Title: Religion and Science Unit Revision Notes
1Religion and Science Unit Revision Notes (Topic
3 in the examination)
2- Problem areas between Religion and Science
- The place of Earth in the solar system
- It was traditionally thought that the Sun
and planets orbited Earth and that Man was at the
centre of Gods creation. Scientists such as
Copernicus and Galileo eventually showed that
this was not true. This caused conflict with the
3- The origins of the universe
- Did God create the earth, as the Bible says
or did creation start with the Big Bang? - The origin of life on Earth
- Did God create life as the Bible describes
or did life evolve according to the process of
evolution, as Darwin described? Is a human being
an advanced ape or made in the image of God?
4- Christianity and the Creation
- I believe in one GodMaker of heaven and earth
and all things visible and invisible from the
Nicene Creed - The Jewish/Christian creation story is found in
the first three chapters of the Book of Genesis
in the Old Testament of the Bible - There are in fact two creation stories within
these three chapters - The seven day creation story, where God creates
everything, including humans on the sixth
day, and rests on the seventh. - Many Christians believe that God created
the world out of nothing (creatio ex nihilo) - According to the Genesis story God thought
that the world he had made was Good originally. - Google the details of the seven day
creation story
5- The Garden of Eden story, where Adam is created,
then Eve is fashioned from one of his ribs. - In the Garden of Eden Adam and Eve are
giving freedom, apart from not being allowed to
eat a certain fruit from a certain tree. - They eat the forbidden fruit, after Eve is
tempted by a serpent (often identified with
Satan/the devil), and are cast out of
Eden/paradise as a result. Sin has entered the
world. (Original Sin) -
6Some Christians regard the Creation stories in
the Bible as myths i.e. they might not be
literally true. If this is the case, then
religion may not be in conflict with science
after all and the Bible stories are simply a way
of teaching people lessons about God and his
purpose in creating the world Other Christians,
sometimes called creationists, insist on a
literal understanding of the Bible stories, which
brings them into apparent conflict with the
findings of science.
7Human Beings and Animals The Bible makes it clear
that animals were created first, then humans. In
the second Genesis story Adam actually gives the
animals names. According to the Bible there is
something special about human beings we are made
in the image of God, which is usually taken to
mean that we have a spirit or soul. Science tends
to see human beings as an advanced animal (for
example, Darwins Theory of Evolution). Religions
are clear that we are more than that and have,
amongst other gifts, the ability to consciously
worship God. and God created man in his image,
in the image of God he created him, male and
female he created them (Genesis 1.27)
8Humans as Stewards of the Earth Christians
believe that God gave humans responsibility on
the Earth, to look after Gods creation. They do
not own the earth and therefore should not abuse
their power, although they obviously have done
and continue to do so. Genesis tells us that God
created a good Earth, with which he was
pleased. Genesis also tells us that humans were
made to rule over the earth. How does a
responsible ruler act? In a selfish way? Or for
the benefit of every one and everything? A
steward of the earth looks after it on Gods
behalf and tries to ensure that it is handed on
to future generations in good condition. A
Christian should therefore make an effort to
combat environmental damage and depletion of
resources, so that Gods earth is not destroyed.
9- Christian responses to environmental issues
- Many (but not all) Christians would feel that
- Christians have a duty to support the work of
groups that try to help the environment, by
preserving resources and reducing pollution. - Christians should apply the standards of
Christian stewardship to their own lives, making
sure that they are setting a good personal
10- Use pp. 72-74 to answer the following questions
- What important discovery did Copernicus make?
- Why did this cause conflict with the Church?
- What does the Bible say about the creation of the
earth? - How do scientists believe creation started?
- Who was James Ussher?
- How old do scientists believe the Earth is?
- What was Charles Darwins contribution to this
area? - Why do some Christians have a problem with
Charles Darwins ideas? - Must science and religion be in conflict?