active Arc Boundary
Mariana Back-arc Basin
Forearc High
Arc Line
6.25 km
Seafloor Spreading (sedimented)
45Back-arc/Remnant Arc Boundary
West Mariana Ridge
Mariana Back-arc Basin
6.25 km
Remnant Arc
Seafloor Spreading
Low-Angle Fault
46Back-arc Spreading Center
Magma Lens??
6.25 km
47Woodlark Basin, PNG
48Woodlark Rift
49Low-Angle Fault
50Older Margins
51Synthetic Seismics
53Monohull vs. SWATH
- Small waterplane area, twin hull
- Rides on two submerged pontoons
54Monohull vs. SWATH
R/V Maurice Ewing
R/V Kilo Moana
R/V Melville
55R/V Kilo Moana
staging bay
main lab
fantail (A-frame)