Title: Faro Portugal
1European IALE Congress
Landscape Ecology in the Mediterranean inside and
outside approaches
Faro - Portugal March 29 - April 2, 2005
CALL FOR PAPERS Deadline for submission of
abstracts May 31, 2004
200 person limit pre-registration recommended
Organised by APEP (Portuguese Chapter of
IALE) Contact Conceição Colaço Centro de
Ecologia Aplicada Baeta Neves Instituto Superior
de Agronomia Tapada da Ajuda, 1349-017 Lisboa,
Portugal Phone 351 21 361 6080 Fax 351 21 362
3493 E-mail euro2005_at_apep.pt
1. Mediterranean coastal habitats under
pressure 2. Theoretical approaches to European
Landscape Ecology 3. Disturbance, biodiversity
and function in Mediterranean-type ecosystems
theory and evidence 4. Land degradation and
desertification 5. The Landscape Ecology of
Mediterranean mountains 6. Changes in land use,
biodiversity and cultural landscape character 7.
Conservation of Mediterranean Landscapes 8.
Landscape values, perceptions and aesthetics 9.
Local management, policies and stakeholder
involvement 10. Young Landscape Ecologists
symposium 11. Landscape Ecological monitoring
with special reference to the Mediterranean 12.
Open symposium