Title: National Latin Exam 2004
1National Latin Exam 2004
23. Orpheus poeta in Orcum descendit ut uxorem
- A. where he searched for his wife
- B after he was searching for his wife
- C. while searching for his wife
- D. to search for his wife.
38. Nautae dixerunt se in portu multos dies
mansuros esse.
- A. are remaining
- B. Would remain
- C. Had remained
- D. have remained
411. His verbis auditis, discipuli periculum
- A. Who heard these words
- B. These words shall be heard
- C. After these words had been heard
- D. You heard these words
512. Advenit ad eandem provinciam a qua nuper
profectus est.
- A. that
- B. each
- C. any
- D. the same
618. Cum tempestas esset magna, nautae tamen ad
portum Carthaginis profecti sunt.
- A. With
- B. While
- C. Although
- D. When
724. Who is the author of Ad Familiares,
sixteen books of letters which give a clear
picture of Roman life?
- Tacitus
- Cicero
- Livy
- Caesar
828. What Latin phrase can be used to indicate
an assertion made on authority, but not proved?
- A ipse dixit
- B. et alia
- C. lapsus linguae
- D. quid pro quo