Title: Connections Agriculture and the Holocaust
1Connections Agriculture and the Holocaust
- 1933 poster announcing agricultural fair
- 8 months after Hitler took power.
2Late 1920s Nazis shift from cities to rural
- What does this mean for agriculture?
- Confiscation of Jewish agricultural property
- "National Socialist Rural Post" published on
Adolf Hitler's orders - the Nazi party's only official agricultural
3"National Socialist Rural Post"
- Each farmer, farm worker or agricultural hand,
and anyone else in the countryside, must be
persuaded persistently, but not obnoxiously, to
subscribe to the only National Socialist farmer's
4Concentration Camps
- Subcamps producing or processing agricultural
goods were subordinate to Auschwitz-Birkenau - Auschwitz inmates employed on huge farms
- including Rajsko experimental agricultural
5Fourth Reich Farmers Rally
- Primary Themes
- Declaration of war against Jewish world
Bolshevism - self-assertion and national independence
- Opening remarks of Reich Farmers Leader
- Agriculture to the front.
6Non Jewish Victims
- Poland
- Why?
- agricultural country with little military power
- agricultural land in close proximity to Germany
- populated by strong and healthy farmers
- What happened?
- Polish citizens rounded up and placed in slave
labor for German farmers and factories or taken
to concentration camps
7Priorities for Use of Occupied Territory Manpower
- Labor required for the troops, the occupation
authorities, and the civil authorities - Labor required for the German armaments
- Labor required for food and agriculture
- Labor required for industrial work other than
armaments, which is in the interest of Germany - Labor required for industrial work in the
interests of the population of the territory
8German Prisoners of War Working on Farm
A British private (left) supervises German
prisoners of war who are working in a sugar beet
field at Low Cottage Farm in Upwell, Norfolk,
England, in 1944. A German Corporal stands by to
translate the orders.
9Fritz Haber - Scientist
- Responsible for chemical warfare development of
Nazi Germany - Created synthetic fertilizers
- Catalyst for the Green Revolution
- Irony? Killed by the same gasses that he created.
10Henry Morgantheau
- What did he do?
- WWI worked in the U.S. Farm Administration of the
USDA - 1922 to 1933 - Publisher of American
Agriculturist - 1933 appointed Chairman of the Federal Farm
Board - United States Secretary of the Treasury January
1, 1934, - July 22, 1945 - Proposed various rescue plans for Jews in Germany
11Benoît Musy
- Nationality
- Swiss
- Education
- Attended Swiss agronomy institution
- Â Received his agricultural engineer's diploma
- Work experience
- Lieutenant in Swiss Air Force
- Worked in Agribusiness
- 1st military skydiver
How does a man with agricultural background
help? Negotiated release of 1,200 prisoners from
the Therensienstadt concentration camp.
12Food for Fighters
- Feeding America Soldiers during WWII
13Websites used
- http//fcit.usf.edu/HOLOCAUST/TIMELINE/nazirise.HT
M - http//www.holocaustforgotten.com/non-jewishvictim
s.htm - http//www.ushmm.org/wlc/article.php?ModuleId1000
5189 - http//www.nizkor.org/hweb/imt/nca/nca-01/nca-01-1
0-slaves-08b.html - http//orbisenterprises.com/Holoc-1/holoc-1.html
- http//www.calvin.edu/academic/cas/gpa/wilweg01.ht
m - http//www.calvin.edu/academic/cas/gpa/posters/bav
aria.jpg - http//www.calvin.edu/academic/cas/gpa/bauerntag36
.htm - http//www.ushmm.org/wlc/article.php?langenModul
eId10007408 - http//pro.corbis.com/search/Enlargement.aspx?CID