Title: Making connections Taking forward PMI2
1Making connectionsTaking forward PMI2
- Suzie Gardiner
- PMI2 Project Delivery Manager
- British Council,
- Manchester
- Prime Ministers Initiative for Higher Education
an overview - PMI2 Funded Projects case study
- Policy Dialogues
- Taking Forward PMI2
- Other Higher Education funding schemes
3What is PMI2?
- Second Prime Ministers International for
International Education - Launched May 2006
- Aim to position the UK as a leader in
international education and to manage the
sustained growth of students undertaking UK
education. - Three strands
- - Marketing and recruitment
- - Student experience
- - Strategic Alliances and Partnerships
- Challenging tactical targets an additional
70,000 international - students in higher education and an additional
30,000 in further - education, by 2011.
4Why Strategic Alliances and Partnerships?
- To position the UK as a partner of choice
- Engaging with countries at two levels
- 1.Government policy level UK engaging
pro-actively and collaboratively to address
global education challenges - 2. Sector institutional level building strong
strategic partnerships which will jointly and
creatively address these challenges in practice
(PMI2 Connect)
5Scope Reach Part I Institution to Institution
- Year One
- Research Co-operation - 86 projects funded
- UK-Pakistan Research Co-operation - 9 projects
funded - Collaborative Programme Delivery 14 projects
funded - International Mobility of UK Students 26
projects funded - China-UK Collaborative Partnerships in
Entrepreneurship Employability 7 projects
funded - Partnership development grants 46 funded
- Approx 4,111, 513 over 189 projects
6Scope Reach Part I China-UK Partnerships
The Challenge Identifying a theme that would
be a strength - positioning and marketing of
UK qualifications (leading to meaningful
employment) an area in which UK could learn
from working in partnership with China
distinctive - innovative approaches to EE in
Vocational, HE, and life long learning
7Scope Reach Part I China-UK Partnerships
- The answer
- A shared problem - Employability and
Entrepreneurship - Students with an attitude towards learning which
supports and rewards innovation, change and
development. It is also about developing a
spirit of entrepreneurship - Economic benefits (meeting the needs of
business) - Social benefits (meeting the needs of society)
8Scope Reach Part I China-UK Partnerships
- Employability issues
- Workforce development and working with industry
(graduate employment and upskilling) - Curriculum design, pedagogies and teaching styles
(improving the quality of vocational and higher
education and making the academic route more
relevant) - Developing individual learners through personal
development planning, introducing enterprise and
creativity, and giving individuals control of
their learning and future plans (innovation
creativity) - (As set out in Chinas 11th 5 year plan)
9Scope Reach Part I China-UK Partnerships
- China UK Collaborative Partnerships in
Employability and Entrepreneurship (2007-2008) - 7 partnerships were selected for funding in areas
such as institutional strategies, pedagogical
approaches and social enterprise - Salford, Leeds Met., Northampton, Central
Lancashire, York, Coventry, Plymouth - Year two partnerships currently under evaluation.
Further details to come.
10Scope Reach Part I China-UK Partnerships
- China UK Employability and Entrepreneurship
18th Jan 2008 in Beijing Over 350 Chinese
UK participants Government, education
institutions, career centres 30
11 Scope Reach Part I China-UK Partnerships
- A Galaxy of Opportunities annual publication in
partnership with - GTI Publishing
Career Development Workshops (1250 alumni
90 employers) Employer Workshops Career
Advisors Workshops (over 150 participants from
12Scope Reach Part II Policy Dialogues
13Scope Reach Part II Policy Dialogues
- Education and Employability, October 08, Nigeria
- The Entrepreneurial University, March 08, Sri
Lanka - Universities in a Globalised World, March 08,
Japan - Student Mobility in East Asia, Feb 08, Thailand
- Education, Employability and the Creative
Industries, Oct 07, Indonesia - Transnational Education, March 07, Malaysia
- International Education and Employability, Feb
07, Vietnam - Reports and proceedings www.britishcouncil.org/p
14Scope Reach Part II Policy Dialogues
- The Entrepreneurial University, March 08, Sri
Lanka - Discussions on
- Policy Drivers
- Practical approaches
- Enabling frameworks
- Post dialogue
15What is happening at the moment?
- 1. PMI2 Connect Year 2 funding calls
- UK-China Collaborative Partnerships in
Employability and Entrepreneurship - International Mobility of UK Students
- Research Co-operation Funding for the Gulf States
- 2. Supporting partnerships
- 3. Future funding calls
- More Collaborative Delivery
- More Outward Student Mobility
- More China-UK Partnerships in Employability and
Entrepreneurship - More Policy Dialogues and scoping work
16What is the future for PMI?
- PMI2 is undergoing evaluation -DIUS and related
stakeholders - PMI3 possibilities will be discussed on the
back of this evaluation - British Council will have schemes in place to
pick up on partnership activities
17Any other funding programmes?
- Education Partnerships in Africa
- www.britishcouncil.org/learning-epa
- epa_at_britishcouncil.org
- DelPHE
- www.britishcouncil.org/delphe
- DelPHE_at_britishcouncil.org
- www.britishcouncil.org/inspire
- inspire_at_britishcouncil.org
- - www.ukieri.org
18Establishing Connections
- Thank you
- Pmi2.connect_at_britishcouncil.org
- suzanne.gardiner_at_britishcouncil.org
- john.law_at_britishcouncil.org