Title: Vocabulary by Word Parts
1Vocabulary by Word Parts
21. a, an no, not, without, lacking
- amnesia a without mne memory ia
condition - anarchy an without arch rule y result
of - atheist a without theo god ist
one who
32. ambi both
- ambiguous ambi both ag force ous
full of - ambidextrous
- ambi both dextro right-handed ous
full of - ambivalent ambi both val strong ent
full of
43. anti against
- antidote anti against dot give
- antibiotic anti against bio life ic
h.t.c.o - antisocial anti against soc society al
related to - htco having the characteristics of
54. circum around
- circumference
- circum around fer carry ence state
of - circumscribe circum around scribe write
- circumnavigate
- circum around nav sail ate make, cause,
65. de down, from
- demote de down mot move
- descend de down scend climb
- decline de down clin bend
76. dis, di, dif apart, away, not
- divert di away vert turn
- differ dif apart fer carry
- disrupt dis apart rupt break
87. endo inside, within
- endoderm endo within derm skin
- endocardium
- endo inside cardi heart ium place
where - endocrine endo inside krin separate
98. exo outside
- exocrine exo outside krin separate
- exotic exo outside ic h.t.c.o.
- exosphere exo outside sphere sphere
- h.t.c.o. having the characteristics of
109. extra, extro beyond
- extraordinary
- extra beyond ordin order ary related to
- extrasensory
- extra beyond sens feel ory pertaining to
- extraterrestrial
- extra beyond terr earth al
related to
1110. hetero different
- heterogeneous
- hetero different gen kind ous full
of - heteromorphic
- hetero different morph shape ic
h.t.c.o - heterosexual
- hetero different sex sex al related to
1211. homo same
- homonym homo same onym name
- homogeneous homo same gen kind ous full
of - homophone homo same phon sound
1312. in, il, im, ir in, into
- inject in in, into ject throw
- illuminate il in lumin light
ate cause - import im in port carry
- irrigate ir in rigar water
ate cause
1413. in, ig, il, im, ir not
- inactive in not act do ive that which
- ignoble ig not nobilis noble
- illegal il not leg law al related to
- imperfect im not per thoroughly fect make, do
- irrational ir not ration reason al related to
1514. inter between, among
- interact inter among act drive, force, do
- interrupt inter between rupt break
- intervene inter between ven come
1615. intra, intro inside, within
- intravenous intra inside ven come ous
full of - introduce intro inside duce lead
- introspect intro inside spect look
1716. iso same
- isometric iso same metr measure ic
h.t.c.o. - isosceles iso same skelos leg
- isothermal iso same therm heat al
related to
1817. macro large, great
- macroscopic macro large scop look ic
h.t.c.o - macrocosm macro large cosm universe
- macrocyte macro large cyte cell
1918. micro small
- microscopic micro small scop look ic
h.t.c.o. - microcosm micro small cosm world,
universe - microcyte micro small cyte cell
2019. medi medi
- median medi middle an related to
- medieval
- medi middle ev time, age al related
to - medium medi middle ium condition of
2120. per through, thoroughly
- perspire per through spir breathe
- permit per through mit send
- perennial per through enn year al related to
2221. pre before
- prefix pre before fix place, put
- precede pre before ced go
- prevent pre before ven come
2322. post after
- postpone post after pon place, put
- postscript post after script write
- postmeridian post after meridian midday
2423. se apart, away
- secede se apart ced go
- seclude se away clud close, shut
- seduce se away duc lead
2524. syn, syl, sym, sys same, together, with
- synonym syn same onym name
- symphony sym together phon sound y result
of - syllable syl together lambanein take
2625. ultra beyond
- ultraliberal
- ultra beyond liber free al related
to - ultramodern
- ultra beyond mod now ern related to
- ultrasound
- ultra beyond so sound