Title: Response to Intervention RtI Parent Information Night
1Response to Intervention (RtI) Parent
Information Night
- Gary D. Wright Elementary School
- Pat Petersen, RtI Building Coach
- December 6, 2007
2Objectives of this presentation
- Provide an overview of Response to Intervention
- What is RtI and why are we doing it?
- What does RtI mean for your child?
- What is an intervention?
- Why are we testing oral reading?
- Explain what has happened so far, and what will
be happening next - Generate questions
3Important notes
- We are 10 weeks into a five-year process.
- Questions are always welcome!
4What led to RtI in District 300 and at District
- Past legislation
- NCLB (No Child Left Behind 2001)
- IDEA (Individuals with Disabilities Education
Improvement Act 2004) - State requirement
- I-ASPIRE grant
- Universal Screening
- Testing of ALL students in the school x3/year
- Data-based decision making
- Instructional decisions are based on data
- Early Intervening Services
- Vary instruction as needed, based on screening of
ALL students - Research-based instruction
- Approved by a panel of independent experts
- Progress Monitoring
- Frequent testing to determine effectiveness of an
6What will be different with RtI?
- For ALL students
- Universal screening three times per year
- Testing data sent home
- Data-based decision making
- Research-based curriculum
7What will be different with RtI?
- For SOME students
- Instructional needs identified
- data-based decision making
- Research-based intervention selected
- Student progress monitored frequently
- This is a continuous cycle
8Three Tiers of Instruction
General Instruction
All Students Some Students A Few Students
Supplementary Instruction
Special Instruction
Image from Brown-Chidsey and Steege (2005)
- CBM Curriculum-based measurement
- Quick
- Standardized
- 25 years of research back up the use of this kind
of test
10Reading CBM
- What does the R-CBM tell us about a students
reading? - Fluency the number of words read correctly in a
fixed amount of time - Accuracy the percentage/number of words read
11Changing Roles
social worker
All staff will be involved in interventions
special ed
12Early Intervention Changes Reading Outcomes
Low Risk on Early Screening
Reading grade level
At Risk on Early Screening
1 2 3 4
Grade level corresponding to age
Torgesen, J.K. ( 2001). The theory and practice
of intervention Comparing outcomes from
prevention and remediation studies. In A.J.
Fawcett and R.I. Nicolson (Eds.). Dyslexia
Theory and Good Practice. (pp. 185-201). London
David Fulton Publishers Thanks to Alan
Coulter for this image
13D300 steps in RtI implementation
- Greater awareness of need to change our approach
to helping underachieving students (2005-2007) - Staff sent to I-ASPIRE (May, 2006 and May, 2007)
- RtI District Committee formed (January, 2006)
- AIMSweb training (beginning April, 2007)
- Application for I-ASPIRE Demo site grant (June,
2007) - RtI Facilitator appointed Leslie Williams (July,
2007) - Building Coaches hired for Demo sites (August,
14What has been done at GDW?
- I-ASPIRE district consultant introduced
(September, 2007) - Fall Benchmarking, K-5 (September 25)
- Visitation to RtI site (October 2007)
- Testing results shared with grade level teams
(October 2007) - Building Self-Study completed (October 2007)
15What has been done at GDW? (continued)
- First intervention - Great Leaps / progress
monitoring (October 2007) - Staff Development (ongoing)
- Parent Communication
- Response to Intervention link on D300 site
(September) - School newsletter articles (October)
- Benchmark results shared at conferences (October)
- Parent Night at some schools (December)
16What is to come?
- More Staff development
- Winter Benchmarking (January, 2008)
- Explore schedule for next fall
- Look at our curriculum and research available
interventions - Spring Benchmarking (May, 2008)
17The Bottom Line RtI works
- Provides immediate feedback by identifying
students who need additional assistance, and by
telling us NOW if what we are doing works - Frequent assessment
- Data-based decision making
- Improves instruction for ALL students
- Efficient resource management
18What can parents do?
- Read with your children at home
- Visit D300 website (www.d300.org). There is a
link at the GDW website (http//gwes.d300.org) - Continue to watch for RtI articles in our school
newsletter - Direct your questions regarding this power point
to - Mrs. Petersen (Patricia.Petersen_at_d300.org)
- Mr. Luebbe (James.Luebbe_at_d300.org)
- AIMSweb Training Workbook Administration and
Scoring of Early Literacy Measures for Use with
AIMSweb (Shinn, Michelle Shinn, Mark
Edformation Inc. 2002) - Response to Intervention A Practical Guide for
Every Teacher (Bender Shores Corwin Press,
2007 - Response to Intervention Principles and
Strategies for Effective Practice (Brown-Chidsey,
Rachel Steege, Mark Guilford Press, 2005) - Kara Todd, School Psychologist, District 300
- www.illinoisaspire.org
- www.isbe.state.il.us
20Parent Feedback Did you find tonights RtI
presentation helpful? (Please circle one)
1 2 3 4 5
(not helpful)
(very informative) What additional information
would you like to know about RtI? How would
you prefer to learn about RtI? (check as many as
apply) _____ Newsletter articles
_____ Parent Meetings
_____ during the day _____
after school _____ in the
evening _____ On my own (books,
articles, online) _____ Personal reply
to a question listed above _____ Other
____________________________________ You
received copies of Fall Benchmark test data at
Parent Conferences in October. Results from the
Winter Benchmark testing will be sent home in
January or February. What is your comfort level
with this information? _____ I
understand the graph and will be able to
interpret the results _____ I would like
to attend a meeting after the results are sent
home that _____ explains
how to interpret the graph
_____ shows samples of the test materials
_____ describes the testing
process Name (optional) _______________________
________________________ E-mail or phone (if you
would like a response) _______________________ Th
ank you for coming!