Design, Modeling and Simulation of Optoelectronic Devices - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Design, Modeling and Simulation of Optoelectronic Devices


Material model I single ... Electro-absorption modulators. Semiconductor optical amplifiers ... Summary on the Electro- and Magneto- Static Fields. 24 ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Design, Modeling and Simulation of Optoelectronic Devices

Design, Modeling and Simulation of Optoelectronic
  • A course on
  • Device Physics Processes
  • Governing Equations
  • Solution Techniques
  • Result Interpretations

Course Outline
  • Introduction
  • Optical equations
  • Material model I single electron band structure
  • Material model II optical gain and refractive
  • Carrier transport and thermal diffusion equations
  • Solution techniques
  • Design, modeling and simulation examples
  • Semiconductor lasers
  • Electro-absorption modulators
  • Semiconductor optical amplifiers
  • Super-luminescent light emitting diodes
  • Integrated optoelectronic devices

Introduction - Motivation
  • Increased complexity in component design to meet
    the enhanced performance on demand
  • Monolithic integration for cost effectiveness -
    similarity to the development of electronic
    integrated circuits
  • Maturity of fabrication technologies
  • Better understanding on device physics
  • Maturity of numerical techniques
  • which leads to the recent rapid progress on the
    computer-aided design, modeling and simulation of
    optoelectronic devices

Introduction - Motivation
Conventional Approach
New idea
New idea
Computer-aided design and modeling
Back of envelop design
Experiment (costly)
No (very likely)
No (very likely)
Experiment (costly)
No (less likely)
Effective Approach
Introduction - Physics Processes in
Optoelectronic Device
Introduction - Description of Physics Processes
  • From external bias to electron and hole
    generation carrier transport model (Maxwells
    equations in its quasi-static electric field form
    for bulk, or Heisenberg equation for
    low-dimension materials such as QW and QD)
  • From electron and hole recombination to optical
    gain generation semiconductor material model
    (SchrÖdinger equation)
  • From optical gain to photon generation and
    propagation Maxwells equations (in its full
    dynamic form)
  • Unwanted accompanying thermal process thermal
    diffusion model

Introduction - Course Organization
  • Optical equations 8 hours
  • Material model I 8 hours
  • Material model II 6 hours
  • Carrier transport and thermal diffusion 2 hours
  • Solution techniques 4 hours
  • Design, modeling and simulation examples 8 hours
  • Total 36 hours over 12 weeks
  • Assessment
  • Minor project on modeling (governing equation
    extraction for given components) 40
  • Major project on simulation (problem solving on
    the extracted governing equation) 60
  • Open-book, take-home (open-discussion), and

Optical Equations 1 Maxwells equations A
historical review for better understanding
Electrostatic Field
  • Coulombs law
  • Feature 1 why inversely proportional to the
    distance square?
  • Implication flux conservation in the 3D space
  • Hence we have Gauss law (electric)

Electrostatic Field
  • Feature 2 centered force
  • Implication zero-curled field (swirl free)
  • Hence we can introduce the scalar potential to
    obtain Poissons equation
  • Advantages of using scalar potential instead of
    vectorial field 1. only single variable is
    involved 2. with both two features in the
    electrostatic field embedded
  • Disadvantage PDE order is raised

Electrostatic Field
  • Summary the electrostatic field is divergence
    driven, curl free, and fully described by
    Poissons equation.

Home Work 1
  • How would Coulombs law look like if our space
    world was 2D, or 1D?
  • Is it possible to generate swirls in a
    centered-force field? If yes, how?

What happens for the dielectric media in the
electrostatic field?
  • Methodology to treat the dielectric media
  • Dipole forms inside the dielectric media if we
    move this media into an electrostatic field
    generated by a single charge
  • Dipole generates a new (extra) electrostatic
    field which can be calculated by Poissons
  • Equivalent this extra electrostatic field to a
    field generated by another (equivalent) single
  • Sum up the electrostatic fields generated by the
    two charges
  • Using the linear superposition theory, we can
    treat the dielectric media (with many dipoles) in
    any electrostatic field (formed by an arbitrary
    charge distribution).

What happens for the conductive media in the
electrostatic field?
  • Inside the conductive media, the electrostatic
    field is zero (due to the motion of free
    electrons, which must distribute in such a way
    that makes the field generated by the
    redistribution cancelled out with the original
    field applied to this conductive media).
  • Consequently, inside the conductive media, the
    scalar potential is identical everywhere.

Home Work 1 (continued)
  • Prove that the solution to Poissons equation is
    unique once the domain boundary condition is
    fully given.
  • Prove that, by introducing an electric
    displacement vector
  • governing equations for the electrostatic
    field inside an dielectric media are given as
  • What is the electrostatic field inside an empty
    (charge-free) closed conductive media cavity that
    is placed in an given electrostatic field? What
    is the charge distribution in the inner surface
    of this cavity? Name an application for such
  • The point charge source generates the
    electrostatic field inversely proportional to the
    square of the distance, how to generate the
    electrostatic field which is an inverse-linear
    function of the distance? an inverse-sub-linear
    function of the distance? and an
    inverse-super-quadratic function of the distance?

What happens if the charge moves?
  • Current forms as
  • The total number of charges must be conserved,
    hence the current flow through the surface of a
    closed region equals to the reduction of the
    charge density rate inside the closed region,
    i.e., (carrier continuity equation)
  • The current is driven by the Coulomb force, hence
    Ohms law holds

Static Motion (DC Current)
  • Inside the current flow region, the carrier
    continuity leads to a continuous current flow
  • Outside the current flow region, the field is
    still electrostatic as it is formed by the
    constant charge distribution inside the DC
    current flow region.
  • Therefore, the electric field originated from a
    DC current is still swirl free, i.e.,
  • It can be mapped to the electrostatic field
    inside a dielectric media if we view J as D, s as
    e0er, and E the same. Known as the electrostatic
    imitation, this mapping is widely used for
    electrostatic field measurement.
  • What is the new effect of the charge motion then?

Static Motion (DC Current)
  • Outside of the current flow region, if there is
    another charge stream in a static motion (i.e., a
    DC current), this charge stream feels a new
    force that is described by Biot-Saverts law in a
    form analogous to Coulombs law, except for the
    two involved scalar charges must be replaced by
    the two involved vectorial DC currents
  • A swirl is generated, we name it the magnetic
    flux, since this swirl acts on the moving charge
    only without any effect to the stay still charge,
    hence it differs from the electric field.

Static Motion (DC Current)
  • Therefore, the magnetic interaction between two
    moving charges is a reflection of a purely
    derivative effect
  • Whereas the electric interaction between two
    charges, regardless of their status, in motion or
    at rest, is a reflection of a static effect.

Magneto-static Field
  • Feature 1 the flux is a closed vectorial flow
  • Implication the flux is continuous in the 3D
    space, known as zero-diverged (source/drain free)
  • Hence we can introduce the vector potential and
    Gauss law (magneto) holds

Magneto-static Field
  • Feature 2 non-centered force, otherwise, the
    magneto-static flux has neither divergence nor
    curl, which makes it zero everywhere according to
    the Helmholtzs theorem the flux is, again,
    inversely proportional to the distance square
  • Implication flux conservation in the 3D space
  • Hence we have (the derivative form of) Amperes

Magneto-static Field
  • Summary the magneto-static flux is divergence
    free, curl driven, and fully described by the
    vectorial Poissons equation
  • However, unlike the scalar potential introduced
    in the electrostatic field, the vectorial
    potential introduced in the magneto-static field
    is not so popular as it has little advantage
    compared to the flux description.

Summary on the Electro- and Magneto- Static

Summary on the Electro- and Magneto- Static

Home Work 1 (continued)
  • We all understand that power can be delivered
    through the electromagnetic wave (e.g., AC power
    transmission through line/waveguide or wave
    radiation through antenna). Explain why we manage
    to deliver power through the static
    electromagnetic field without wave involved. What
    is the speed of the power transmission?
  • An information transmission system is designed in
    the following sketch
  • Can this system send signals at a speed
    surpasses the speed of the light in vacuum?
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