Project Scheduling - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Project Scheduling


The task of planning timetables and the establishment of ... follows a beta distribution with its unimodal point occurring at m and its endpoints at and b. ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Project Scheduling

Project Scheduling
What is Project Scheduling?
  • The task of planning timetables and the
    establishment of dates during which resources
    such as equipment and personnel, will perform the
    activities required to complete the project.

The Project Schedule Integrates the Following
  • Estimated duration of activities
  • The technical precedence relations among
  • Constraints imposed by the availability of
    resources and the budget
  • Due-date requirements

What questions should by answered by the project
  • If each of the activities goes according to plan,
    when will the project be completed?
  • Which tasks are most critical to ensure the
    timely completion of the project?
  • Which tasks can be delayed, if necessary, without
    delaying the project completion, and by how much?
  • At what times should each activity begin and end?
  • What is the range of dollars that should have
    been spent at any given time during the project?
  • Is it worthwhile to incur extra costs to
    accelerate some of the activities?

Schedule Presentation
  • Schedules can be represented in several different
    ways to match the needs of the user. For
  • WBS
  • Gantt chart
  • Master schedule all schedules should relate to
    the master schedule, which gives a time-phased
    picture of the principle activities and
    highlights the major milestones.
  • Is a detailed schedule the best schedule?
  • Depends on the needs of the user!
  • If the users needs an overview but has to work
    with a very detailed schedule, then important
    communication could be delayed and divert
    attention from critical activities.

WBS Example Develop a New MBA ProgramFour
Level Divide the work content according to the
year in the program
  • 1. Development of an MBA curriculum

1.1 First-year Courses
1.2 Second-year Courses
1.1.1 Courses in Finance
1.6.1 Courses in Accounting
1.2.6 Courses in Accounting
1.2.1 Courses in Finance
1.1.1 Introduction to Finance Corporate Finance Corporate Accounting Managerial Accounting
What are the benefits to using a schedule?
  • Communications tool about the project
  • Coordination tool to link resources, time and
  • Tool for planning
  • Tool for monitoring progress
  • Tool for justifying corrective action

How do you start a schedule?
  • Top down - define major tasks, (sometimes
    referred to as milestones or phases) and then
    decompose each milestone/phase into more detail
  • Bottom up - list all the activities in a project
    in any order. Group the list into
    phases/milestones based on the required sequence,
    constraints, and assumptions

  • A milestone can be defined as an important event
    in the project life cycle. Examples include
  • The fabrication of a prototype
  • The start of a new phase
  • A status review
  • A test
  • First shipment

How do you start a schedule? Top Down
  • Place milestones on a timeline, which becomes the
    skeleton for the master schedule
  • Should be defined for all major phases of the

  • The completion of the milestone should be easily
    verifiable, but in reality, this may not be the
  • Why?
  • Design, testing and review tend to run together.
    There is always a desire to do a little more work
    correct superficial flaws or to extract a
    marginal improvement in performance. These
    activities tend to blur the milestones and make
    project control much more difficult.
  • When setting milestones, you must balance the
    number for the project. Too many may be
    considered over control by those involved,
    whereas too few can lead to continuity problems.

Estimating the Duration of Project Activities
  • Guidelines
  • The length of each activity should be
    approximately in the range of .5 to 2 of the
    length of the project. Example If the project
    takes about 1 year, each activity should be
    between a day and a week.
  • Critical activities that fall below this range
    should be included. Examples Tests, reviews and
    other significant activities that may be short in
    duration, but important to the project.
  • If the number of activities is very large (above
    250), the project should be divided into
    subprojects by function, products, or other
    logical division.
  • Schedules with too many activities quickly become
    unwieldy and are difficult to monitor and

Stochastic Approach to Estimating the Duration of
a Project
  • How often do we know the exact duration of an
  • Almost never!
  • How do we estimate the duration of activities
    whose durations cannot be known exactly?
  • One method is to analyze historical data from
    similar projects
  • Data analysis usually starts with representing
    the data in some visual form such as a table or
    chart like Figure 7-3 on p.309 of your text.
  • We can describe this set of historical data with
    statistical measures of centrality (such as the
    mean, mode, and the median) and measures of the
    distribution of the data (such as variance,
    standard deviation and the interquartile range).
  • When we have historical data, we need to fit a
    continuous distribution to facilitate analysis.

Stochastic Approach to Estimating the Duration of
a Project
What distributions will we use?
  • Normal and beta.
  • While the normal is easy to work with, it has a
    long left-hand tail which could imply a negative
    performance time.
  • The left-hand tail of the beta distribution does
    not cross the zero duration point and is not

How do we incorporate probabilistic
considerations into project scheduling?
  • By Assuming that the estimate for each activity
    can be derived from three different values
  • a optimistic time, which will be required if
    execution goes extremely well
  • m most likely time, which will be required if
    execution is normal
  • b pessimistic time, which will be required if
    execution goes extremely bad
  • a and b represent the upper and lower bounds on
    the frequency distribution.
  • To convert m, a and b into estimates of the
    expected value d and variance v, of the elapsed
    time required by the activity, two assumptions
    are made

How do we incorporate probabilistic
considerations into project scheduling?
  • Assumption 1
  • The standard deviation, s (square root of the
    variance), equals 1/6 the range of possible
  • s (b-a)/6
  • Assumption 2
  • The duration of the activities follows a beta
    distribution with its unimodal point occurring at
    m and its endpoints at and b.
  • The expected value of the activity duration is
    given by
  • d 1/32m 1/2(a b) (a 4m b)/6

Deterministic Approach to Estimating the
Duration of a Project
  • How do you estimate the duration of tasks when
    you do not have data from past projects to use as
    a baseline?
  • You can use on of 3 techniques
  • Modular
  • Benchmark job
  • Parametric

Modular Technique for Estimating the Duration of
a Project
  • The Modular Technique decomposes each activity
    into subactivities (or modules), estimates the
    performance time of each module, and then totals
    the results to get an approximate performance for
    the activity.

Benchmark Job Technique for Estimating the
Duration of a Project
  • The benchmark job technique uses elapsed time
    data from previous jobs to estimate the time
    required to complete tasks in a project.
  • This approach is the same concept as using
    standard data in time studies.
  • Time data is stored in a company database for
    routine tasks such as lifting boxes, loading
    trucks, or assembling a product.

When do you use the benchmark job technique?
  • The benchmark job technique is used when a
    project contains many repetitions of standard
    activities whose execution time is additive. If
    the nature of the work does not support the
    additivity assumption, then the parametric
    technique should be used.
  • The extent to which this technique can be used
    depends on the quality of the database of common
    activities maintained by the company.

Parametric Technique for Estimating the Duration
of a Project
  • Parametric technique is the same as using
    Regression Analysis to solve a problem in
  • The parametric technique attempts to predict the
    time required to complete a task by modeling the
    independent variables that impact the time
    required in a mathematical equation.
  • Regression analysis is used to predict the value
    of one variable on the basis of other variables.
  • The technique involves developing a mathematical
    equation that describes the relationship between
    the variable to be forecast, which is called the
    dependent variable, and variables that the
    statistician believes are related to the
    dependent variable.

Parametric Technique for Estimating the Duration
of a Project
  • The dependent variable is denoted by "y", while
    the related variables are called independent
    variables and are denoted x1, x2, , xk (where
    "k" is the number of independent variables).
  • Equations such as
  • E mc2
  • F ma
  • Are deterministic models because with exception
    of small errors, these equations allow us to
    determine the value of the independent variable
    (on the left side of the equation) from the value
    of the independent variables.
  • These equations do not represent the random
    nature of real life. Equations that contain some
    measure of randomness are called probabilistic

Parametric Technique for Estimating the Duration
of a Project
  • To build a probabilistic model, we start with a
    deterministic model that approximates the
    relationship we want to model. We then add a
    random term that measures the error of the
    deterministic component.
  • Example
  • Suppose that the cost of building a new house is
    about 75 per square foot and that most lots sell
    for about 25,000. The approximate selling price
    would be
  • y 25000 75x
  • Where y selling price and x Size of the house
    in square feet
  • Thus a house of 2000 square feet would be
    estimated to sell for
  • y 25000 75(2000) 175,000

Parametric Technique for Estimating the Duration
of a Project
  • We know the price is not exactly 175,000, but
    between 150,000 - 200,000. To represent this
    situation properly, we should use the
    probabilistic model
  • y 25000 75x Î
  • where " Î " ( the Greek letter epsilon)
    represents the random term (Called the error
    variable). Î is the difference between the actual
    selling price and the estimated price based on
    the size of the house. Thus the random term
    accounts for all the variables, both measurable
    and immeasurable, that are not part of the model
    such as number of bedrooms and location.
  • The value of Î will vary from house to house
    depending on location, number of bedrooms, etc

First-order Linear Model or Simple Linear
Regression Model
  • First-order Linear Model
  • y b 0 b 1x Î
  • Where
  • y dependent variable
  • x independent variable
  • b 0 y-intercept
  • b 1 slope of the line (defined as the ratio
    rise/run or change in y / change in x)
  • Î error variable

Least Squares Method
  • The problem addressed by the simple linear
    regression model is to analyze the relationship
    between two variables, x and y, (both which must
    be quantitative).
  • To do this we must know b 0 and b 1.
  • These coefficients are population parameters,
    which are almost always unknown.
  • How do we estimate b 0 and b 1?
  • We draw a random sample from the populations of
    interest and calculate the statistics we need
    just like we have throughout this course.
  • The estimators of b 0 and b 1 are based on
    drawing a straight line through sample data.

First-order Linear Model or Simple Linear
Regression Model
First-order Linear Model or Simple Linear
Regression Model
First-order Linear Model or Simple Linear
Regression Model
  • Our task is to draw the straight line that
    provides the best possible fit.
  • Our best line will have some points above and
    below. Meaning we will have differences that will
    be positive (above the line) and negative (below
    the line).
  • To eliminate the positive and negative
    differences, we draw the line that minimizes the
    squared differences. That is, we want to
    determine the line that minimize

First-order Linear Model or Simple Linear
Regression Model
  • Where yi represents the observed value y and
    represents the value of y calculated from the
    equation of the line. That is

First-order Linear Model or Simple Linear
Regression Model
  • The technique that produces this line is called
    the least squares method.
  • The line itself is called the least square line,
    the fitted line or the regression line.
  • The "hats" on the coefficients remind us that
    they are estimators of the parameters b 0 and b 1.

First-order Linear Model or Simple Linear
Regression Model
  • Calculations

First-order Linear Model or Simple Linear
Regression Model
First-order Linear Model or Simple Linear
Regression Model
  • Shortcut Formulas for SSx and SSxy

SSx sum of the squared difference between the
observations of x and their mean SSxy is not a
sum of squares (note that nothing is squared)
First-order Linear Model or Simple Linear
Regression Model
  • Sum of x
  • Sum of y
  • Sum of x-squared
  • Sum of x times y

First-order Linear Model or Simple Linear
Regression Model
First-order Linear Model or Simple Linear
Regression Model
  • Thus the least squares regression line is

First-order Linear Model or Simple Linear
Regression Model
  • Example
  • Car dealers are interested in the influence of
    the number of miles a used car has on the selling
    price of the car.
  • To examine the issue, a used car dealer randomly
    selected 100 three year old Ford Tauruses that
    were sold at auction during the past month.
  • Each car was in top condition and equipped with
    the same features (automatic transmission, AM/FM
    cassette tape player and air conditioning).
  • The dealer recorded the price and the number of
    miles on the odometer.
  • These data are stored in the file XM19-02. The
    dealer wants to find the regression line.

First-order Linear Model or Simple Linear
Regression Model
First-order Linear Model or Simple Linear
Regression Model
  • What do we know?
  • Dependent variable y selling price
  • Independent variable x odometer reading (miles
  • What do we want to know?
  • How the odometer reading affects the selling
    price, thus a simple linear regression.

First-order Linear Model or Simple Linear
Regression Model
Using the Sums of squares, we find the slope
-134,269,296/4,309,340,160 -.0311577
First-order Linear Model or Simple Linear
Regression Model
  • To determine the intercept, we need to find x-bar
    and y-bar

541,141/100 5,411.41
3,600,945/100 36,009.45
411.41 - (-.0311577)( 36,009.45) 6,533.38
The sample regression line is
First-order Linear Model or Simple Linear
Regression Model
  • Using Minitab
  • Type or import the data into 2 columns
  • Click Stat, Regression, and Regression
  • Type the name of the dependent variable (Response
    - Price or C2)
  • Hit tab, and type the name of the independent
    variable (Predictors - Odometer or C1)
  • Click O.K.
  • Click Stat, Regression, and Fitted Line Plot
  • Type the name of the dependent variable (Response
    - Y - Price or C2)
  • Hit tab, and type the name of the independent
    variable (Predictors - X - Odometer or C1)
  • Click O.K.

First-order Linear Model or Simple Linear
Regression Model
  • Interpreting the Results
  • -.0312 which means that for each additional
    mile on the odometer, the price decreases by an
    average of .0312 or 3.12 cents.
  • 6533 since this is the y - intercept, we might
    think that a car with 0 miles would sell for
    6533. In this case however, the intercept is
    probably meaningless. Because our sample did not
    include any cars with 0 miles on the odometer, we
    have no basis for interpreting . As a general
    rule, we cannot determine the value of y for a
    value of x that is far outside the range of
    sample values of x. In this sample, x ranged from
    19075 to 49223.

Multiple Regression
  • With simple linear regression, we had one
    dependent and one independent variable.
  • These models were simple, but of limited value.
  • Now we will consider models were we have more
    than one independent variables.
  • Multiple regression models generally fit the data
    better than simple (single) regression models.
  • In general we will include as many independent
    variables as can be shown to significantly affect
    the dependent variable.

Multiple Regression
  • We now assume that k independent variables are
    potentially related to the dependent variable

Where y dependent variable x1, x2, , xk
independent variables b 1, , b k
coefficients ? error variable
Multiple Regression
  • The independent variables may actually be
    functions of other variables
  • x2 x12
  • x5 x3 x4
  • x7 log(x6)
  • We will not discuss how and under what
    circumstances such functions can be used in
    regression analysis (thus we will not use these
    "functions of other variables").
  • When we have more than one independent variable
    in regression analysis, we refer to the graphical
    depiction of the equation as a response surface
    rather than a straight line.
  • When k2, the regression equation creates a
  • When k equals something greater than 2 we can
    only imagine the response surface, we cannot draw

Multiple Regression
  • Example
  • The president of a chain of video stores is
    deciding where to locate a new store. She plans
    to use a regression model to help select a
    location for a new store. She decides to use
    annual gross revenue as a measure of success,
    which is the dependent variable. The president
    believes that determinants of success include the
    following variables
  • Number of people living within one mile of the
    store (People)
  • Mean income of households within one mile of the
    store (Income)
  • Number of competitors within one mile of the
    store (Computers)
  • Rental price of a newly released movie (Price)

Multiple Regression
  • The president randomly selects 50 video stores
    and records the values of each of the variables
    listed above plus annual gross revenue (Revenue).
    These data are stored in file XM20-01.
  • She proposes the following multiple regression
  • Revenue b 0 b 1(People) b 2(Income) b
    3(Computers) b 4(Price) ?

Multiple Regression
  • Menu Commands
  • Type or import the data
  • Click Stat, Regression, and Regression
  • Type the name of the dependent variable
    (Response) (Revenue)
  • Hit tab, and type the names of the independent
    variables (Predictors) (People, Income,
    Computers, and Price)
  • Click O.K.
  • From the computer results we can define the
    multiple linear regression model as
  • Revenue -20297 6.44(People) 7.27(Income) -
    6709(Computers) 15969(Price)

Multiple Regression
  • So how do we develop a regression equation to
    predict the time required to complete a task?
  • Identify the independent variables that affect
    activity duration
  • Collect data on past performance time of the
    activity for different values of the independent
  • Check the correlation between the variables. If
    necessary, use transformations and only then
    generate the regression equation using step-wise
    regression analysis.
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