Title: UK MICE meeting at RAL
1UK MICE meeting at RAL 3 March 2004 WP2
Improving the flow performance By Rosie Cooper
Stephanie Yang, Oxford
2The natural convection model
3LH2 absorber without baffled and heat source at
4Y 0m
Y 0.25m
LH2 absorber without baffled and heat source at
Flow At Window
Y 0.75m
Y 0.5m
5LH2 absorber without baffled and heat source at
6Global delta T 2.98K Delta T at fluid domain
1.864K (15.117K) Delta T at solid domain 1.845K
(1415.8K) Rayleigh number 2.216E11
7Max velocity 0.165m/s
LH2 absorber without baffled and heat source at
8Max pressure 0.825 Pa
LH2 absorber without baffled and heat source at
9Delta T at fluid domain 6.6K (16 22.6K) Delta
T at Al absorber (solid domain) 2.5K
(1416.5K) Global delta T at all domains 8.6K
Rayleigh number 7.83E11
LH2 absorber without baffled and heat source at
10The idea of a baffle and how it might improve
convective cooling
Expected flow pattern of the current
The baffle is expected to assist the convective
cooling by forcing the warm current to flow
down the side of the absorber which receives
direct cooling from the gas helium, and come up
as a cooler liquid through the centre.
11The CFD model with baffles
12Max velocity 0.1189 m/s
LH2 absorber with baffled and heat source at 200W
13Max pressure 1.47Pa
LH2 absorber with baffled and heat source at 200W
14Delta T at fluid domain 5.28K (1621.3K) Delta T
at Al absorber (solid domain) 2.8K
(1416.8K) Global delta T at all domains 7.3K
Rayleigh number 6.17E11
LH2 absorber with baffled and heat source at 200W
15Force flow cases
16Forced-flow Heat Transfer Numerical Calculations
17Forced-flow Heat Transfer Numerical Calculations
Main inlet outlet nozzle diameter is
25.8mm Branch nozzle diameter is 14.28mm (0.56)
18Forced-flow Heat Transfer Numerical Calculations
Velocity distribution
19Forced-flow Heat Transfer Numerical Calculations
Additional plots on flow patterns
20Forced-flow Heat Transfer Numerical Calculations
Temperature distribution
Inlet velocity is at 4.4m/s
21Forced-flow Heat Transfer Numerical Calculations
Pressure distribution
22Forced-flow Heat Transfer Numerical Calculations
23The question How do we improve the flow
performance without increasing the Delta P?
24Nozzle with a reduced throat area
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26Graph shows plot of Reynolds Number versus nozzle
ratio, a/A.
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2810m/s velocity applied at the inlet, 60W heat
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34Remarks The results so far indicate that the
nozzle with a reduced throat area seems
promising. It gives improved flow speed and
cooling performance without increasing the delta
P inside the vessel. Our next step is to study if
similar improvement could be made by the outlet
nozzle having the same reduced throat area