Title: ILC Program at SLAC
1ILC Program at SLAC
- Nan Phinney
- July 7 9, 2008
2P5 Report on ILC
- The international particle physics community has
reached consensus that a full understanding of
the physics of the Terascale will require a
lepton collider in addition to the Large Hadron
Collider. - SLAC has been committed to a TeV scale linear
collider for nearly 3 decades - SLC the 1st and only LC operated from 1988-98
- NLC/GLC X-band design developed with KEK
- ILC SC L-band design led by the GDE
3SLAC role in RDR -gt EDR
- SLAC extensive expertise in LC design meant SLAC
led - 5 of 6 area systems, some key technical systems
- SLAC also had a major role in producing the RDR
document - Chief editor, wrote or rewrote many sections,
tech pubs - For EDR, SLAC was to narrow focus and lead
engineering design and costing of - Electron source laser, photocathodes, optics
- Beam Delivery System optics, diagnostics, IR
integrn - RF sources modulator, klystron, RF distn,
couplers - Linac system design optics, diagnostics,
tuning - Work on positron source RTML transfered to
4FY08 post-Omnibus bill
- ILC-specific design engineering was stopped and
effort was diverted to more generic RD - Given new ILC timescale cut back engineering
CFS, but positioned ourselves to resume ILC work
in FY09 - Much RD had broad applicability
- L-band RF sources for Project-X, ERLs, any SC
linac - BDS ATF2 for future IRs, crab cavities for LHC
- Electron cloud for LHC, SPS, Super-B, etc.
- High Availability controls for Project-X, etc.
- Laser photocathode RD for future e- sources
- RF modeling wakefield simulations
5Linear Collider Department
- Faculty
- T. Himel
- J. Paterson
- Permanent PhD
- C. Adolphsen
- A. Brachmann
- R. Larsen
- C. Nantista
- J. Ng
- N. Phinney
- M. Pivi
- P. Tenenbaum
- A. Seryi
- J. Sheppard
- C. Spencer
- M. Woods
Fixed Term PhD R. Arnold L. Wang G. White F.
Zhou Technical Staff J. Amann B. McKee J.
Tice M. Woodley Postdoc S. Molloy S. Pei F.
Part time/other dept On leave
6Overview of Financial Data FY2008
Chart is Q1 staff distributions layoffs mainly
engineering tech staff
7Current LC RD Efforts
- Electron source
- Electron cloud mitigation
- L-band RF power sources
- BDS and ATF2
- High Availability hardware
- Systems Integration
8DC Gun Test Lab at SLAC
- Measurements of QE Polarization and Charge limit
- System is operational after long down time
- First measurements of QE and charge limit of
InGaAS/GaAs cathodes
InAlGaAs/AlGaAs 85 Spin Polarization
9e- Source Laser Development
- Cryogenic amplifier chamber has been acquired and
is in the process of installation
Cryogenic chamber containing TiSapphire crystal
10Positron Source Design
- RDR effort included
- overall layout optics design
- target yield damage calculations, remote
handling - NC capture structure prototype
- collimation dump design
- system throughput
- UK planned to take over this effort for EDR/TDP
phase - except testing NC structure (done)
- remote handling design (on hold)
11Electron cloud mitigation tests PEP-II chicane
Mitigation tests in ILC magnetic field
Aluminum surface
New 4-dipole chicane in the PEP-II LER
TiN surface much reduced signal with respect to Al
Observed new resonance Electron current peaks at
defined B values (n)
Test chamber Al and TiN-coated
12RTML Design
- RDR effort included
- 2 stage bunch compressor overall layout optics
design - integration with central injector
- matching, diagnostics, collimation tuneup dump
design - Effort documented transfered to FNAL for TDP
phase - except completing ongoing dumpline design
- Further tuning simulations on hold until FY09
13Marx Modulator Development
- Testing Prototype at 120 kV, 140 A, 3-5 Hz with
Coarse Pulse Flattening.
27 kJ
27 kJ
140 A
140 A
120 kV
120 kV
14Sheet Beam Klystron Development
Measure Beam From Gun
Measure Beam after Transport w/o RF
Winter 08
Measure RF Generation
Spring 09
15Cavity Power Couplers and RF Processing Stand
Instrumented Coupler Test Stand at SLAC ESB
Processing of First Pair after a 150C Bake
Power (MW) -vs- Time for Pulse Widths of 50,100,
200, 400, 800, 1000 ms
16Clean Room Being Constructed at SLAC
Storage Lockers
SLAC Modification to Orsay Design Eliminate
separate material pass-through More class 10
area Class 1000 gt 100 Remote vacuum bake
Office Space
Vacuum Oven possible upgrade
Gowning Area
Class 100
Class 10
Air Shower
Air Handling System
17Worlds First High Precision Measurement of the
Magnet Center Stability of a SC Quad
Center Motion lt 2 microns with 20 Field Change
Close to ILC Requirement
18IR Integration
BDS RDR design
grid 100m1m
Beam Switch Yard
Sacrificial collimators
Final Focus
Tune-up emergency Extraction
14mr IR
Tune-up dump
Muon wall
Main dump
19BDS Strategy for TDP
- 2007 Plan called for detailed design
engineering - now postponed
- Current plan for TDP Phase I and II -gt
- focus on a few critical directions
- Selection criteria
- Critical impact on performance versus cost
- Advanced ideas promising breakthrough in
performance - Broad impact and synergy with other worldwide
projects - Three primary topics
- General BDS design
- Test facilities, ATF2
- Interaction Region optimization
Beamline, January 2008
May 2008
Summer 2007
Model of ILC final focus
ATF2 goals (A) Small beam size 37nm (B) nm
stability of beam center
ATF international collaboration MOU signed by
20 institutions ATF2 constructed as ILC model,
with in-kind contributions Start of beam
commissioning October 2008
FD integration
21SLAC contributions to ATF2
- 2 FFTB quads modified for FD
- 2 FFTB sextupoles modified for FD
- 3 SLC sextupoles modified for FF
- 3 FF bends built by IHEP for SLAC, SLAC design
- 20 FF quadrupoles built to SLAC design and QC
spec - 30 refurbished FFTB movers
- HA power supplies for 30 magnets
- BPM electronics for 40 cavity BPMs
- upgraded ODR monitor
- upgraded FFTB wire scanner for IP
22High Availability Controls
- HA hardware will be crucial for ILC other
future projects - Key prototypes - Marx modulator, ATF2 Power
supplies - New ATCA standard - redundancy, auto-failover,
hot swap
VME-ATCA Adapter
Modular 4 of 5 power supply with auto-failover
23Systems Integration at SLAC
- Lattice Design
- Setup and led a global effort to produce an RDR
based self consistent optical lattice from
beginning to end. - Problems identified and correction process
begun. restart in FY09. - Costs
- Working with Cost Management Group to better
understand cost estimates and cost sensitivities
to design variations. Ongoing gt FY09 - Staging Scenarios and Alternate System Designs or
Layouts - Studies on all accelerator systems. Many
interesting cost reduction possibilities
identified, gt10 reduction in underground
facilities. - Paced by limited engineering and technical
resources (globally) - Studies will continue through TDP Phase 1,
for completion by 2010
- SLAC remains committed to a TeV-scale linear
collider to complement the physics reach of LHC - ILC is the only near-term option for 500 GeV
- Continuing RD is needed on other technologies,
if LHC points to higher energy, or for later
multi-TeV colliders. - For the RDR, SLAC had a major role in the design
of all area systems, cost optimization and
costing, producing the RDR document - For the TDP, SLAC leads e- source, BDS, RF
sources, Linac design, System Integration - and SLAC has an important role in e- cloud
mitigation, HA hardware, simulations -