Title: Conclusions
2Efficacy Against Otitis Media
FinOM () NCKP () Vaccine Serotype OM 57
(44, 67) 69 (0.4, 93) Vaccine Related
Serotype OM 51 (27, 67) Non Vaccine Serotype
OM -33 (-80, 1) All Pnc OM
34 (21, 45) Recurrent OM 16
(-6, 35) 12 (7, 16) All OM
6 (-4, 16) 7 (4, 9) Tube
Placement 441 (19, 62) 24 (12,
Ruptured ear drum due to vaccine types
1 FinOM follow up
3Public Health Impact of Prevnar on Otitis Media
- 1.2 to 1.4 million office visits prevented a year
- Associated decrease in antibiotic use
- Prevention of 60,000 ear tube surgeries a year
4Otitis Media Indication
- Supported by two randomized controlled trials
showing statistically significant decreases in OM
outcomes - Prevnar immunization has an important medical
effect on otitis media disease and its
consequences - Addition to label ensures accurate communication
of information to physicians and parents - Vaccines against individual otitis pathogens are
all likely to have low overall impact on OM
5Thank you