Stochastic Processes - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Stochastic Processes


of successive triplets only depend on the final transition probability... r is the number of triplets where nijnjk 0. Markov Jump Process: Estimation ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Stochastic Processes

Stochastic Processes
  • Shane Whelan
  • L527

Markov Jump Processes
Markov Jump Processes - Overview
  • Treatment analogous to Markov chains
  • One step transition probabilities replaced by
    transition rates.
  • Transition graph still useful.
  • Transition matrix rows now sum to zero.
  • Chapman-Kolmogorov equations hold
  • Working now with differential integral
    equations so closed form solutions might be
    difficult to findnumerical methods used, in
    particular, for solving the Chapman-Kolmogorov

Markov Jump Processes - Overview
  • Standard Example Sickness Model
  • Draw transition graph
  • Define transition rates
  • Derive differential equations for PHS(s,t) and
  • Give transition matrix

Overview - Note (by definition)
Overview Properties of Transition Rates
  • ?ij(t)?0 if i?j
  • ?ii(t)?0 and,
  • by differentiating ?Pij(s,t)1 wrt t at ts
  • ?ii(s)- ? ?ij(s) where ? is over all j ?i

Markov Jump Processes
  • Definition A continuous-time Markov process with
    a discrete state space is called a Markov jump
  • Its transition probabilities, Pij(s,t) obey the
    Chapman-Kolmogorov equations
  • Pij(s,t)?Pik(s,u)Pkj(u,t) for all u,sltultt
  • Proof as in the Markov chain case.

Some Technical Assumptions
  • We assume Pij(s,t) are continuously
    differentiable (C11) in s and t.
  • Note that
  • Pij(s,s) 0 if i?j
  • Pij(s,s) 1 if ij
  • This implies that the following is well-defined
  • Where is the Kronecker delta (i.e.,
    if i?j )

Some Technical Assumptions
  • Equivalently, as h?0, we can write
  • Note that this gives a 1-1 relationship between
    transition probabilities over a small interval
    and transition rates.
  • All the information of the process is captured in
    the transition rates they fully characterise
    the process.

Kolmogorovs Forward Equations
  • Consider the Chapman-Kolmogorov equations
  • Pij(s,t)?Pik(s,u)Pkj(u,t)
  • Differentiate wrt t then
  • Which gives us Kolmogorovs forward equations.

Kolmogorovs Backward Equations
  • Consider the Chapman-Kolmogorov equations
  • Pij(s,t)?Pik(s,u)Pkj(u,t)
  • Differentiate wrt s then
  • Which gives us Kolmogorovs backward equations.

  • In general the forward and backward systems of
    equations are wholly equivalent and this can be
    formally shown so when
  • If they are not equivalent then use the backward

Time-homogeneous Markov Jump Process
  • If the process is time-homogeneous then
    Pij(s,t)Pij(0,t-s). So write simply as Pij(t-s).
  • This implies that the transition matrix has all
    constant elements.
  • By Kolmogorovs forward equations,
  • With initial condition P(0)I.
  • Solution P(t)etA, where eX defined to be

  • Consider the time-homogeneous Markov Jump Process
    with two states 0,1 with transition matrix
  • What is the transition probability matrix P(t)?

Where were going
  • We can solve completely the time- homogeneous
    MJPwould like to do the same for the general
    time-inhomogeneous case.
  • First, we revisit the simple Poisson Process and
    understand it propertiesespecially the
    distribution of its holding times
  • Then we show that the time-homogeneous MJP has
    the same distribution of its holding times as the
    Poisson Process.
  • Similarly, the holding time distribution of the
    general time-inhomogeneous case is shown to be
  • So, we know when the process will jump. It is
    straightforward to see the prob. that it will
    jump into any given state. Hence, we have fully
    characterised the MJP when it jumps and into
    what state.

Where were going
  • This allows us to look at any given MJP and write
    down intimating-looking equations (the integrated
    form of Kolmogorovs backward and forward
    equations) for the transition probabilities.
  • I indicate how to solve these equations
  • And I conclude with some words on how to estimate
    the parameters of a MJP from data.

Poisson Process (from before)
  • A Poisson process with rate ? is a
    continuous-time process Nt, t?0 such that
  • N00
  • Nt has independent increments
  • Nt has Poisson distributed increments, i.e.,

3 Properties of Poisson Processes
  • Prop. 1 (Superposition) The 46A bus and the 10
    bus arrive at the particular bus stop in the
    manner of indep. Poisson processes with
    parameters ? and ? respectively. Then the
    arrivals of either numbered bus is a Poisson
    process with parameter (intensity) ??.
  • Prop. 2 (Thinning) Several buses stop at a
    particular bus stop in the manner of a Poisson
    process with intensity ?, and the probability p
    that it is a number 10 is independent of all the
    buses. Then the arrivals of the 10 bus is a
    Poisson process, intensity ?p.

3 Properties of Poisson Processes
  • Definition The first holding time is T0 such
    that T0inftXt?X0. In general, the ith holding
    time is Tiinf tXit?Xi. Holding times are
    also known as inter-event times.
  • Prop. 3 (Holding Times). The probability
    distribution of holding time Tj in Poisson
    process, intensity ?, is exponential, parameter
  • Note recall that the exponential has the
    memoryless property, i.e., PTgttuTgttPTgtu

Poisson Process (equivalent formulations)
  • Theorem Let Xt be an increasing integer valued
    process with X00, which is right continuous. Let
    ?gt0. Then Xt is a Poisson process if any of the
    following hold
  • Xt has stationary, indep. increments for each t,
    Xt has Poisson distribution with parameter ?t
  • Xt is a Markov jump process with indep.
    increments and transition rates given by
  • ?ij(t) ?, if ji1, otherwise ?ij(t)0, i?j.
  • The holding times T0, T1,of Xt are indep.
    exponential with parameter ? and XT0Tn-1n

Structure of Markov Jump Processes
  • Look at the simpler time-homogeneous caseand we
    show that some insights from the Poisson process
    carry through to time-homogeneous case and then
    general Markov Processes.
  • Result 1 The 1st holding time of a
    time-homogeneous Markov jump process with
    transition rates ?ij(t) ?ij is exponentially
    distributed with parameter -?ii, i.e.,
  • PTogttX0ie-(-?ii)t
  • Proof On Board

Time-homogeneous Markov Jump Processes
  • But we must also characterise into which state
    they jump
  • and this has straightforward form
  • PXtojX0i?ij/-?ii where i?j.
  • Also, XTo is dependent of To.
  • Note that the mean holding time in state j is
    1/(-?jj ) and this is often used to estimate
    transition rates.

The Time Inhomogeneous Case
  • The time homogeneous case gives valuable
  • But applicable models tend to be time
  • E.g., survival model is age dependent
  • E.g., sickness model is again age dependent.
  • Give overview of standard survival model and its
    solution and then generalise

The Time Inhomogeneous Case
  • Definition Let Xt be a general Markov jump
    process then the residual holding time denoted Rs
    is the random variable that describes the amount
    of time between s and the next jump, i.e.,
  • Rsgtw,XsiXui,s?u?sw
  • Put Xs XsRs then it can be shown that
  • PXs jXsi,Rsw?ij(sw)/(-?ii(sw))
  • This way of looking at general Markov processes
    is a powerful computational tool.

Continuation of Markov Jump Processes
The Integrated Form of Kolmogorovs Backward
, that is, one conditions on the 1st jump of
the process out of i after time s.
The Integrated Form of Kolmogorovs Forward
, that is, one conditions on the last jump of
the process into j before time t.
  • The Sickness Death Model
  • Sickness Death with duration dependence
  • Marriage
  • Finally,numerical methods to help us solve some
    of the nasty equations we encounter.

Numerical Methods
  • We have used our previous insights into MJP to
    write down equations describing the process in
    two ways
  • The differential form, i.e., Kolmogorovs forward
    or backward equations
  • The integrated (or integral) form, i.e., the
    integrated form of Kolmogorovs forward or
    backward equations.
  • Now, as we have seen, it is a straightforward
    matter to solve explicitly the time homogeneous
  • In general, though, it is not possible to find an
    explicit (closed form) solution in terms of
    well-known functions. We must use numerical
    methods to approximate the solution.

One Numerical Method to Solve the Differential
Form Eulers Method
  • The differential form is given by Kolmogorovs
    forward or backward equations
  • or in matrix form
  • with initial condition P(0)I.

One Numerical Method to Solve the Differential
Form Eulers Method
  • Let
  • P(s,s)I
  • And, for given step size h, then
  • P(s,smh)P(s,s(m-1)h) h.
  • So, recursively, we estimate P(s,t) at (t-s)/h
    equally spaced mesh points between s and t. Other
    points can be estimated by linear interpolation.
  • Errors in this method are proportional to (of the
    order) h.
  • With a little more effort we could find a
    numerical procedure where the approximation
    errors are of the order of h4 (e.g., 4th order
    Runge-Kutta method).

One Numerical Method to Solve the Integrated Form
  • Consider the Integrated Form of Kolmogorovs
    Forward Equations
  • Apply the following recursive approximation
  • Let
  • And

One Numerical Method to Solve the Integrated Form
  • Now to evaluate the latter expression we need to
    approximate an integral. Use some high order
    numerical approximation procedure, e.g.,
    Simpsons Rule
  • Where,
  • h(b-a)/m
  • And,
  • xInteger part of x
  • Recall that Simpsons Rule is of the order of h4.

Final Words on Testing Markov Models/Estimation
of Parameters
  • So we have a real process that we think can
    adequately be modelled using a Markov process.
    Two key problems
  • How do I estimate parameters from gathered data?
  • How do I check that the model is adequate for my

Markov Chain Estimation
  • Suppose we have x1,x2,,xN observations of our
  • For time homogeneous Markov chain, the transition
    probabilities can be estimated as
  • Where ni is the number of times t, 1?t?(N-1),
    such that xtI
  • Where nij is the number of times t, 1?t?(N-1),
    that xti and xt1j.
  • Clearly, nijBinomial (Ni, pij), so we can
    calculate confidence intervals for our estimates.

Markov Chain Evaluation
  • The key property assumed in the model, and to be
    tested against the data, is the Markov property.
  • An effective test statistic is the chi-square
    goodness of fit, checking to see that transition
    prob. of successive triplets only depend on the
    final transition probability
  • Which has sr-q-1 degrees of freedom, where
  • s is number of states visited before time N
    (i.e., nigt0)
  • q is number of pairs (i,j) where nijgt0
  • r is the number of triplets where nijnjkgt0

Markov Jump Process Estimation
  • We can estimate the parameters in the
    time-homogeneous case, as
  • ?ii -1/(average duration in state i for
    completed visits)
  • ?ij -pij/?ii

Markov Jump Process Evaluation
  • Does our model adequately capture the underlying
  • Maybe test
  • Times in a state are exponentially
    distributeduse chi-square goodness of fit.
  • Does Markov property holdtest no memory in
    triples as in Markov chain case.
  • Use graphs to make visually other tests such as
    state into which it hops is independent of time
    in previous state. No pattern should be evident.

Estimation Evaluation of Time Inhomogeneous
Markov proceses
  • An order of magnitude more complicated.
  • Special techniques usedsee other actuarial
    courses to estimate and test decrements in,
    say, the simple survival model (mortality
    statistics), the sickness model, etc.

Completes Markov Jump Processes
Stochastic Processes
  • Shane Whelan
  • L551
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