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Cadastral code. Cadastral characteristics ... We have initiated numerous other actions in this area. The following are the main examples: ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes



APPRAISAL Vilnius, 23-24 May 2006
Civil servants performance appraisal in Spain
the experience at the General Directorate for
Ignacio Durán. Deputy Director General. General
Directorate for Cadastre. Ministry of Economy
and Finance. Spain. adjunto.director_at_catastro.meh.
1.-General Criteria. 1.1.-Legal regulations for
the determination of salaries in the Civil
Service. 1.2.- Productivity Bonus. 2.- Functions
of the General Directorate of Cadastre. 2.1.-
Structure and functions. 2.2.- Quality
Plan. 2.3.- Objectives Plan. 2.3.1.- Plan
Design. 2.3.2.- Assignment of economic
resources. 2.3.3.- Plan Monitoring. 2.3.4.-
Evaluationof Fulfilment of the Plan. 3.- Criteria
for assignment of the Productivity Bonus. 3.1.-
Calendar crtieria for distribution of the
Productivity Bonus. 3.2.- Criteria for
distribution of the Productivity Bonus for
fulfilment of the Quality Plan and Objectives
Plan. 3.2.1.- Evaluationof the Quality
Plan. 3.2.2.- Evaluation of the Objectives
Plan. 3.2.3.- Extraordinary Circumstances. 4.-
Critique of the Model.
General Criteria.
  • Legal regulations for the determination of
    salaries in the Civil Service.

The Law distinguishes between two types of
remuneration -Basic salary Paid to all civil
servants, regardless of the characteristics of
their job position or other concepts such as
performance results. -Allowances These differ
for each job position and even for each civil
servant, and recognise special circumstances such
as the achievement of objectives.
  • There are three types of basic salary
  • a) Wages
  • b) Triennial payments
  • c) Extra payments

  • An amount assigned annually to each Civil Service
    Corps. Wage is defined by the academic
    qualification required to form part of a specific
    Corps of the civil service. With this criterion,
    the Spanish General Budget Law for 2006
    establishes five different wage groups

Triennial payment
  • Consisting of an identical amount for the members
    of each group, payable for every three years of
    service. The Spanish General Budget Law for 2006
    establishes five different amounts, one for each
    of the above-mentioned groups

Extra payments
  • Twice per year, each for a minimum amount of one
    months salary plus triennial amounts, payable in
    June and December

There are five types of complementary allowances
  • a) The job allowance.
  • b) The specific allowance.
  • c) The extraordinary service bonus.
  • d) The service allowance.
  • e) Productivity bonus.

The job allowance
  • - Is a specific payment for each existing job
    position. It is therefore linked to a concrete
    position with specific functions.
  • - The Law establishes 30 grades in accordance
    with this criterion. Each of these grades is
    assigned a different economic amount. The
    following table shows how these amounts, divided
    into monthly payments, are assigned

The job allowance.
  • Not all civil servants can occupy any position.
    Some positions are reserved for specific groups,
    and others can be occupied by civil servants
    pertaining to two different groups. The following
    table illustrates how grades are distributed

The specific allowance.
  • To remunerate specific conditions of certain
    positions in recognition of the special
    characteristics of the job. These
    characteristics are
  • Technical difficulty, requiring special knowledge
    or qualifications to perform the work associated
    with the position.
  • Dedication, when working hours can be prolonged
    to attend to urgent matters.
  • Responsibility, when the position involves people
    management or decision making.
  • Incompatibility, when the individual is expressly
    prohibited from any additional money-making
  • Danger, when the work could involve risk to the
    individuals life.
  • Laboriosity, when the work to be performed
    requires contact with materials, temperatures,
    environments or other conditions that demand
    extraordinary effort.

The extraordinary service bonus Payable for
certain work that, due to exceptional
circumstances, must be performed outside normal
working hours. This bonus is not a fixed amount,
and is not paid regularly.
Service Allowance. Paid to employees to cover
extra expenses arising from travel or for
residence in a specific place in order to perform
their work.
Productivity Bonus.
  • The Law establishes that the purpose of this
    complementary payment is to recognize high
    performance, extraordinary activity and the
    interest or initiative shown by the employee in
    the performance of his/her work.
  • High performance exists when the individual
    produces, within normal working hours, more than
    other civil servants performing the same
  • Extraordinary activity exists when the
    individual performs functions different from
    his/her regular functions within normal working
  • Special interest or initiative occurs when the
    individual goes beyond performance of the work
    assigned to propose improvements, participate in
    innovation initiatives, or demonstrate special
    interest in fulfilling the needs of citizens.

The control criteria to be followed
  • 1. In accordance with the regulations of the
    Budget Law, the person responsible for managing
    each programme will determine the amount payable
    to each employee.
  • 2. The amount of the productivity bonus paid to
    each individual will be published for access by
    all civil servants and union representatives.
  • 3. The amount paid can vary for each civil
  • 4. Payment of the productivity bonus does not
    generate rights on the part of the employee.

An example my salary for March 2006
Assignment of the Productivity Bonus in the
General Directorate of Cadastre.
Structure and Functions of the General
Directorate of Cadastre.
1.-Cadastral data are used particularly for tax
administration. Specifically, cadastral
information is used for seven different forms of
taxation. The Cadastre also serves a wide
variety of other uses for which land information
is necessary.
2.- 3000 people. 300 work in our Madrid
headquarters. 52 regional and territorial
offices, where cadastral data are updated and
maintained daily (production centres), whose
activity and performance must be controlled
3.- 48 million hectares cadastred in digital
format, with detailed information on 19,428,000
cadastral titleholders (owners, in the majority)
and 30,546,000 urban estates. The rural cadastre
contains information on 41,623,000 rural parcels
with 7,248,000 cadastral titleholders.
For each estate and parcel, the Cadastre contains
detailed information on the following elements
Structure and Functions of the General
Directorate of Cadastre.
-It is essential to ensure that our data is
permanently up-to-date. The Law establishes that
any modification in real estate that affects its
physical, legal or economic characteristics must
be declared to the Cadastre. -This obligation is
not only applicable to citizens. Other entities
with the obligation to declare to the Cadastre
are -Public notaries and property
registrars. -Local authorities -Authorities
responsible for expropriation . -Etc.
Structure and Functions of the General
Directorate of Cadastre.
2005 showing changes registered in the cadastral
database -2,133,000 changes in ownership of
urban properties. -353,000 changes in ownership
of rural properties. -1,291,000 new urban
properties incorporated into the
Cadastre. -185,000 claims presented and resolved.
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Structure and Functions of the General
Directorate of Cadastre.
  • -The General Directorate of Cadastre is also
    responsible for maintaining cadastral values
  • -Each property has its own cadastral value.
  • -The Law establishes that these values must be
    updated periodically, using the market value as
  • -This requires cadastral offices to annually
    update the cadastral values of a large number of
    towns and properties.

Structure and Functions of the General
Directorate of Cadastre.
  • Diffusion of cadastral information
  • -Regional and territorial offices attend to
    thousands of citizens every day, who request
    maps, aerial photographs and other cadastral
    information. In 2005 we received over 1,888,000
    visits of this type.
  • -1,500,000 digital cadastral certificates, with
    full legal validity, were delivered through the

Structure and Functions of the General
Directorate of Cadastre.
  • -All of these activities are carried out using an
    extremely powerful case management digital
    information system.
  • -Every declaration, claim or document presented
    by citizens or public entities is computerised
    and all processing is performed electronically.
    This type of technology is absolutely essential
    to efficiently evaluate performance.
  • -An efficient system of management by objectives
    and performance appraisal is only possible with
    information on the volume of work carried out at
    any given time in a specific office.

Quality Plan.
-Wide variety of customers citizens, members of
the Public Administration, Private enterprise and
professionals also need cadastral data. -The
success of the Cadastre in terms of customer
satisfaction will only be achieved when we are
able to match our strategic capacity (doing the
right work) to our operational capacity (doing
our work right).
Quality Plan.
  • The Quality Plan is based on the following
  • 1.-Know our customers well. This requires
    continuous surveys to measure customer
    satisfaction and expectations.
  • 2.-Fully motivate our employees. So that each
    employee feels part of the organisation and is
    committed to the objectives and goals we have set
  • 3.-Define a strategic plan focused on satisfying
    the needs of our clients. Driving technical and
    procedural reform and change to adequately
    respond to these needs.
  • 4.-Assess these quality processes. Requiring an
    appropriate procedure to enable us to define
    quality improvement goals and to evaluate how
    these goals are being achieved.

Quality Plan.
  • The Quality Plan is based on the excellence model
    proposed by the European Foundation for Quality
    Management (EFQM).

Quality Plan.
  • We have initiated numerous other actions in this
    area. The following are the main examples
  • -A Service Charter has been drawn up and
    approved. This expressly includes quality
  • -A large amount of training is being provided for
    our employees, to improve their capabilities and
    customer relationship skills.
  • -An internal and external communications plan has
    been approved to improve the exchange of
    information both inside and outside the
  • -Surveys are conducted regularly to learn what
    citizens think of us.
  • -Quality Committees have been created, both in
    headquarters and in many of our regional and
    territorial offices.

Objectives Plan.
The following elements are taken into account
during the design phase each year
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Objectives Plan.
  • -The Plan consists of 30 different objectives.
  • -Significant differences exist among the 52
    Cadastral offices.
  • -This situation defines an initial inequality
    between offices, which makes comparison
    difficult. To solve this problem, workload is
    defined in terms of points per employee

Objectives Plan.
  • -The General Directorate of Cadastre receives an
    important amount of money every year that allows
    it to contract private companies to carry out
    support tasks for the regional and territorial
  • The General Directorate of Cadastre additionally
    has its own public enterprise that also performs
    a part of this work.
  • -The annual workload defined by the Objetives
    Plan for each of the offices in turn defines the
    criteria for distribution of these additional

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Objectives Plan.
  • -Plan Monitoring.
  • The Objectives Plan is monitored monthly. In the
    first five days of each month, the 52 regional
    and territorial offices electronically report a
    large volume of detailed information on the work
    performed during the previous month.
  • These results are compared against forecast
    results for the month per the Objectives Plan for
    each office, showing progress against plan for
    each objective.
  • This information is placed on the organizations
    Intranet, so that employees can view the results
    achieved by all offices and not just their own.
    This introduces an element of competition.

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Objectives Plan.
  • Evaluation of Fulfilment of the Plan.
  • -Comparison between actual results and the
    monthly objectives established in the Plan
    provides data on the level of fulfilment.
  • -When results fall short of objective, the
    Regional or Territorial Manager must inform the
    General Directorate of the following
  • -Reasons for the shortfall.
  • -Measures taken to correct the situation.
  • -Timeframe to return to a situation within
  • -The person responsible can be dismissed and
    replaced by another Manager if the situation is
    not corrected within a reasonable period of time.
  • -In January of each year the total activity of
    each office during the previous year is assessed
    and conclusions are reached.

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Criteria for assignment of the Productivity
  • The bonus is applied in accordance with two
    general criteria
  • The degree of commitment of each office and each
    civil servant to the initiatives and projects
    established in
  • - the Quality Plan.
  • - the Objectives Plan.

Criteria for assignment of the Productivity Bonus.
  • Calendar criteria for distribution of the
    Productivity Bonus.
  • Spanish regulations stipulate that the
    productivity bonus be distributed in two ways
  • -A percentage of the amount is paid on
  • account in the monthly salary payment.
  • -A larger percentage is generally paid quarterly,
    to liquidate the total amount payable for that

Criteria for assignment of the Productivity Bonus.
  • Evaluation of the Quality Plan.
  • In December, the following circumstances are
  • analysed
  • -Initiatives developed by the regional or
    territorial office to improve service quality.
    Throughout the year, offices adopt specific
    measures to improve quality.
  • -Personal initiatives leading to improved
    service quality. In December, the initiatives
    developed by specific individuals who have
    contributed to implement the General
    Directorates Quality Policy are reviewed.

Criteria for assignment of the Productivity Bonus.
  • Evaluation of the Objectives Plan.
  • Offices are ranked based on the results obtained
    for each of the goals comprising the Plan.
    Together with the results of the plan, we also
    expressly analyse if the office has processed
    more work than in the previous year and if the
    number of documents pending processing has been
    reduced. The following table is an example of
    how regional offices were ranked in 2005.

Criteria for assignment of the Productivity Bonus.
  • Evaluation of the Objectives Plan.
  • Ranking of offices.

Criteria for assignment of the Productivity Bonus.
  • Procedure used to define the amounts to be
  • -Each office has an initial Productivity Bonus
    fund. This Productivity fund is calculated
    taking into account the number of civil servants
    working in the office and the job grade of each.
  • -To evaluate fulfilment of objectives, the
    offices are classified into five groups
  • Offices which exceed objectives by more than 15
    vs. Plan.
  • Offices which exceed objectives by more than 5
    vs. Plan.
  • Offices meeting objectives, with a maximum
    variance of /- 5.
  • Offices which have failed to meet objectives by
    over 5 vs. Plan.
  • Offices which have failed to meet objectives by
    over 15 vs. Plan.
  • -The initial fund mentioned before will be
    increased or reduced proportionately based on the
    group in which each office is classified.

Criteria for assignment of the Productivity Bonus.
  • Amount corresponding to each employee
  • -Level of participation in the achievement of
    objectives. The computerised casework control
    system provides information on the amount of work
    performed by each individual.
  • -Level of commitment to other goals that are more
    difficult to measure. Certain positions, such as
    Team Leader, technologies personnel, or customer
    service representatives, perform work that is
    difficult to appraise objectively. In these
    cases, it is essential that the manager
    subjectively evaluate the work carried out by the
    individual and apply criteria to distribute the
    productivity bonus.

Criteria for assignment of the Productivity Bonus.
  • Extraordinary Circumstances.
  • In certain extraordinary circumstances, it is not
    possible to apply the above criteria. In these
    cases, subjective criteria must be used to
    distribute the Productivity Bonus.

Critique of the Model.
  • 1º.-Calendar problems.
  • 2º.-Problems arising from the amount of the
    Productivity Bonus fund.
  • 3º.-Problems with amounts paid on account.
  • 4º.-Problems with the percentage of the
    Productivity Bonus in terms of total salary.
  • 5º.- Problems with the reactions generated by

  • Thank you!
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