Title: Norwegian Advanced Instrumentation
1Advanced instrumentation 2006-2011
- Outline of talk
- Introduction (groups, competences, projects
underway, infrastructure, related projects) - Four sub-projects
- RD for future silicon systems
- The Norwegian technical student program at CERN
- Support for an Industry Liaison with extended
responsibilities related to Technology Transfer
and recruitment - Participation in the CLIC accelerator RD at CERN
- Summary
2Advanced instrumentation 2006-2011
- Background
- Traditionally around half of the students in the
Norwegian program are instrumentation students
true also during LEP running due to the RDn
programs at CERN - Group competences and infrastructure see next
slides - International projects underway (SLHC, CMB at
FAIR, ILC, medical imaging) also in next slides - In additon to having a very solid scientific
program at LHC to have more Norwegian CERN users
at all levels must be the main goal for next
period (this is also to be kept in mind for the
physics projects) - The following subprojects are essential for our
CERN exploitation - We now have around 10 technical students at CERN
program led by Jens Vigen with financial
contributions from the Norwegian Research
Council, with additional contributions from the
Universities and University Collegues sending
the students (Bergen, NTNU, Sør-Trøndelag mostly) - We have temporarily an ILO (ex technical student
from NTNU with one year background in the
Technology Transfer area at CERN) covering
several areas of interest for the general
Norwegian CERN exploitation - A student is interested in carrying out a ph.d
projects in accelerator physics (CERN has asked
for in-kind contributions to CLIC RD) .... this
person is finishing his Fellowship in ATLAS
(Toroid system)
3Recent/on-going activities relevant for the future
- Five major technology activities related to CERN
- Construction of silicon modules for ATLAS (UiB -
Stugu, UiO Stapnes/Dorholt, SINTEF earlier -
Avseth, HiG at some level - Wroldsen). Key effort
from the electronics and mechanical workshops in
Oslo, partly true also for workshops at UiB - Completed successfully
- PHOS detector for ALICE (UiB - Klovning, UiO -
Skaali, AME earlier - Hansen) note that AME and
their technology development was strongly linked
to CERN in 1980ies for LEP - Ongoing
- High Level Trigger development for ALICE
(UiB-Rohrich and Ullaland, HiB-Helstrup,
UiO-Skaali and Tveter) high rates and high
data-flow into readout and primary analysis
stage - Ongoing
- Construction of cryogenics tanks for ATLAS
(NTNU-Owren, SB-verksted-Hansen, UiO
partly-Stapnes) technology transfer NTNU/SINTEF
to SB-verksted, and reference contract with CERN - Completed succesfully
- RD50 (UiO Svensson and SINTEF) important and
interesting RD work for the future linked to new
facilities in Gaustadbekkdalen - Onging and very important
- Here you find all skills needed to construct any
detector system, including readout and
datahandling ... - __________________________________________________
_________________________________________________ - Important note worth mentioning in other talks
(for a different audience) than this - This overview does not include the other half
of the Norwegian CERN activities related to
physics studies, simulation - of physics processes and detectors, pattern
recognition, data-analysis, GRID, computing
methods, statistical methods - etc, etc ..... I refer to the talks earlier today
4RD50 - Radiation hard semiconductor devices for
very high luminosity colliders
57 institutes (43 from EU) gt250 scientists
- Particle Detectors research lines _at_ UiO/PE
- Defect and impurity engineering of
high-resistivity Si - New materials primarily silicon carbide (SiC)
- Three-dimensional detector structures
5MRL (Oslo, Aug-2003) 5000 m2
- Equipment
- Characterization laboratories, etc
- Electrical measurements Probe station, C-V,
DLTS, ADSPEC/TSCAP (20- 106 Hz) (cryostats 10-700
K, uniaxial stress), Laplace-O-DLTS - Optical measurements PL, interferometry, inverse
photoemission - Scanning Nanoprobe ?-scopy (AFM, SSRM, TUNA,
SCM) Foparken - SIMS surface profilometer
- MEMS-lab etching, optical microscopes, etc
MeV ion accelerator at UiO/MRL Ion implantation
and RBS-analysis
SIMS instrument at UiO/MRL
National Electrostatics Corporation, 1 MV
terminal voltage
6Electron microscope for e-beam lithography at UiO
- Equipment Status
- Clean Room (Synthesis,
- processing and
- characterization)
- Processing equipment (RTP, furnaces, evaporation,
bonder, ....) - ALCVD-lab
- Electron beam lithography (JEOL 6400F Raith-kit)
(FUN-/NanoMAT) - MeV implanter Rutherford Backscattering
Spectrometry (RBS) - Equipment from old SINTEF-lab is expected in late
2004 (early 2005) -
JEOL model JSM-6400F ELPHI Quantum (Raith)
7SINTEF RD for CERN projects
- Partner (important) in infrastructure buildup in
Gaustadbekkdalen their sensor lab has been
moved to same facilities -
- RD-20, CERN 1992-1994
- Dev.of High Resolution Si Strip Detectors for
Exp.at High Luminosity at the LHC - RD-48 (ROSE), CERN 1996-2000
- Radiation Hardening of Silicon Detectors
- RD-50, CERN 2002 - Collaboration with UiO
- Development of Radiation Hard Semiconductor
Devices for Very High Luminosity Colliders - SINTEF very interested in 3D sensors (Andreas
Werner) and this project preparing a SFI
application where 3D sensors is one sub-project.
8Advanced instrumentation projects underway
- New RD period underway internationally
(traditionally the periods where the CERN
technology exchange is the most interesting for
us) - For LHC upgrades (CMS and ATLAS have now RD SG
for upgrades with timescale 2014 2 years - The detector technology close to the interaction
point needs new development (in fact, the IDs
will be completely replaced). - The ATLAS B-layer is foreseen to be replaced in
2012 and new sensors, more integrated approached,
deeper sub-micron, new power schemes will need
to be developed. - For linear collider detectors several RD
projects are ongoing and a conseptual design
reports are foreseen by end 06-07 for
accelerators and detectors https//wiki.lepp.corn
ell.edu/wws/bin/view/Projects/WebHome - Increased CERN RD for medical systems over the
next decade (EU projects), and Norwegian
activities at CERN related to Technology Transfer
agreements and medical instrumentations - For heavy ions see later
Driven by this plot, but also by lifetime of IR
quads 700 fb-1
9LHC detector changes ID changes
- In the current ATLAS/CMS trackers a factor ten
luminosity increase would imply that the
detectors die within months, and/or become
useless due to increased occupancy creating
problems for the tracking, and/or going beyond
the acceptable readout rates. - This applies to both PIXEL and Strip systems in
ATLAS and CMS. The TRT in ATLAS will have an
occupancy which approaches 100 and cannot be
used. - An other way of saying this is that the current
technologies, with important new developments
could work at a factor 3 higher radius. - So we are looking at a full silicon tracker (the
best current example is CMS)
10LHC detector upgrade Elements of new IDs ?
- Electronics in DSM work well, parts already
tested to 100 MRad (and more but not powered), ie
0.13um or 0.09um processes can do the job (CMOS
or SiGe) - and costs are quite reasonable - The lowest layers need special attention even
more true for sensors (make replaceable?) - Yield/costs ATLAS PIXEL chip has around 80
yield, production costs promising (but
prototyping costs large one iteration assumed
in plot on the left)
- Sensors main issues are
- Reverse currents rise.
- Trapping increases.
- Bulk type inverts to effectively p-type
depletion voltage increase. - Consider to use p type bulk material to operate
more effectively under-depleted, collection
electrons (less trapping) - For example A conservative target for SLHC short
strips would be survival of 2 1015 cm-2 1MeV
neutron equivalent, with S/N gt 10 - For PIXEL area more difficult, replaceable or 3D
type (see RD50 studies for 1016 cm-2 1MeV neutron
equivalent sensors) - Both CMS and ATLAS have very good experience with
sensor production and quality in current
experiments - For the innermost layer(s) special measures or
replaceable system need to be considered most
significant RD area
Important RD area Very significant improvements
in power distribution (serial powering or rad
hard DC/DC) needed
11Advanced instrumentation projects underway
- For ALICE running after 2012, there are a number
of running options, the relative importance of
which will depend on the initial results. Most
probably this program will focus on rare probes
and thus require higher luminosity and/or faster
detectors and readout chains. - A high-granularity silicon pixel detector, which
is radiation hard and can be read out at high
rates, is mandatory. - QCD matter at large baryon densities is not
sufficiently explored, neither experimentally nor
theoretically. Nuclear reaction experiments at
FAIR, the future facility at GSI (e.g. Compressed
Baryonic Matter - CBM experiment) aim at a
detailed and comprehensive investigation of
super-dense baryonic matter. The research program
includes the measurement of penetrating probes,
which escape essentially undistorted from the
compressed nuclear collision zone. The planned
Compressed Baryonic Matter experiment at GSI is a
natural follow-up of the ALICE program. Important
physics questions would include the production of
heavy quarks in nuclear matter. - Due to the low energies involved the rate would
be low, and successful measurements would require
high rate collisions and triggers, and
corresponding high-speed detectors and readout
chains - So in both cases the following technologies/resear
ch fields are interesting - 3D silicon pixel detectors have electrodes that
go all the way through the bulk of the material.
This allows the electrodes to be positioned much
closer together without the need to reduce the
thickness of the detector, and thus the active
volume. The close positioning of the electrodes
is beneficial for both the full depletion voltage
and charge collection efficiency. 3d detectors
are expected to be radiation tolerant. - However, reading out the fine-granular pixels
with high-speed requires the integration of
electronics component on the detector and the
development of a new high-speed readout and
on-chip processing scheme in order to handle the
huge data rate The DAQ concept will use
self-triggered front-end electronics, where each
particle hit is autonomously detected and the
measured hit parameters are stored with precise
timestamps in large buffer pools.
12Advanced instrumentation CBM studies
- Vertex tracker (possible example of specs)
- 700 µm material budget tolerable
- about 35 µm x 35 µm pixel size needed
- only a small part (50 cm2) is exposed to very
high doses replacing this part after a major D
run is feasible - required dose and also interaction rate depends
on D0 efficiency thin detectors (100 µm) require
significantly less than thick (700 µm) ones - fast readout allowing clear event association
very valuable (at least) - THUS WANTED
- thin (lt700 µm)
- high resolution (s 10 µm)
- fast (best lt100 ns)
- radiation tolerant (30, better gt100 Mrad)
- self-triggered, high bandwidth FEE
13International Research Training Group
- Graduiertenkolleg Forskerskole
- Starting date 1.10.2004
- Successful meeting at UiB in April with 30-40
participants, follow up now in September in
Heidelberg, next meeting in Oslo in April -
- Duration 4.5 years extendable by 4.5 years
- Funding
- DFG 12 stipends running costs
- UiB, UiO, HiB a few stipends 700 kNOK ?
14IRTG - participants
15IRTG research program
- Development and Application of Intelligent
- Includes
- physics simulation
- detector simulation
- detector construction, system integration
- readout design, development and operation
- trigger design, development and operation
- data handling and data management
- online data analysis
- offline data analysis
- GRID computing
- Applies to
- Nuclear Physics
- High Energy Physics
- Space Physics
- Detector Physics
- Sensoric
- Microelectronics and Electronics
- Computer Engineering
- Computer Science
16Looming in the background Prototype cardiology
CdZnTe camera (IDEAS), and an X-ray camera
(INTERON goal) medical instrumentation
17Advanced instrumentation proposed strategy
- Given the points discussed above the four
sub-projects on page 1 have six main - goals
- Join forces to develop challenging new silicon
technology taking advantage of knowledge base and
new infrastructure in Norway - Focus on basic technology development the first
three years, related to 3D silicon sensors and
new integration methods for sensors and
electronics. - Include a large number of students, in silicon
detector system research using fully the link to
Forskerskole students. - Establish a new ILO and TT system where the focus
is longer term and on technology transfer and
knowledge, via projects and human resources
spending time on CERN, in addition to the
traditional CERN contract follow up. - Strengthen the technical students program, and
co-ordinate training of Norwegian students to
provide an overall consistent environment for
them where there is increased contact between the
students, Norwegian CERN staff and researchers,
and Norwegian Industries being involved in CERN
projects. - Participate in CLIC accelerator research to have
a minimal activity in accelerator research, and
also to answers CERN request for voluntary
contributions to CLIC.
18Advanced instrumentation RD for future silicon
- As mentioned the overall research objective is to
produce and characterize 3D silicon sensors and - to integrate transistors on the surface of these
sensors. - The production and characterization of the 3D
detector itself will be done in collaboration
with the - MiNaLab in Oslo.
- The key steps are
- Formation of 3D structures
- Annealing and passivation of process induced
defects in 3D structures - Formation of p-n junctions in the 3D detector
structures - Characterisation of detector
- The integrated electronics has to be added as a
second processing round with an appropriate CMOS
process. - The main goals of the project are therefore (one
19Schematics of 3D- and ordinary detector structures
- Proposed by S.I. Parker, C.J. Kenney and J.
Segal (NIM A 395 (1997) 328) - Called 3-D because, in contrast to silicon
planar technology, have three dimensional (3-D)
electrodes penetrating the silicon substrate - Important researches are now under investigation
by a collaboration (not in RD50) within Brunel
Univ., Hawaii Univ., Stanford Univ. and CERN
depletion thickness depends on p and n
electrode distance, not on the substrate
thickness ? (1) can operate at very low voltages
or (2) can have a high doping for ultra-high
radiation hardness
20Charge collection in 3D sensors
- lower collection length than planar technology
- lower charge collection time than planar
technology - higher charge collection efficiency
computer simulations of the charge collection
dynamics for planar and 3D detectors
21Real 3D devices
a 3D detector structure
a 3D structure grown at SINTEF
15 ?m
200 ?m
4 ?m
22Semi-conductor systems Trends to be noted deep
sub micron
8192 pixel cells/die 13 millions
transistors/die 5 dies /detector Differential
preamp Power/die0.8W Pixel size50 x 450 ?m All
processing functions on cell ENC 100 e- rms _at_
Cdet0.1pF Threshold mismatch150 e-
rms Vdd1.8V Filtering 2 conjugate complex poles
- Beyond DSM processes (from CERN academic
training) - Is there an end to CMOS
- Ultimate CMOS nanoscale technology
- Introduction to mesoscopic physics
- Quantum confinement, and electronic transport in
nanowires - Quantum dots and Single Electron Tunneling (SET)
Transistor - Nanoelectronic systems
23CERN and semi-conductor systems Trends to be
noted monolithic systems
- Motivation to develop a new pixel detector
- Radiation hardness improvement (leakage, reverse
annealing issues) - Decrease fabrication cost of pixel detector
- Develop a thin pixel detector
- Easy fabrication of large area devices
- Overcome readout limitation of Imaging
architecture DEPFET MAPS - Concepts of silicon pixel detectors in HEP(CCD
excluded) - 1st Hybrid silicon pixel
- 2nd DEPFET Monolithic on high resistivity
substrate, bulk or SOI - 3rd MAPS Monolithic on CMOS wafer substrate
- 4th concept not yet exploited deposition of
detector material film on ASIC
Hybrid pixel
DEPFET pixel
24Semi-conductor systems Next steps
- Start 3D sensor development can start now
will join forces/collaborate with US groups
through ATLAS RD projects - Evaluate electronics/readout components to
integrate, methods to do it, and partner for
carrying out the electronics development this
project is less developed than the first - Support and readout electronics, preparation for
irradiations, etc can start right away too - So basically this project can start immediately
as soon as we have a funding base agreed
25Advanced instrumentation Technical Students
- The Norwegian Technical student program is
currently very successful and we wish to continue
it. The ambitions are to keep it at the level of
10-12 students yearly. From an initial investment
of support for 3-4 months the students are
typically extended by CERN to 12 months, and even
14 months in some cases. The monthly cost is 3414
CHF, i.e 17750 NOK. - The two Norwegian CERN staff members who have
been doing most of the work have been Jens Vigen
and Nils Høimyr, and they are willing to continue
to promote the program. Jens Vigen will lead the
sub-project. - Contract signed in 2005 on the right
26Advanced instrumentation ILO
- Based on the experiences from 2005 and a project
study carried out by the Norwegian Research
Council the following - job-description seems appropriate to covers these
tasks - Work as the Norwegian Industry Liaison Officer
(ILO) - Identify tenders at CERN that can be relevant for
Norwegian companies and contact these companies - Give support to the companies which want to
receive an invitation to tender - Participate in the negotiation between CERN and
companies when this is needed - Keep an active relationship with the technical
department and the Norwegian staff at CERN to get
Norwegian companies involved in the requirement
specification process in forthcoming projects - Attend to Norwegian technology and trade shows to
promote CERN as a potential buyer of products and
services - Work as the Norwegian Technology Transfer Officer
(TTO) - Identify technologies developed at CERN which can
be interesting for Norwegian companies - Carry through marked researches for Norway on
these technologies and contact the relevant
companies - Attempt to get Norwegian companies, research
institutions and university into relevant
pre-competitive RD collaborations at CERN - Attend to Norwegian technology and trade shows to
promote CERN technology - Work as an employment contact
- Function as a contact person for Norwegian CERN
job applicants and for the Norwegian employment
service (AETAT) - Contribute in the recruitment and promotion work
of CERN at Norwegian universities and university
colleges with the purpose of increasing the
number of students and scientist at CERN and
increase the interest for in general
27Advanced instrumentation accelerator physics
- The specific goal of this sub-project is to
support a Norwegian activity, specifically a Ph.D
grant, with the goal of setting up a test beam
line to prove the feasibility of the CLIC drive
beam RF power generation. - The compact linear collider study at CERN aims to
develop the technology for an electron-positron
linear collider with a centre-of-mass beam
collision energy in the multi-TeV range. The
concept is based on a two-beam scheme in which
the RF power to accelerate the main beam is not
produced by klystrons but rather by a low-energy,
high-current drive beam. This drive beam is
generated centrally and transported to the main
linacs. Here, it is sent through a sequence of
Power Extraction and Transfer Structures (PETS)
in which the beam generates the RF power for the
main beam. This process leads to a strong
deceleration of the drive beam, which in
conjunction with the high current and low energy
could affect the beam stability and the power
production efficiency. - In order to test the feasibility of the
drive-beam generation and RF power production,
the CLIC Test Facility 3 (CTF3) is under
construction at CERN. It will also be used to
benchmark the drive beam stability in the
decelerator and compare experimental results with
theoretical simulations. To this end, a Test Beam
Line (TBL), which consists of a number of PETS,
will be installed and tested with beam to produce
up to 5 TWatts of RF power. - The student will play a key role in the design of
the TBL. He or she will model the beam conditions
for different options of the PETS and TBL
lattice. This study should lead to a choice of a
specific PETS and lattice that allows to verify
the predictions of the beam stability
simulations. The work therefore includes the
specification of the instrumentation. It is
planned to build and test a prototype TBL PETS
during the duration of the PhD project. CTF3 will
run each year and provides the opportunity of
participation in the test program allowing the
student to gain experience in machine operation
and the actual performance of the different
hardware components. - The student needs to work in close collaboration
with experts in different fields, in particular
accelerator operation, accelerator physics, beam
diagnostics and RF.
- This project will be run as four independent
subprojects with the following structure - Silicon part UoO centrally Ole Dorholt,
MiNilab Bengt Svensson, UoB Kjetil Ullaland. - Techncial students Jens Vigen.
- ILO Steinar Stapnes executes the contracts in
close co-operation with the Norwegian Research
Council (for detailed mandate, budget framework
and reporting) - CLIC Steinar Stapnes supervises Erik Adli.
- For the International Research Team Dieter
Roehrich and Bernhard Skaali will act as main
contacts at UoB and UoO, respectively. - The people mentioned above, including the ILO and
specific resource persons as needed connected to
the project, will formally meet at least twice a
year to review the status, plans and progress,
and to co-ordinate the efforts. In this process
we will draw in people involved in the CERN
technology transfer program in order to support
Norwegians activities and industries taking part.
One way to do this is steer a few technical
students at CERN into such project. All together
aim of this project is create a common meeting
place for University researchers, and industry
partners involved in CERN related technologies
and instrumentation projects. - The project will be lead by Prof. Steinar
Stapnes, UoO, and have as deputy leader Prof.
Kjetil Ullaland, UiB.
Not a closed project Welcome and expert other
people to participate
- The overall project is well based given
experience, expertise and infrastructure - The timing is good for RD with respect to a
number of future projects - We integrate all the technical CERN related
projects to improve communication and
collaboration something new in the Norwegian
programme - The resources are currently too small to do
enough concerning integration of electronics
need to work with partners abroad and plan this
in more detail next - Would benefit the project very significantly if
we could find decent support for Norwegian
Forskerskole grants