Title: Sue Probert
1Data Harmonisation WorkshopBelgrade November 2007
UNCEFACT International Trade Standards
- Sue Probert
- Director SEPIAeb UK
Co-Leader, UNeDocs Project Co-Chair, UNTDED
Maintenance Agency QA Lead, UN/CEFACT Core
Component Library Technical Advisor, SITPRO
2UN/CEFACT Global TradeFacilitation Standards
TBG15 Trade Facilitation
TBG19 eGov
TBG18 Agriculture
UNECE Recommendations incl. 33, 34 and 35 for SWs
International Supply Chain Model UNeDocs Data
UN/CEFACT Core Component Library
TBG1 Supply Chain
United Nations Trade Data Elements Directory
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UNCEFACT International Trade Standards Foundation
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3UNCEFACT Standards Foundation
- UNCEFACT Trade Reference Model for the
International Purchase and Supply Chain - UNCEFACT Unified Modelling Methodology - UMM
- UNCEFACT Core Components Technical Specification
CCTS (ISO TS15000-5) - UNCEFACT Core Component Library
- United Nations Trade Data Elements Directory
(UNTDED ISO 7372) - United Nations Layout Key (UNLK UN/ECE Rec. 1)
- UN/EDIFACT Directory
- UNCEFACT XML Naming and Design Rules
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4UNCEFACT UMM International Supply Chain
Business Process Model
- Commercial
- Procedures
- Establish Sales Contract
- Order Goods or Services
- Advise On Delivery
- Request Payment
- Transport
- Procedures
- Establish Transport Contract
- Collect, Move and Deliver Goods
- Provide Waybills, Goods Receipts Status Reports
- Regulatory
- Procedures
- Obtain Import/Export Licences etc
- Provide Customs Declarations
- Provide Cargo Declaration
- Apply Trade Security Procedures
- Clear Goods for Export/Import
- Financial Procedures
- Provide Credit Rating
- Provide Insurance
- Provide Credit
- Execute Payment
- Issue Statements
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UNCEFACT International Trade Standards Foundation
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5UNLK UN/ECE Rec. 1The unsung Global Hero
- First published 1973
- Flexible aligned data presentation which has
become the de facto standard for the majority of
international trade documents - Foundation for International transport
conventions e.g. Maritime B/L (ICS), Airwaybill
(IATA), Road CMR (IRU), Rail CIM (UIC) etc. - Foundation of Customs and other Regulatory
Procedures e.g SAD, Phyto-Sanitary Certificates,
Cert of Origins etc. - Hundreds of document formats based on UNLK across
trade, transport, finance, customs, insurance,
inspection etc. - TDED (ISO 7372), box completion guidelines
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6UNLK Form Families
Trade Documents Quotation, Order, Invoice etc.
Materials Management Documents Despatch Advice,
Pick List, Packing List etc.
Transport Documents Bill of Lading, Shipping
Instructions etc.
Customs Documents Export, Import, Transit
Declarations, Cargo Reports etc.
Other Regulatory Documents Cert of Origin,
DGN etc.
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7UN Trade Data Element DirectoryUNTDED
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8UN Layout Mapping Example
UID Name Definition Synonym Repr. Mapping
2280 Transport Means. Actual Departure. Date
Time Date and or time of the departure of means
of transport Flight Date, Sailing
Date an..17 UNLK L 17, P 16
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UNCEFACT International Trade Standards Foundation
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9Combined Approach
Electronic Document Exchange XML or UN/EDIFACT
lt?xml version"1.0" encoding"UTF-8"?gt ltnInvoice
1.00.70 UBL_Library_0p70_Invoice.xsd"gt ltcatIDgt
tokenlt/catIDgt ltcatIssueDategt2003-02-14lt/catIss
ueDategt ltnTaxPointDategt2003-02-14lt/nTaxPointDat
egt ltcatBuyerPartygt ltcatPartyNamegt ltcatNa
megtBills Microdeviceslt/catNamegt lt/catPartyName
gt lt/catBuyerPartygt ltcatSellerPartygt ltcatID/
gt ltcatPartyNamegt ltcatNamegtJoes Office
Supplylt/catNamegt lt/catSellerPartygt ltcatInvoic
eLinegt ltcatIDgt1lt/catIDgt ltcatInvoicedQuantit
y unitCode"token"gt5lt/catInvoicedQuantitygt ltcat
Itemgt ltcatDescriptiongtPencils, box 2
redlt/catDescriptiongt lt/catItemgt lt/catInvoice
Linegt lt/nInvoicegt
Electronic Edit Form
Paper Document aligned to UN Layout Key
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10Belgrade November 2007
UNCEFACT International Trade Standards Foundation
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11UNeDocs Cross-Domain Data Model
- A combination of cross-border business
requirements collected from the TBG domain
Working Groups and the necessary international
regulatory requirements collated in conjunction
with the WCO, paper-based Convention stakeholders
and the Trade Facilitation work of TBG15. - The application of a holistic approach which
incorporates the deployment of all relevant
UN/CEFACT instruments and standards. - A Business Requirements Specification defining
the relationships between trade, transport and
governmental data entities. - A harmonised, multimodal cross-domain data model
based on the reuse of the UN/CEFACT Core
Component Library. - The development of coordinated implementation
specifications for paper, eforms, UN/EDIFACT and
XML document formats and structures.
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UNCEFACT International Trade Standards Foundation
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12Global TradeSingle Window
Materials Management
Single Window Reference Data Model
International Trade Cross Border
Other Govt. Agencies
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