Prepared by Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Prepared by Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction


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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Prepared by Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction

ESEA Consolidated Application 101 for New ESEA
May, 2009
Prepared by Wisconsin Department of Public
  • The No Child Left Behind Act (NCLB) of 2001
    provides financial support for schools and other
    educational organizations through both formula
    allocations and competitive grants through the
    State Education Agency, and direct access from
    the U.S. Education Department (USED).
  • Local Educational Agencies (LEAs) submit the
    completed Elementary and Secondary Education Act
    (ESEA) Consolidated Application annually in order
    to be able to receive the following formula-based

ESEA Consolidated Application
  • Title I-A Improving Basic Programs
  • Title I-C Education of Migratory Children
  • Title I-D, Subpart 2 Neglected Delinquent
  • Title II-A Teacher Principal Training
  • Title II-D Enhancing Education Through
  • Title III-A, Subpart 1 English Language
  • Title IV-A, Subpart 1 Safe Drug-Free Schools

Go to the Department of Public Instruction (DPI)
ESEA website for the ESEA Consolidated
Application which includes American Recovery and
Reinvestment Act (ARRA) Funds http//
Required Paper Documents
  • All documents are required EVERY year
  • Assurances (PI-9550-Assurances)
  • Certification Covering Debarment
  • Affirmation of Consultation with Private School
  • (PI-9550-AC) (Required for each private school
    in the district)
  • Consortium Verification (PI-9550-C) for
    consortiums only
  • Paper documents are to be mailed to DPI
  • (name and address on top of each form)
  • Be sure to use current years forms

Equitable Participation by Private Schools
Title IX Equitable Participation Requirements
  • Title IX, Part E, Subpart 1, Section 9501 of NCLB
    gives specific requirements for equitable
    participation by private schools in Titles I-C,
    II-A, II-D, III-A, and IV-A. Titles I-A
    equitable participation issues are addressed in
    that section of the law.
  • LEAs must consult with private schools in a
    timely and meaningful manner and provide
    equitable services or benefits to participating
    private school students and staff.

Equitable Participation by Private Schools
Timely and Meaningful Consultation
  • Timely
  • Before decisions are made about the program, and
    ongoing throughout the year.
  • In time for services to be available for private
    schools when services begin in the public
  • Meaningful
  • Must include discussions on student
    identification, needs assessment, instruction,
    assessment, parent involvement, professional
    development, transfer of funds, etc.

Extent of Attempts to Consult
  • Must contact private schools to confirm the
    participation decision every year.
  • Not adequate to merely send letter explaining
    intent of Titles - Invite to meetings for
    explanations, questions, and planning.
  • Document all unsuccessful attempts to contact.

Written Affirmation Required
  • Obtain a signed affirmation from representatives
    of each private school serving students who
    reside in the public school attendance areas,
    stating that timely and meaningful consultation
  • Indicate the Titles in which the private school
    wishes to participate.
  • Keep affirmations on file at LEA and copies are
    to be submitted by the LEA to DPI.

Equitable Participation Documentation
  • The ESEA Consolidated Application
  • Calculates the amounts of Title I-A funds
    available for equitable participation for private
    schools and
  • Displays them in the Equitable Participation
    Summary screen.
  • The LEAs must
  • Maintain documentation of the actual expenditures
    on the behalf of private schools.

Main Menu
  • Links to End-of-Year Report
  • Submit completed report no later than August 31.
  • Application Requirements Checklist.
  • Requires explanation if answer is no or n/a.
  • If answer is no to a required component, date for
    compliance during the current year is required.

Main Menu
  • Links to Comparability Report
  • Due December 1
  • Customer Service Survey (optional)

Help Screens
  • For information on how to complete the screens,
    click on ? HELP at the top right of any screen.
  • All updated information is included in the help
  • The help screens contain information on who to
    contact at DPI about specific Titles. Click on
    the appropriate email address to contact the
    assigned consultant if you cannot find your
    answer on the help screens.

District Contact Information
  • ESEA Coordinator
  • Contact person for each Title
  • Business office contact
  • Homeless Liaison

Be sure information is correct for current
year. Double check the email addresses for
Contact list can be filled out before application
is submitted. Remember to update list if
positions change during the year.
Transferability Flexible Use of Funds
  • It is not necessary to transfer funds into
    another Title if the activity is already allowed
    in the originating Title.
  • Remember transferred funds are subject to the
    rules and regulations of the receiving Title.
  • Check with appropriate DPI Title Consultant if
    you have questions.

Transferability Limits
  • Up to 50 of Title II-A, II-D, and IV-A
  • for purposes of I-A, II-A, II-D, IV-A
  • (under the authority of Title VI-A, subpart 2)
  • Districts identified for improvement (DIFIs) may
    transfer no more than 30 percent.
  • LEAs identified for corrective action may not
  • Funds may not be transferred out of Title I-A.
  • No transfers in or out of Title III-A.

(Rural Education Achievement Program)
  • Small rural schools, as defined under Title VI-B,
    may use funds for any eligible activity
    authorized under any of the following ESEA
  • Title I-A
  • Title II-A D
  • Title III-A
  • Title IV-A B

Transferability Resources
  • http//
  • http//
  • http//

Program Plan
  • To be jointly developed with all Title
    coordinators and district planning team.
  • Based on the five federal goals published in the
  • May 22, 2002, Federal Register.
  • Each goal
  • Describes a critical outcome that federal money
    can be used to address.  
  • Includes at least one performance indicator
    which is a description of the data that will be
    collected to determine if progress toward
    achievement of the goal is being made.
Program Plan Completion
  • Information to help you complete the Program Plan
  • Use of funds from the individual Titles
  • Sample program plan in consolidated application
  • Principles of Effectiveness
  • Sample action verbs

Program Plan Activities
  • List the activities, strategies, and programs
    planned to meet student needs and increase
    student achievement (identified through the
    comprehensive needs assessment).
  • Indicate how much you plan to spend on the
    action from each appropriate Title. This will
    match the Title budget line items in your

Private Schools in Program Plan
  • Remember to include actions taken for private
    school equitable participation in the Program

Helpful Information on Program Planning
  • Principles of Effectiveness
  • Use of funds from the individual Titles
  • Sample action verbs

Principles of Effectiveness
  • Principle 1 Conduct A Needs Assessment
  • Becomes the foundation of the plan
  • Required in all Titles
  • Found in the requirements checklist

Principles of Effectiveness
  • Principle 2 Establish Measurable
    Objectives/Performance Measures
  • More than AYP
  • Multiple sources of data

Principles of Effectiveness
  • Principle 3 Effective Scientifically-Based
    Programs needed in all program areas

Principles of Effectiveness
  • Principle 4 Program Evaluation
  • Becoming a greater part of many programs in NCLB

Principles of Effectiveness
  • Principle 5 Parent Involvement
  • Develop and implement the program with
    meaningful, on-going consultation with, and input
    from, parents.
  • Clarify parent involvement in the planning.
  • Determine how to get input and consultation, but
    must involve parents in the process.

Action Verbs
  • from Community Health Education and Promotion A
    guide to program design and evaluation. Aspen
    Reference Group Aspen Publishers, Inc. 1997.
    Less Precise Verbs (Open to many
    interpretationsavoid using these terms)
  • Know Value Grasp the significance
  • Realize Comprehend Acknowledge
  • Fully realize Be aware of Enjoy
  • Tolerate Be motivated Experience
  • Believe Be familiar with Be informed of
  • Understand Desire Be involved in
    Appreciate Feel Feel responsible for
  • Have faith in

Action Verbs
  • More Precise Verbs (Open to few
    interpretationstry to select these or similar
  • Intellectual Level Feeling Level
  • Discuss Recite Challenge
  • Evaluate Solve Defend
  • Identify Construct Dispute
  • List Complete Join
  • Diagram Prepare Judge
  • Compare and contrast Make Offer
  • Translate Run Praise
  • Recall and state Draft Question
  • Integrate Draw Share
  • Illustrate Contract Attempt
  • Select Develop Visit
  • Interpret Open Accept
  • Differentiate Define Support
  • Summarize Describe
  • Classify Tabulate Behavioral Level
  • Predict Answer Apply
  • Apply Report Demonstrate

All Funds are Supplemental
  • Funds under all the Titles may only be used to
    provide additional educational services beyond
    the basic district responsibilities for providing
    educational services to students.
  • Called the supplement/not supplant rule.

Fiscal Agent Options
Most budgets have four choices for fiscal agent
(exceptions are Title I and Title III-A)
  • Return Funds to DPI select when the LEA does
    not wish to use the funds.
  • Manage Own Funds LEA will complete own budget
    and be own fiscal agent
  • Purchased Service Agreement LEA may contract
    with another entity (usually a CESA) to provide
    administrative services
  • Consortium Agreement LEA surrenders funds to
    consortium. Consortium completes budgets and
    budget revisions.

Consortium Agreement
  • Consortium Agreements should be signed by the
    LEA only after
  • The participating LEA knows what it will receive
    for its money. Local action steps are to be added
    to the LEAs Program Plan.
  • There is agreement on how carryover funds will be
    determined and managed.

Budget Summaries
  • Budget summaries are similar for all Titles, but
    the way in which the budget details are entered
    vary according to program requirements.

Title Budgets General
  • Funding
  • LEAs may enter their own estimates of both
    allocation and carryover and enter data in the
    application until final allocations are entered
    at DPI.
  • Submission is allowed only after the final
    allocation amounts are entered by DPI.
  • Transfer Summary
  • Summary of funds transferred in or out of the
    Title, with purpose of transfer.

Other Budget Issues
  • Budget available funds for current needs or it
    will appear that you do not need the money. Large
    amounts of unbudgeted funds require discussion
    with DPI consultants.
  • Program coordinators and budget staff should work
    together on the budget and budget revisions.
  • Reimbursement claims must agree with the approved
    budget do revisions as needed.
  • Significant budget changes require corresponding
    changes to the Program Plan.

Budget Revisions
Budget revisions may be needed when
  • You need to increase a line item in the budget by
    more than 10 percent.
  • Actual carryover amount is known, and it is
    different than the estimated carryover used to
    complete your application.
  • Program changes necessitate spending money

Revising Your Budget
Contact your assigned Title Consultant at DPI
(email from contact list on help screens) or
Marcia Meyers to ask that your application on the
web be unlocked. Marcia Meyers marcia.meyers_at_ (608) 266-3608
Fiscal Requirements
  • Maintenance of Effort (section 9521)
  • calculated by DPI
  • Supplement/not Supplant
  • Claim form PI-1086
  • Additional information on Federal Aids Audits
Fiscal Requirements
  • It appears that the LEA does not need the funds
  • The application is not submitted when due.
  • Claims for reimbursement are not submitted on a
    timely, regular basis.
  • Perceptions of lack of need may affect future
    availability of funds.

ESEA Consolidated End-of-Year Report
The End-of-Year Report is due no later than
August 31.
Title I-A Improving Basic Program Grants
Title I-A
Improving the Academic Achievement of the
Disadvantaged Basic Programs
  • Title I-A is the largest of all ESEA programs.
    Allocations from the USED to school districts are
    based upon the number of children below the
    poverty line.
  • LEAs allocate funds to school buildings based on
    the number of children eligible for free and
    reduced lunches (or other accepted methods).

Title I-A
  • Title I-A funds may be used to fund a variety of
    services and activities for eligible children,
    most commonly for instruction in reading and
    mathematics, but can include other core subject
  • Services provided with Title I-A funds must be in
    addition to the basic offerings to students in
    the districts schools and must supplement
    instead of supplant non-federal funds.

Usual Uses of Title I-A Funds
  • In Title I Schoolwide programs, there is
    flexibility to improve services to gain higher
    student achievement for the entire school, while
    providing additional, effective support for those
    students struggling the most to meet the State
    academic standards.

Usual Uses of Title I-A Funds
The most common uses of Title I-A funds are
paying salaries and fringes for instructional
staff and purchasing instructional materials and
resources. These staff and resources are used to
provide additional educational services to
eligible schools and students.
Restrictions on Use of Title I-A Funds
  • May only be used to benefit students, parents,
    and teachers in schools identified as eligible
    and served by Title I-A.
  • Districts provide services (NOT money) to
    eligible private school students, parents, and
    teachers. For guidance on private school
    participation, see
Suggested Order
  • If working on application before actual
    allocation available, enter own estimate of
    allocation and carryover on Funding Screen
  • Enrollment Data
  • Choose eligibility option to show eligible
  • Administrative Screen
  • Reservations Set-Asides
  • Budget Detail

Title I-A Reservations and Set-Asides
  • Be sure all set-asides and reservations are
    reflected in
  • Budget Details
  • Program Plan

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Title I-A Budget Details
  • Any category with other in it will require a
  • Budget details include
  • Personnel
  • Purchased services
  • Non-capital items
  • Capital items

Equitable Participation Specific to Title I-A
  • Equitability
  • Includes eligible private school students,
    parents, and teachers
  • Funds subject to private school equitable
  • Most Title I funds, including those used for
    non-instructional purposes, not just per pupil
  • Funds can be transferred to Title I-A from
    another Title

Equitable Participation Specific to Title I-A
The LEA must retain documentation that the
appropriate funds have been used for equitable
Equitable Participation Summary
  • The equitable participation summary screen shows
    the actual amount for equitable participation of
    private schools.
  • This is a read-only screen amounts are
    calculated based on the percent of the total
    funds generated by private school students.

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Title I-A Enrollment Screen
Low-income data source The computer will
default to Free/Reduced School Lunch for the
method of determining number of low-income
students ages 5-17. If you have used a different
method, click on the appropriate choice.
Enrollment Screen
The same method of determining poverty data must
be used for the entire district for the same
data. If the same type of data is not available
for private schools in the attendance area,
document the sources for comparable information.
Enrollment Screen
All public schools in the district will be
listed, along with their grade spans. This
information is from the same database as the
Wisconsin School Directory.
Enrollment Screen
Enter the enrollment data for each public school
attendance area, the total public and private
enrollment, and number of low-income pupils
enrolled in public and private schools.Enrollment
data is usually taken from the second semester
count in January. If there are extenuating
circumstances, contact your DPI Consultant for
Title I-A Eligibility Screen
  • Service Codes
  • Select a Schoolwide code only if the school meets
    the Title I definition of a Schoolwide, including
    the submission of form PI-9551.
  • You may select New Schoolwide only if the
    schools poverty is 40 percent or above and has
    completed the planning to become a Schoolwide.
  • More information on Schoolwides

Eligibility Screen
The process of allocating funds to individual
schools is based solely on poverty levels. A
district may not allocate funds based on the
instructional model, educational need, or any
other non-poverty factor. The responsibility for
selecting participants and designing programs
rests on the school, in consultation with the
district, and is based on the amount of funds
Which Eligibility Option to Use?
  • Use the option that gives your district the most
    flexibility, even if you choose not to serve all
    eligible schools. Use Less than 1,000 Students
    Exemption or One School per Grade Span if
  • Some programs depend on Title I eligibility.

Eligibility Screen
Per Pupil Amounts Determine and enter the per
pupil amount for each attendance area. (See help
screens for more information.) The computer will
not allow you to allocate more per pupil to a
school with a lower poverty level.
125 Percent Rule
  • Districts serving any school with less than 35
    percent poverty should calculate the per student
    MINIMUM amount before taking any reservations at
    the district level.
  • Formula Current allocation divided by total
    number of low-income children enrolled in the
    district, multiplied by 125 percent. This is the
    minimum that must be allocated per low-income
    child in ALL participating attendance areas.

Exemptions to Allocating Funds in Rank Order
  • Districts with only one school per grade span
  • Districts with less than 1,000 students

Balance Available Reconciliation
  • Balance Available at bottom of Eligibility
    screen should match Balance Available at the
    bottom of the Budget Summary screen.
  • May vary by only .5 percent or 1,000, whichever
    is less, or validation cannot occur.

Title I-A Guidance
  • For more information on Title I-A
  • Other Resources
  • Designing Schoolwide Programs (federal guidance)
  • Wisconsin Title I Guidelines

Title I-C Migrant Education Grants
Usual Uses of Title I-C Funds
  • The goal of the Title I-C Migrant Education
    Program is to ensure that all migrant students
    reach challenging academic standards and graduate
    with a high school diploma (or complete a GED)
    that prepares them for responsible citizenship,
    further learning, and productive employment.

Usual Uses of Title I-C Funds
  • Most Title I-C Funds are used to identify,
    recruit, and serve students eligible for Title I

Title I-C
  • Similar electronic process to Title I-A
  • Allocations are posted in electronic applications
    in select districts
  • Includes separate Needs Assessment Section
  • Program Plan needs to include Title I-C
  • Migrant services must be coordinated with other
  • Supplement, Not Supplant applies

Title I-C
  • Addresses unique needs of migrant children
  • Offers academic and supportive services
  • Reduces educational disruption and other issues
    related to repeated moves
  • Overcomes cultural and language barriers
  • Overcomes social isolation
  • Addresses health-related problems that affect
    school performance
  • "Priority for Services" given to most mobile,
    at-risk students

Title I-D Prevention and Intervention Programs
for Children and Youth Who are Neglected,
Delinquent, or At-Risk Grants
Usual Uses of Title I-D Funds
  • Title I-D is comprised of two programs
  • Grants made to state agencies responsible for
    serving children and youth in residential and
    non-residential institutions.
  • Grants to local agencies that provide services to
    youth residing in local correctional facilities
    who are at risk of educational failure.

Usual Uses of Title I-D Funds
  • The ESEA provides support to states, local
    agencies, and schools for supplemental programs
    that meet the special educational needs of
    children and youth who are neglected or
    delinquent (N or D) or at-risk.

Title I-D
  • Only two districts receive Title I-D funds and
    need to complete the Title I-D portion of the
    consolidated application.
  • Consultation and coordination with the Title I-A
    coordinator is essential.

Title II-A Teacher Principal Training and
Title II-A Funds
  • Title II-A funds should be used to increase
    student achievement and close the achievement
    gap, by providing professional development in
    core academic areas and hiring highly qualified
    teachers for each classroom.

Uses of Title II-A
  • Allowed Activities
  • Professional development in core academic areas
  • PI-34
  • Training teachers, principals, and
    paraprofessionals to be highly qualified
  • Class-size reduction

Uses of Title II-A Funds
  • All spending must relate to teacher quality
  • Only highly qualified teachers can be hired to
    reduce the class size
  • Hiring special education teachers for the purpose
    of team teaching
  • Hiring Teaching Specialists to increase
    individualized instruction

Title II-A
  • Carryover of the entire current allocation is
    allowed for additional year
  • Private schools must be consulted for all
    activities except the class-size reduction
  • Activity 4.2 must be allocated funds if the LEA
    wishes to use the funds to reduce class size

Prohibited Uses of Title II-A funds
  • Funds cannot be used to hire
  • Paraprofessionals
  • Tutors
  • Principals
  • Any non-academic staff such as nurses and

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Title II-D Enhancing Education Through
Title II-D Funds
  • All spending must relate to technology
  • The law requires 25 percent of each allocation to
    be used for professional development
  • Other allowable uses can be found at
  • To have a budget approved, the district applying
    must have a certified technology plan

Title II-D Requirements
  • Districts are required to report the number of
    eighth graders that are technologically literate
    and the number that are not.

  • Districts will be required to report the number
    of eighth graders that are technologically
    literate and the number that are not.
  • The DPI is collecting data and reporting it to
    the USED as part of the compulsory Education Data
    Exchange Network (EDEN) collection.
  • This will show that the district is in compliance
    with the assurances.

Title III-A English Language Acquisition Grants
Title III-A
  • All identified English language learners (ELLs)
    assessed for English language proficiency (ELP)
    with the ACCESS for ELLs TM, with all four
    domains (Reading, Writing, Speaking, and
    Listening), and scored with a composite score of
    less than six, will generate allocations for
    Title III-A.

New in Title III ACCESS Test
  • Based on interpretation and guidance published by
    the USED in October 2008.
  • ACCESS Test ACCESS test costs and related costs
    may not be funded by Title III. This will apply
    in Wisconsin beginning with the 2009-2010

New in Title III Supplemental
  • Supplemental or Supplant Ensure that your
    proposed activities or services are supplemental,
    not supplanting. That means, Title III funds may
    not be used to fund the core language instruction
    programs for Limited-English Proficiency (LEP)
    students required under Title VI of the Civil
    Rights Act of 1964.

Private School Participation and Title III
  • Private schools receiving Title III services must
    establish a consistent and reasonable process for
    identifying and testing ELLs.
  • As in participating public schools, ELLs must be
    assessed annually in all the domains with the
    state approved test, ACCESS.
  • Local school districts, in consultation with
    private schools are responsible for administering
    the ACCESS test annually.
  • In addition, the LEA and the private schools need
    to have a mechanism in place for measuring
    English language proficiency progress for ELLs.

Title III-A EOY Report
  • Title III Data to be collected with the 2007-2008
    EOY report will include
  • The number of certified/licensed teachers serving
    eligible (i.e., students with an English language
    proficiency level 1-5 as determined by ACCESS for
    ELLs TM) students in language instruction
    educational programs (see Help screen for
    descriptions of such programs).
  • Methods used by the district to determine a
    teachers language fluency in English and any
    target language used in instruction

Title III-A EOY Report (cont.)
  • Types of professional development activities
    funded by Title III and the numbers of
    participants by role.
  • In general LEAs are responsible for collection
    of data, but data will be reported by
    subgrantee (i.e., by LEAs managing their own
    allocation and by consortia fiscal agents).

Annual Measurable Achievement Objectives (AMAOs)
  • With two years of student-level data, we are now
    able to follow cohorts of students as required by
    Title III, NCLB.
  • The Individual Student Enrollment System (ISES),
    based on ACCESS composite scores, will calculate
    AMAOs by district and by subgrantee to determine
    if the AMAOs related to English language
    acquisition have been met.
  • The AMAOs need to be met in three areas
  • AMAO (1) Students progress from one language
    level to another
  • AMAO (2) Students exit become proficient
  • AMAO (3) Students meet the AYP criteria
  • Parental notification of AMAOs status by schools
    need to be in place

For Districts serving ELLs through Bilingual
  • Other Language Name of the language of
    instruction, other than English, used in the
  • Percent Language of Instruction Average
    percentages of English and the other language
    used as a language of instruction in the program.
  • OLOI Other Language of Instruction used in the
    bilingual language instruction educational

Sample table on language use
Title IV-A Safe and Drug Free Schools and
Communities Grants
Title IV-A
Safe and Drug-Free Schools and Communities
Common Title IV-A Activities For a complete
list, go to
Measurable Objectives
  • This is a new slide and procedure, with pull down
  • This will simplify your completion of the
    measurable objective, and will assist with the
    approval process.

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Title IV-A Science Based Programs Selections
are available of Science Based Programs from the
dropdown menu on the budget page
  • Most commonly used Science Based Programs in
    Wisconsin schools
  • This link provides a detailed spreadsheet with
    the most common used Science Based Programs

Title IV-A Waivers
  • If a district chooses not to use a Science Based
    Program, they must apply for a waiver.
  • Waivers are good for two years
  • To continue the waiver after two years, they will
    need to provide evaluation information in
    question 5
  • Waiver programs must be evaluated and approved
    every two school years to be funded through Safe
    and Drug-Free Schools and Communities (SDFSC).

Title IV-A Waiver
  • The next slide shows the new page developed with
    the pull down menus for the waiver applications.
  • This will simplify the completion of a waiver,
    and will assist with the approval process.

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Title IV-A Waiver Evaluations
  • Reporting results of waiver evaluation
  • In the 2009-10 application open any waiver dated
  • Answer question 5 including data on changes in
    student attitude, behavior, knowledge, or skill.
  • Check the renew box to continue the waiver for
    the next two years. This will populate a new
    waiver with the same information from the
  • If changes to the renewed waiver are needed
  • Open the waiver dated 09-10 (renewed)
  • Modify as needed
  • DPI consultant will approve/deny the waiver

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Program Plan
  • Should include actual District activities that
    address Title IV-A objectives and their costs
  • The program plan and budget should align

  • Brenda Jennings CESAs 2, 10, and 11
  • Joan Lerman CESAs 5, 6, 8, and 12
  • Ken Wagner CESAs 1, 3, 4, 7, and 9

Questions? Need Assistance?
Please ask us if you need help. Send specific
questions to the appropriate DPI consultant.
Contact information is found in the HELP screens
within the ESEA Consolidated Application, or at
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