Title: Root Locus
1Root Locus
2Closed-loop control system with a variable
parameter K.
3Unity feedback control system. The gain K is a
variable parameter.
4Root locus for a second-order system when
KeltK1ltK2. The locus is shown in color.
5Evaluation of the angle and gain at s1,for gain
6(a) Single-loop system. (b) Root locus as a
function of the parameter a.
7(a) The zero and poles of a second-order
system,(b) the root locus segments,and (c) the
magnitude of each vector at s1.
8A fourth-order system with (a) a zero and (b)
root locus.
9Illustration of the breakaway point (a) for a
simple second-order system and (b) for a
fourth-order system.
10A graphical evaluation of the breakaway point.
11Closed-loop system.
12Evaluation of the (a) asymptotes and (b)
breakaway point.
13Illustration of the angle of departure(a) Test
point infinitesimal distance from p1(b) actual
departure vector at p1
14Evaluation of the angle of departure.
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16The root locus for Example 7.4locating (a) the
poles and (b) the asymptotes.
17- 1.Write the characteristic equation in pole-zero
form so that the parameter of interest k appears
as 1kF(s)O. - 2.Locate the open-loop poles and zeros of F(s) in
the s-plane. - 3.Locate the segments of the real axis that are
root loci. - 4.Determinethenumberofseparateloci.
- 5.Locate the angles of the asymptotes and the
center of the asymptotes. - 6.Determine the break away point on the real
axis(if any). - 7.By utilizing the Routh-Hurwitz criterion,
determine the point at which the locus crosses
the imaginary axis(if it does so). - 8.Estimate the angle of locus departure from
complex poles and the angle locus arrival at
complex zeros.
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25Root loci as a function of a and ß(a) loci as a
varies (b) loci as ß varies for one value of a
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27A region in the s-plane for desired root location.
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34A feedback control system.
35Closed-loop system with a controller.
36Root locus for plant with a PID controller with
complex zeros.
37Laser manipulator control system.
38Root locus for a laser control system.
39The response to a ramp input for a laser control
40Proposed configuration for control of the
lightweight robot arm.
41Root locus of the system if K20,and K1 is
variedfrom K10 to K18,and Gc(s)K1.
42Root locus for the robot controller with a zero
inserted at s-0.2 with Gc(s) K1.
43Using the rlocus function.
44Disk drive control system with a PD controller.
45Sketch of the root locus.
46Root Locus Plots for Typical Transfer Functions
47Root Locus Plots for Typical Transfer Functions
48Root Locus Plots for Typical Transfer Functions
49Root Locus Plots for Typical Transfer Functions
50Root Locus Plots for Typical Transfer Functions
51Root Locus Plots for Typical Transfer Functions
52Root Locus Plots for Typical Transfer Functions
53Root Locus Plots for Typical Transfer Functions
54Root Locus Plots for Typical Transfer Functions
55Root Locus Plots for Typical Transfer Functions
56Root Locus Plots for Typical Transfer Functions
57Root Locus Plots for Typical Transfer Functions
58Root Locus Plots for Typical Transfer Functions
59Root Locus Plots for Typical Transfer Functions
60Root Locus Plots for Typical Transfer Functions
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