Title: A Demonstration Lesson: Road to War
1 A Demonstration Lesson
Road to
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3Technology Resourcesto IntegrateGlencoe / The
American Journey
- Chapter 26 etext
- Glencoe Online
- Modifiable Notes on PPT
- Music Through History
4The lesson.
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7Contributing Causes
- Unresolved issues from Treaty Of Versailles
- US desire for foreign markets
- Nationalism
- Militarism
- Expansionism
- Imperialism
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9Guide to Reading
Main Idea
- As dictators threatened world peace, the United
States tried to follow a policy of neutrality. ?
Key Terms
- totalitarian ?
- appeasement
- fascism ?
- anti-Semitism ?
10- Think about
- why dictators came to power around the world
- dictators actions that led to the outbreak of
World War II - how US would react
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12Read Rise of Dictators pages 752
- 753
13Download From Discovery Education America in the
20th Century World War II The Road to War Italy
14Read Germany page 753
15Germany 1
16Read Japan page 754
18Read Soviet Union page 754
19Soviet Union
20Read Germany on
the March page 754
21Germany 2
22How did Hitler, Mussolini, Stalin, and the
Japanese military leaders threaten world peace in
the 1930s?
23- They pursued an aggressive policy of
expansionism and increased their nations
military power.
- In 1940 Japan, Germany, and Italy allied with one
another, binding them together should any of them
go to war.
- This unified the three countries, making them
more dangerous in the event of war breaking out.
24What was Hitlers motive behind signing the
Nazi-Soviet pact with Stalin, his enemy?
25- Hitlers hidden motive was his goal to invade
- He could not do so outright because Stalin would
be angry - and feel threatened since Poland bordered the
Soviet Union.
- The pact allowed Hitler to use force against
Poland without fear of Soviet intervention.
26 Great for individual
student use or
for the class as a whole World War Two Movies
from BBC A series of movies telling the
stories of some of those caught up in the
devastating events of World War Two
27Extending the lesson
- NEA Jazz in the Schools
- PBS Jazz
- PBS Jazz Kids
- MSNBC Pearl Harbor Interactive
- National Geographic Pearl Harbor Interactive
- BBC World War II
- Arlington National Cemetery
- Newseum
- Thinkfinity
- MeL
- TeachingBooks
- Holocaust
28- Discovery Education
- Interactive History Diagrams
- Glencoe / The American Journey
- VoiceThread
- GCast
- Audacity
- Teacher Tube
- I4C
- National Air Space Museum, Smithsonian
Institution - Internet Archive
29Suggested Novels
- The Avion My Uncle Flew by Cyrus Fisher
- Jacob Have I Loved by Katherine Paterson
- The Upstairs Room by Johanna Reiss
- Behind the Bedroom Wall by Laura E. Williams
- Eyes of the Emperor by Graham Salisbury
- Summer of My German Soldier by Brett Greene
- Fosters War by Carolyn Reeder
30- Student Project Example
- Fosters War
31- Evaluation of Media
- (converter)
- Literature connection
- Story of an Eyewitness
- and more
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