Title: Assembly Planning
1Assembly Planning
2Levels of Problems
- Parts are assumed free-flying ?Assembly sequence
planning - Tools/fixtures are taken intoaccount
- Entire manipulation system is taken into
account ? Manipulation planning
- Answers to questions such as
- How many parts need to be removed to extract a
given part P? - Can the product be assembled by adding a single
part at a time? - How much can the assembly processed by
parallelized? - Design for manufacturing and servicing
- Design of manufacturing systems
4Assembly Sequence Planning
- Very constrained goal state, but unconstrained
initial state ? Disassembly planning - Large number of dofs, but simple paths? Motion
5Set of Assembly Sequences as an AND/OR Graph
6(No Transcript)
7Contact Analysis
8Contact Analysis
9(No Transcript)
10Number of Hands
An assembly that requires n hands
11Mononoticity of an Assembly
12Mononoticity of an Assembly
13Example Assemblies
- With translations only
- monotone
- two-handed
- With translations only
- non-monotone, 2-handed
- monotone, 3-handed
- With general motions
- monotone, 2-handed
14Example Assemblies
- With translations only
- monotone
- two-handed
- With translations only
- non-monotone, 2-handed
- monotone, 3-handed
- With general motions
- monotone, 2-handed
15Nonlinearalizable 1-Handed Assembly
16Planning Approaches
- Generate-and-test
- Generate-and-test plus caching
- Non-directional blocking graph
- Interference diagram
17Directional Blocking Graph(for infinitesimal
R.H. Wilson and J.C. Latombe. Geometric Reasoning
about Mechanical Assembly. Artificial
Intelligence, 71(2)371-396, 1995.
18Directional Blocking Graph(for infinitesimal
19Non-Directional Blocking Graph(for infinitesimal
The NDBG is a partition of a motion space into
20Non-Directional Blocking Graph(for infinitesimal
? Assembly sequencing in polynomial time
21Non-Directional Blocking Graph(for extended
22Extension to 3-D
23Extension to 3-D
24Interference Diagram
25Interference Diagram
26Assembly Sequences Generated Using NDBGs
Sandia National Labs (R. Wilson)
Munich University (F. Schwarzer)