Title: Ohio Department of Natural Resources
1Ohio Department of Natural Resources Division of
Natural Areas and Preserves
Scenic Rivers Program
2Scenic Rivers Program
Program Goal To work cooperatively with local
governments, businesses, landowners, non-profit
organizations and other state and federal
agencies to facilitate the protection of Ohios
remaining high quality stream systems Scenic
River Law, ORC Section 1517.16 Local
community support
3Scenic River Designation
- Resolutions of support
- Study team and designation study
- Recommendation to the director
- Intent to designate
- Public comment period hearings
- Journal entry
4Ohios Scenic Rivers
- First program in the nation, started in 1968
- 21 designated streams totaling 722 miles
- Scenic River Watersheds drain about 13,611
square miles
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6Ohios Scenic Rivers
DESIGNATIONS Wild Scenic Recreational
RIVERS Big Little Darby Creeks Chagrin
River Conneaut Creek Grand River Kokosing
River Little Beaver Creek Little Miami
River Maumee River Olentangy River Sandusky
River Stillwater River Upper Cuyahoga 9
associated tributaries are also designated.
7Little Beaver Creek State Wild and Scenic River
8Big Darby Creek State and National Scenic River
9Maumee State Scenic and Recreational River
10Primary Protection Efforts
Protect riparian buffer and stream habitat
Reduce agricultural impacts Stream Quality
Monitoring Project Reduce impacts of
urbanization Dam Removal
11Benefits of Dam Removal
Safety Hazard drowning hydraulics
12Benefits of Dam Removal Ecological
- Negatively impact biological community
- Riverine to lacustrine loss of riffle, pool
run complex -
- Lower species diversity, tolerant spp.
predominant - Lower water quality, D.O.
- Impede natural movement of bed load
13Benefits of Dam Removal Ecological
Excessive sedimentation - substrate embeddedness
Live in interstitial spaces critical level in
food chain
Unionid Mollusks
Sediment on gill surface causes decreased food
filtering efficiency and asphyxiation
15Simple Lithophils
- need a hard, clean, rocky substrate to lay eggs
on - provide no parental care
Shorthead Redhorse Moxostoma macrolepidotum
Benthic Insectivores
- need a hard, clean, rocky substrate feed on
Hog Sucker Hypentelium nigricans
16Dam Removal Sandusky State Scenic River
- St. Johns Dam
- Constructed 1935 by Ohio-American Water Company
- Backup water supply for the city of Tiffin
- Inspection in 1999 by ONDR, Division of Water
determined the dam was unsafe - 150 feet long, 7 feet high
- Impounded 8.5 miles of Sandusky River
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20 St. Johns Dam ResearchProject Partners
- Macroinvertebrates Heidelberg, Dr. Ken
Krieger - ODNR, Division of Natural Areas and Preserves
- Bivalve Unionids OSU, Dr. Tom Watters
- Fish ODNR, Division of Wildlife, Natural Areas
and Preserves -
- Geologic mapping of stream ODNR, Division of
Geological Survey, Lake Erie Group - Qualitative Habitat Evaluation Index (QHEI) -
Ohio Department of Transportation - Additional independent research OSU, Dr. Tim
Granata - Sites monitored before after removal 5 yr.
study -
21Dam Removal St. Johns Dam Research
- Monitoring sites above and below dam
- Monitoring at Ohio Environmental Protection
Agency reference sites - Detailed mapping was completed by the ODNR
Division of Geological Survey 9/22/03 to 11/4/03 - Post dam removal mapping was performed in
7/26-27/04, 10/25/04, and 10/27-28/04
Utilized Hester-Dendy samplers per OEPA protocol
Monitoring 7 sites, some samplers lost in high
water first year
23St. Johns Research ResultsMacroinvertebrates
24St. Johns Research ResultsUnionid Bi-valves
25St. Johns Research ResultsCaptured Fish Species
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27Mexico Bridge Reach Substrate, morphology, and
rivers edge was mapped in the Summer and Fall of
2004 for comparison to mapping before the St.
Johns Dam removal in 2003
St. Johns Dam
Mexico Bridge
28Substrate Before DamRemoval (2003)
Mexico Bridge
Sandusky River
Cobble and Boulder
29Substrate After Dam Removal (2004)
Mexico Bridge
Cobble and Boulder
30Morphology BeforeDam Removal (2003)
Sandusky River
31Morphology After Dam Removal (2004)
Sandusky River
32Potential Spawning Habitat Upstream of Mexico
Bridge, Sandusky River
33Delineating Potential Spawning Habitat Before
Dam Removal (2003)
Sandusky River
34Delineating Potential Spawning Habitat After
Dam Removal (2004)
Sandusky River
35Distribution of Potential Spawning Habitat
After Dam Removal (2004)
Sandusky River
Upstream Potential Habitat
36Change in Distribution of Potential Spawning
Habitat After Dam Removal
Sandusky River
Upstream Potential Habitat (2004)
Upstream Potential Habitat (2003)
37Mexico Bridge Region Substrate Type And Acreage
Before Dam Removal (2003)
38Mexico Bridge Region Substrate Type And Acreage
After Dam Removal (2004)
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40Thank You for Your Support