Title: Argumentative Reasoning with ABEL
1Argumentative Reasoningwith ABEL
Rolf Haenni Philosophy DepartmentUniversity of
- Introduction
- Probabilistic Argumentation
- Remarks Conclusion
21. Introduction
Reasoning and deciding under uncertainty is
common in everyones daily life
1) determine possible answers or alternatives
2) list most relevant pros and cons (for each
answer or alternative)
3) measure or weigh pros and cons (for each
answer or alternative)
4) accept answer or choose alternative with the
maximal total weight (or if necessary, gather
more information)
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42. Probabilistic Argumentation
1. Modeling
Remark The knowledge base is often given as a
conjunctively interpreted set of formulas.
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63. Quantitative Analysis
73. ABEL
84. Remarks Conclusion
- ABEL also support non-binary models
- The ABEL language supports so-called modules
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