Title: CDERA
The Caribbean Disaster Emergency Response Agency
Managing Disaster with Preparedness
National Consultation on Emergency Shelter
Management St Kitts and Nevis March 20 21,
2001 Presented by the Caribbean Disaster
Emergency Response Agency
2The Regional Emergency Shelter Management
31981 1990 Pan Caribbean Preparedness and
Prevention Project Supported disaster Management
activities in the region including Shelter
Management Hurricane Gilbert (1988) and Hurricane
Hugo (1989) highlighted the weaknesses in
emergency shelter programmes
4Regional Meeting in 1990 for countries
participating in PCDPPP Review of issues raised
regarding emergency shelter activities during
Hugo in Antigua and Barbuda, St. Kitts and Nevis
and Montserrat Identified needs and strategies to
address them.
5- 1991 inception of CDERA and collaboration
- with USAID/OFDA for programme development
- Training Course developed
- Testing of training materials
- Refinement of training materials
- Training of Instructors
6- Other major events Volcanic Emergency
- in Montserrat and Hurricanes such as Luis
- Highlighted long-term sheltering issues
- Need for comprehensive programme
- Need for national level action to advance shelter
management planning and programming
7- Policy developed by CDERA
- 1997 - Policy approved by Council and recommended
for adaptation for use in Participating States
- Provided justification, goal and objective
- Addressed implementation issues such as
- National Shelter Body and responsibilities
- Retrofitting, Maintenance, Repair and Evaluation
9- MODEL POLICY(contd)
- - Training Programme Mandatory
- Evaluation of Shelters
- Retrofitting, Maintenance, Repair and
Evaluation - Key elements of the programme