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Cyrie Sendashonga


The Protocol is an international legally binding treaty which ... 5 major multinationals control the LMO market: Monsanto (91%), Dupont, Syngenta, Bayer and Dow ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Cyrie Sendashonga

The Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety to the
Convention on Biological Diversity
  • Cyrie Sendashonga
  • Currently Regional Coordinator, CIFOR, Regional
    Office for Central Africa, Yaounde, Cameroon
  • Formerly Senior Programme Officer, Head of
    Biosafety Unit
  • Secretariat of the Convention on Biological

  • Background
  • Key elements of the Protocol
  • Conclusions

1. Background
  • The Protocol is an international legally binding
    treaty which sets procedures and mechanisms to be
    applied in the transboundary movements of Living
    Modified Organisms (LMOs)- living organisms that
    possesses a novel combination of genetic material
    obtained through the use of modern biotechnology
    (genetic modification).
  • The Protocol does not apply to other products of

Objective of the Protocol (Article 1)
  •   Contribute to ensuring an adequate level of
    protection in the field of the safe transfer,
    handling and use of living modified organisms
    resulting from modern biotechnology that may have
    adverse effects on the conservation and
    sustainable use of biological diversity, taking
    also into account risks to human health, and
    specifically focusing on transboundary
  • The Protocol is not a moratorium on modern

Origin of the Protocol
  • Broad recognition of the need to protect human
    health and the environment from possible adverse
    effects of the products of modern biotechnology
    began to emerge as advances in molecular biology
    and genetic engineering were breaking new
    frontiers in the 80s.
  • UNCED (World Summit, Rio, June 1992) Agenda 21,
    Chapter 16 recognition of the need for need for
    sound environmental management of biotechnology
  • Principle 15 of the Rio Declaration on
    Environment and Development the precautionary
    approach where there is a threat lack of full
    scientific certainty should not be used as a
    reason for postponing measures to avoid or
    minimize such a threat.

Origin of the Protocol (continued)
Sustainable use
  • Objectives of the CBD
  • Article 8(g) of the CBD Each Contracting Party
    shall, as far as possible and as appropriate (g)
    Establish or maintain means to regulate, manage
    or control the risks associated with the use and
    release of living modified organisms resulting
    from biotechnology which are likely to have
    adverse environmental impacts that could affect
    the conservation and sustainable use of
    biological diversity, taking also into account
    the risks to human health

Fair and equitable sharing of benefits
Conservation of biodiversity
Origin of the Protocol (continued)
  • Article 19.3 of the CBD
  • The Parties shall consider the need for and
    modalities of a protocol setting out appropriate
    procedures, including, in particular, advance
    informed agreement, in the field of the safe
    transfer, handling and use of any living modified
    organism resulting from biotechnology that may
    have adverse effect on the conservation and
    sustainable use of biological diversity. 

Facts and Figures
  • Protocol adopted on 29 January 2000 in Montreal
    at an extraordinary meeting of the Conference of
    the Parties to the Convention on Biological
  • 143 ratifications/accessions ( as of 03 October
    2007, of which 40 African countries)
  • 17 countries have signed but not yet ratified.

Entered into force on 11 September 2003
Why do we need a Protocol?
  • Rapid development and commercialisation of
    biotechnology and its products, including LMOs
  • Recognition of potential contribution that
    biotechnology can make to improving human
  • Uncertainties regarding potential risks of LMOs
    on biodiversity and human health
  • Lack/limited capacities of many countries to make
    enlightened decisions concerning imports of LMOs

Excerpts from Preamble
  • Benefits of modern biotechnology
  • Recognizing that modern biotechnology has great
    potential for human well-being if developed and
    used with adequate safety measures for the
    environment and human health.
  • Concerns about potential risks
  • Aware of the rapid expansion of modern
    biotechnology and the growing public concern over
    its potential adverse effects on biological
    diversity, taking also into account risks to
    human health.
  • Limited capacities
  • Taking into account the limited capabilities of
    many countries, particularly developing
    countries, to cope with the nature and scale of
    known and potential risks associated with living
    modified organisms.

Excerpts from Preamble
  • Trade and environment imperatives
  • Recognizing that trade and environment
    agreements should be mutually supportive with a
    view to achieving sustainable development.
  • Importance of avoiding contamination
  • Recognizing also the crucial importance to
    humankind of centres of origin and centres of
    genetic diversity.

Facts on LMOs
  • GM crops are presently the principal category of
    LMOs on the market
  • In 2004, the value of global transgenic seeds was
    evaluated at US 4.7 billion
  • In 2004, GM crops could be found in 17 countries

Facts on LMOs (continued)
  • Between 1996 and 2003, GM crops coverage went
    from 1,7 million hectares to 67,7 million
  • 99 of this coverage is concentrated in 6
    countries United States of America (66),
    Argentina (22), Canada (6), Brazil, China and
    South Africa
  • Principal crops soy, maize, cotton and canola
  • Principal characteristics tolerance to
    herbicides (75) and resistance to pests (17)
  • 5 major multinationals control the LMO market
    Monsanto (91), Dupont, Syngenta, Bayer and Dow

  • Definitions/Use of terms (Article 3)
  • Living modified organism (LMO) any living
    organism that possesses a novel combination of
    genetic material obtained through the use of
    modern biotechnology
  • Living organism any biological entity capable of
    transferring or replicating genetic material,
    including sterile organisms, viruses and viroids
  • Modern biotechnology application of in vitro
    nucleic acid techniques (e.g. recDNA and direct
    injection of nucleic acid into cells or
    organelles),or fusion of cells beyond the
    taxonomic family, that overcome natural
    physiological reproductive or recombinant
    barriers and that are not techniques used in
    traditional breeding and selection

  • Potential benefits of biotechnology
  • Proponents of genetic engineering claim that it
    holds great promises and remarkable advances in
    medicine (e.g. new medical treatments, vaccines,
    etc), industrial products, improved fibres and
    fuels, increases in food security, decreased
    pressure on land use, sustainable yield increase
    in marginal lands or inhospitable environments,
    reduced use of water and agrochemicals in

  • Potential risks of modern biotechnology
  • very new field little is known about the
    interaction of LMOs with various ecosystems,
    potential adverse effects on biological diversity
    and human health
  • Areas of concern changes in biological
    characteristics of the target species (e.g
    increased virulence, weediness, competitiveness
    with other species, toxicity, allergenicity, gene
    flow/transfer to wild relatives, stability of the
    transgene, etc.)

2. Key Elements of the Protocol
  • Scope
  • Advance Informed Agreement Procedure
  • Procedure for living modified organisms intended
    for direct use as food or feed, or for processing
  • Risk assessment and management
  • Handling, Transport, Packaging and Identification
  • Information-sharing and the Biosafety
  • Capacity Building
  • Socio-economic considerations
  • Liability and redress
  • Compliance
  • Public Awareness and Participation

Scope of the Protocol (Article 4)
  • The Protocol applies to the transboundary
    movement, transit, handling and use of all living
    modified organisms that may have adverse effects
    on the conservation and sustainable use of
    biological diversity, taking also into account
    risks to human health.

Scope of the Protocol (continued)
  • Exclusion The Protocol does not apply to the
    transboundary movement of living modified
    organisms which are pharmaceuticals for humans
    that are addressed by other relevant
    international agreements or organisations
    (Article 5).

The AIA procedure (Articles 7, 8, 9, 10 12)
  • The advance informed agreement procedure (AIA)
    applies to the first intentional transboundary
    movement of LMOs for intentional introduction
    into the environment

The AIA procedure (continued)
  • Exemptions
  • LMOs intended for direct use as food or feed, or
    for processing are subject to a simplified
    procedure (Article 11)
  • The AIA procedure does not apply to LMOs in
    transit or destined for contained use (Article 6)
  • The AIA procedure does not apply to LMOs
    identified in a decision of the Conference of the
    Parties, as being not likely to have adverse
    effects on the conservation and sustainable use
    of biodiversity (Article 7.4)

The AIA procedure (continued)
  • Steps
  • Notification from the exporter to the competent
    national authority of the Party of import prior
    to the transboundary movement of the LMO
  • Acknowledgement of receipt of notification within
    90 days of its receipt
  • The Party of import shall ensure that risk
    assessments are carried out
  • A decision is taken by the Party of import within
    270 days of the date of receipt of the

The AIA procedure (continued)
  • Results of the AIA procedure
  • Approving the import, with or without conditions
  • Prohibiting the import
  • Requesting additional relevant information
  • Extension of the 270 day period by a defined
    period of time
  • Review and change of decisions at any time

Procedure for living modified organisms intended
for direct use as food or feed or for processing
(Article 11)
  • Revolves around a multilateral exchange of
    information regarding such LMOs between potential
    Parties of export and potential Parties of import
  • Any Party that makes a final decision regarding
    domestic use, including placing on the market, of
    a n LMO that may be subject to transboundary
    movement shall, within 15 days of making that
    decision, inform the Parties through the
    Biosafety Clearing-house (BCH)
  • In return, each Party shall make available to the
    BCH copies of any national laws, regulations and
    guidelines applicable to the import of such LMOs
    on their national territory.

Risk Assessment and Risk Management (Articles 15
  • Annex III specifies the scope of risk assessment
  • Scientific sound manner transparency case by
  • Absence/Lack or insufficiency of scientific
    knowledge or scientific consensus does not
    indicate an absence of risk or an acceptable risk
  • Each Party shall establish and maintain
    appropriate mechanisms, measures and strategies
    to regulate, manage and control risks and to
    prevent unintentional transboundary movements of

Handling, Transport, Packaging and Identification
(Article 18)
  • Each Party takes necessary measures to require
    that LMOs ar handled, packaged and transported
    under conditions of safety
  • The Protocol sets minimal measures concerning
    documentation accompanying LMOs that are subject
    to transboundary movements LMOs-FFP, LMOs for
    contained use, LMOs for intentional introduction
    in the environment.
  • N.B. Not to confuse identification/documentation
    of LMOs under the Protocol with labelling in
    everyday use

Information Sharing and the Biosafety
Clearing-House (Article 20)
  • A clearing-house (BCH) is established to
  • Facilitate the exchange of scientific, technical,
    environmental and legal information and
    experience with LMOs
  • Assist Parties to implement the Protocol
  • http//

Characteristics of the BCH (continued)
  • Open to all governments
  • Was developed as a distributed network composed
    of a Central Portal maintained by the Secretariat
    and national nodes or data bases that are
    inter-operable with the Central Portal
  • Information is controlled and managed by the
  • Management Centre
  • BCH National Focal Points
  • Designed for use via the Internet but
    non-internet options are available upon request

Capacity Building (Article 22)
  • Parties cooperate in the development and/or
    strengthening of human resources and
    institutional capacities
  • Cornerstone for the implementation of the Protocol

Capacity Building (continued)
  • An Action Plan adopted by governments at the
    first meeting of the Parties (February 2004)
    updated at the third meeting of the Parties
    (March 2006)
  • A Roster of Experts in biosafety has been
    established to help developing country Parties
    with the implementation of the Protocol,
    especially concerning risk assessment and risk
    management of LMOs in order to make informed
    decisions regarding imports of LMOs.

Socio-Economic Considerations (Article 26)
  • In reaching a decision on import, Parties may
    take into account socio-economic considerations
    arising from the impact of LMOs on the
    conservation and sustainable use of biological
    diversity, especially with regard to the value of
    biological diversity to indigenous and local
  • However, this must be consistent with other
    international obligations

Liability and Redress (Article 27)
  • The Protocol provides for a process to elaborate
    appropriate international rules and procedures
    regarding liability and redress for damage
    resulting from transboundary movements of LMOs
  • The first meeting of the Parties has set this
    process in motion by establishing an Open-ended
    Working Group of Legal and Technical experts to
    develop options for a liability and redress
    regime under the Protocol
  • Negotiations expected to be completed in 2007

Compliance (Article 34)
  • Cooperative procedures and institutional
    mechanisms to promote compliance and to address
    cases of non-compliance have been approved at the
    first meeting of the Parties
  • Among them, a compliance committee composed of 15
    experts has been set up

Public awareness and participation (Article 23)
  • Parties are encouraged to
  • Promote and facilitate public awareness,
    education and participation concerning the safe
    transfer and use of LMOs
  • Endeavour to ensure public access to information
    on LMOs that may be imported
  • Consult the public in the decision-making process
    regarding LMOs and make the results of such
    decisions available to the public
  • Inform the public about the means of public
    access to the Biosafety Clearing-House (BCH)

GMOs in Forestry
  • GM Trees CBD COP Decision VIII/19
  • Uncertainties related to potential environmental
    and socio-economic impacts of GM trees on global
    forest biological diversity as well as on
    livelihoods of indigenous/local communities
  • COP recommends Parties to take a precautionary
    approach when addressing the issue of GM trees
  • CBDs SBSTTA to assess the potential
    environmental, cultural and socio-economic
    impacts of GM trees on the conservation and
    sustainable use of forest biological diversity
    and report to COP9
  • Parties, governments, relevant organizations/stake
    holders invited to submit views and information
    to the Secretariat for inclusion in the

3. Conclusions
  • The Protocol is a recognition in international
    law that LMOs may have adverse effects on
    biodiversity and human health and that a
    harmonized international framework regulating
    transboundary movements of LMOs is indispensable
  • The Protocol endorses and operationalizes the
    precautionary approach
  • The concept of the advance informed agreement in
    decision-making regarding import of LMOS is the
    backbone of the Protocol for LMOs intended for
    introduction into the environment
  • Capacity building/strengthening is paramount in
    this regard

3. Conclusions (continued)
  • The exchange of information between all relevant
    stakeholders via the BCH is indispensable for the
    functioning of the Protocol
  • The Protocol recognizes the right of States to
    take more protective measures for biodiversity
    than what the Protocol requires as long as they
    are consistent with the objective and provisions
    of the Protocol
  • It is important that Parties clearly understand
    their rights and obligations under the Protocol,
    including the obligation to promote and
    facilitate public awareness, education and public
    participation in decision-making regarding LMOs

  • Secretariat of the CBD, Montreal
  • E-mail
  • Tel. (1 514) 288-2220
  • Web
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